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Search Properties

Property Type Required
BarcodeScanner boolean Optional
Delay integer Optional
Enabled boolean Optional
MinimumCharacterThreshold number Optional
Placeholder string Optional


Enables the use of a barcode scanner in search.

  • type: boolean


Delay represents the number of milliseconds to delay. As a user is adding or deleting characters in the search text entry field, it will be used to delay the execution of the search.

If Delay is set to zero or not defined then no delay will be used and the search will be executed as soon as the user enters the minimum character count.

If Delay is greater than zero, then the delay will be reset each time the user enters or deletes a character under the minimum character count.

  • type: integer


Enables search on the ListPicker.

  • type: boolean


The MinimumCharacterThreshold is limited to a non-negative integer number and represents the minimum number of characters required before a search is executed.

If the MinimumCharacterThreshold is zero then every character will be searched.

If MinimumCharacterThreshold is greater than 0, a minimum of Y characters will be accepted in the search field before executing the search.

  • type: number


Placeholder text for the search field of the list picker when the field is empty.

  • type: string

Use Cases

  1. Delay = 0, MinimumCharacterThreshold = 0 Result is that a search is performed on each keystroke. This is appropriate for short lists.
  2. Delay = 500, MinimumCharacterThreshold = 0 Result is a search is performed when a gap of 500ms is detected after the previous entered character. This can be appropriate for short or large lists if paging support is also available.
  3. Delay = 0, MinimumCharacterThreshold = 3 Result is a search is performed only after 3 characters are entered and immediately for any character count greater than 3.
  4. Delay = 500, MinimumCharacterThreshold = 3 Result is a search is performed only after 3 characters when a gap of 500ms is detected after the previous entered character.