Adding Documentation
The operator's documentation should be created in a file named in the operator's folder. For example, to create the documentation for the dummy operator AppendString, you have to create a new file in the following path:
The documentation is written using Markdown syntax (more information here). You can check the result by right-clicking your
operator and choosing Open Documentation, in SAP Data Hub
Modeler's UI.
You can also add a custom icon for your operator. To do this, first copy the icon to the operator's folder, for example:
Then, you have to make sure your _get_operator_info method is setting icon.png (or another file) as the iconsrc field. An example is shown below:
def _get_operator_info(self): ... return OperatorInfo(..., iconsrc="icon.png", ...)
Lastly, you must regenerate the operator's json.