Modeling Guide for SAP Data Hub

Go Operator and File

This graph reads content from a file and uses the go operator in order to deal with the file content and name using different go functions and message type in the Go operator.


  • Any valid file configured on readFile operator.

Configure and Run the Graph

Follow the steps below to run the example from the Data Pipeline UI:
  1. In the left panel, select the Graphs tab and navigate to com/sap/demo/goDataGenerator.
  2. In the tool bar, select Run (play button).
  3. The Status panel indicates if the graph is "running".
  4. Use the context menu Open UI of terminal (1mnu) node to open the both terminal operators.
  5. The terminal opens and you see the resulted data.

Optional Step: See the Code for Go Operator

If you would like to see the code used for the operations, use the context menu Open Script of the Go Data Generator node.