MySQL Table Consumer
MySQL Table Consumer ( is based on system.externalOperator and uses datahub-flowagent for execution.
Configuration Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
MySQL Connection | object | The object containing the connection parameters to a MySQL database.
Source Table |
string |
MySQL table name from which the data will be read, usually in <Schema>.<TableName> format. |
Additional Session Parameters | string | Set session parameters which will affect the connection with the source. |
Fetch Size |
integer |
Indicates the number of rows that will be fetched from the source
in each request. For wide tables, smaller values are better. For
tables with fewer columns, larger values are better.
Default: 100 |
Input |
Type |
Description |
inTableNam |
string |
MySQL table name from which the data will be read, usually in <Schema>.<TableName>. |
Output |
Type |
Description |
outConfig |
string.flowagent.config |
Flowagent type port, which only Flowagent producers can consume (i.e., Flowagent File Producer). In order to get the data as string, Flowagent CSV Producer can be used as producer. |
outError |
string |
Operator error. If mapped, the operator error will be sent to the operator this port is mapped to and the graph will remain running. If not mapped, the graph will terminate with the operator error. |