Diagnostic Information Archive Structure and Contents
The directory structure and contents of the diagnostic information archive.
Zip Archive Structure
vflow-diagnostic-<timestamp>.zip ├── version.json ├── graphs.json ├── errors.txt ├── api-pods | ├── pods.json | ├── goroutine.txt | ├── <podname> | | └── goroutine.txt | | └── logs-<podname>.txt | | └── pod-<podname>.json ├── <graph-source>-<handle> | ├── graph.json | ├── execution.json | ├── <group-instance-id> | | └── goroutine.txt | | └── heap.txt | | └── logs-<podname>.txt | | └── pod-<podname>.json ... | └── <group-instance-id> | | └── goroutine.txt | | └── heap.txt | | └── logs-<podname>.txt | | └── pod-<podname>.json ├── <graph-source>-<handle> ...
version.json File
The version.json file contains version information.
{ "version": "2.3.30-dev-0828", "buildTime": "2018-08-28T17:10:27", "gitCommit": "a1897fcf38788b55be1ce177e32bb2ebc733b28c", "platform": "linux" }
graphs.json File
The graphs.json file contains brief information about executed graphs, including files that are completed and not deleted.
[ { "src": "com.sap.demo.datagenerator", "name": "com.sap.demo.datagenerator", "executionType": "", "handle": "9a6eeb59abb242baabb110dba50ae178", "status": "running", "terminationRequested": false, "message": "Graph is currently running", "started": "2018-08-29T10:26:41Z", "updated": "2018-08-29T10:26:45Z", "stopped": "", "submitted": "2018-08-29T10:26:40Z" }, ... ]
<graph-source>-<handle> Folders
The <graph-source>-<handle> folder contains detailed information about graph execution. For example: com.sap.demo.datagenerator-9a6eeb59abb242baabb110dba50ae178.
[ { "src": "com.sap.demo.datagenerator", ... "handle": "9a6eeb59abb242baabb110dba50ae178", ... }, ...
graph.json File
The graph.json file contains the graph definition.
The content in the graph.json file is the same that you get when you export the graph from SAP Data Hub Modeler.
execution.json File
The execution.json file contains information about the execution for a graph, such as groups, pods, processes (operator instances in a graph), and so on.
{ "src": "com.sap.demo.datagenerator", "name": "com.sap.demo.datagenerator", "executionType": "stream", "handle": "9a6eeb59abb242baabb110dba50ae178", "status": "running", "terminationRequested": false, "message": "Graph is currently running", "remoteExecution": { "parent": "" }, "started": 1535538401, "updated": 1535538405, "stopped": 0, "submitted": 1535538400, "allocations": [ { "groupName": "default", "groupDescription": "", "subgraph": "default", "container": "vflow-graph-9a6eeb59abb242baabb110dba50ae178-com-sap-demo-ngq4m", "containerIp": "", "host": "minikube", "status": "running", "message": "Container is currently running", "restartCount": 0, "image": "a-docker-registry:5000/vora/vflow-node:2.3.30-dev-0829-com.sap.debian", "destination": "", "updated": "2018-08-29T10:26:40Z", "processes": [ { "id": "16d1", "componentId": "com.sap.system.jsengine", "status": "running", "processName": "datagenerator (16d1)", "engine": "main", "timestampPublished": "2018-08-29T10:26:41Z", "timestampReceived": "2018-08-29T10:26:41.031657526Z", "published": 1535538401, "received": 1535538401, "message": "Process is running", "metrics": null }, { "id": "1mnu", "componentId": "com.sap.system.terminal", "status": "running", "processName": "terminal (1mnu)", "engine": "main", "timestampPublished": "2018-08-29T10:26:41Z", "timestampReceived": "2018-08-29T10:26:41.033268298Z", "published": 1535538401, "received": 1535538401, "message": "Process is running", "metrics": null } ] } ] }
events.json File
The events.json file contains information about graph events.
For example, when a group is initialized, a group execution is started, or a graph has received a shutdown command, and so on.
<group-instance-id> Folders
For each instance of a group, a folder is created.
{ "allocations": [ { "subgraph": "<group-instance-id", ... }
logs-<pod-name>.txt File
The logs-<pod-name>.txt file contains logs for a specific pod.
pod-<pod-name>.json File
The pod-<pod-name>.json file contains a pod description.
The file content is similar to the output of a kubectl describe pod.
goroutine.txt File
The goroutine.txt file contains pprof output for a goroutine profile.
<heap.txt> File
The <heap.txt> file contains pprof output for a heap profile.
api-pod Folder
The api-pod folder contains information about vflow API nodes.
The folder structure is similar to the <group-instance-id> folder, except that it does not contain a heap.txt file (a heap.txt file can become quite large for long-running vflow API nodes, and it is rarely used).