Apply PA Automated (Beta)
This graph runs the Predictive Analytics (PA) Automated Aanalytics application on streaming string input data, using a model trained on the Census data set as example. It contains a dataGenerator that mocks census input data, an Automated Analytics Execution operator, a JavaScript operator to throttle the stream for demonstration purposes, and a terminal operator to display the prediction results.
Configure and Run the Graph
- Click on the Automated Analytics component.
- In the configuration panel, set the modelPath to the path to your kxen model data generated by PA Automated Analytics. NOTE: This path is relative to the blobs/ directory in the Vora VFlow repository.
- Then set modelName to a model that you want to
You can optionally set a schema description file if the data that is streamed does not match the data representation of the trained model.
- In the tool bar, select Save Graph (disk button) and then Run Graph (play button).
- The Status panel indicates if the graph is running.
- The graph runs and terminates itself on success.