WebHDFS supports Hadoop Distributed File System through the REST API. It is one of the protocols of Apache's distributed storage solution. For more information, see the official WebHDFS home page.
Many of the SAP Data Hub storage operators offer support for ADL. This documentation covers the common characteristics that this service has across operators.
- HDFS Host [Mandatory]
The IP address to the Hadoop name node.
- ID: host
- Type: string
- Default: "localhost"
- HDFS Port
he port to the Hadoop name node. If not informed, will use the protocol's default port.
- ID: port
- Type: string
- Default: "50070"
- Protocol
The protocol to be used. The WebHDFS service supports the webhdfs and webhdfs protocols. To use the rpc protocol, the HDFS service must be chosen in the configurations.
- ID: protocol
- Type: string
- Default: "rpc"
- User
The Hadoop user name.
ID: user
Type: string
Default: "hdfs"
- Root Path
The optional root path name for browsing. Starts with a slash (e.g. /MyFolder/MySubfolder).
ID: rootPath
Type: string
Default: ""
- Token
The Token to authenticate to WebHDFS with.
ID: webhdfsToken
Type: string
Default: ""
- OAuth Token
The OAuth Token to authenticate to WebHDFS with.
ID: webhdfsOAuthToken
Type: string
Default: ""
- Do As
The user to impersonate. Has to be used together with User.
ID: webhdfsDoAs
Type: string
Default: ""
The WebHDFS Permissions for files and directories are based on the POSIX model, that is, for each file or directory there are W, R and X permissions that may be attributed separately to the owner, the group associated with the file/directory and the group of remaining users.
For a finer control, it is possible to define an Access Control List, which allows the definition of specific rules for each user or each group of users.
Read File Permissions
To read a file, you need W and R permissions on the file.
Write File Permissions
To write a new file, you need W permission on the directory where the file will be created.
To append or overwrite an existing file, you need W permission on the file.
Remove File Permissions
To remove a file or directory, you need W and R permissions on the corresponding file/directory.
Move File Permissions
- Moving a File:
To move a file you need W permission on the original file and R permission on the original directory.
If the destination file already exists and is being overwritten, you need W permission on the destination file.
On the other hand, if the file does not exist on the destination, you need W permission on the destination directory.
- Moving a Directory:
To move a directory, you need W and R permissions on the original directory and W permission on every file within it.
On the destination folder, you need W permission.
If any of the files already exist at the destination and needs to be overwritten, you need the W permission on the destination file as well.
- Working directory:
Since there is no concept of a "working directory", any relative directory given to/by this service will have the root directory (/) as working directory.
Copy File Restrictions
Since the WebHDFS API does not support the copy operation, this behavior can be achieved through Read + Write.