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This is a container to display information about the header of an object. You can include an Object header extension cell item to display a custom extension in the Object Header container. You can add only one Object header as the first section in a table.

ObjectHeader Properties

Property Type Required Default
DataSubscriptions DataSubscriptions No
ObjectHeader object No
Visible boolean No true
_Name string No
_Type const Yes


Array of data change events to subscribe to.


  • type: object with following properties.
Property Type Required Default
BodyText string No
Description string No
DetailContentContainer DetailContentContainer No
DetailImage Image No
DetailImageIsCircular boolean No
Footnote string No
HeadlineText string Yes
StatusPosition string No Stacked
StatusImage Image No
StatusImagePosition string No Leading
StatusText string No
Subhead string No
SubstatusImage Image No
SubstatusImagePosition string No Leading
SubstatusText string No
Tags Tags No
Labels array No
KPIView KPIView No
AnalyticView object No
Target Target No
Styles object No


A body label in the additional info view.


A description label displayed in the description view.


Can only contain one extension. Can't co-exist with AnalyticView or KPIView.


An image with size of 45px x 45px in compact mode or 70px x 70px in regular mode for detail image view


If the value is True, the image is displayed in a circular shape.


A footnote label in the additional info view.


A headline label in the object name and title view.


Indicate the position of status and substatus with three layout options: stacked vertically (at the top corner of the screen), inline (below the tags), and cross-wise layout where status is at the top corner of the screen and substatus is inline below the tags. if KPIView is defined, the StatusPosition would be disregarded, and the position will always stay as inline below tags.

The value of this property must be one of the known values listed below.



A status image displayed in the status view. It’s expected to either set StatusText or StatusImage to display either one as the same position. When both are set, StatusImage would be displayed in priority.


Indicate the image position for status should be before the text or after.

The value of this property must be one of the known values listed below.



A status label displayed in the status view. It’s expected to either set StatusText or StatusImage to display either one as the same position. When both are set, StatusImage would be displayed in priority.


A sub-headline label in the object name and title view.


A substatus image displayed below status view. It’s expected to either set SubStatusText or SubStatusImage to display either one as the same position. When both are set, SubStatusImage would be displayed in priority.


Indicate the image position for substatus should be before the text or after.

The value of this property must be one of the known values listed below.



A substatus label displayed below status view. It’s expected to either set SubStatusText or SubStatusImage to display either one as the same position. When both are set, SubStatusImage would be displayed in priority.



A list of tag labels to be shown below the Tags. If the Labels has been defined, the BodyText and Footnote will be hidden.

All array items must be of the type:



An analytic content view containing either a Chart or a KPI. Can't co-exist with DetailContentContainer.

  • type: object with following properties.
Property Type Required Default
_Type string No
Chart ObjectHeaderChart No
KPI ObjectHeaderKPI No
Target Target No
OnPress ActionOrRule No


The value of this property must be one of the known values listed below.



Use only when _Type is Chart.


Use only when _Type is KPI.


Only the first record of any entity set returned by the target will be used.


Required to navigate to a full screen chart when the Analytic View is pressed.


Only the first record of any entity set returned by the target will be used.


An object of style class names to be applied on the object header properties.

  • type: object with following properties.
Property Type Required Default
ObjectHeader string No
BodyText string No
Description string No
Footnote string No
HeadlineText string No
StatusText string No
Subhead string No
SubstatusText string No
DetailImage string No
StatusImage string No
SubstatusImage string No
KPITintColor string No
KPICaption string No
KPIIcon string No
ChartTitle string No
ChartSubTitle string No
ChartTrendTitle string No
ChartTrendImage string No
ChartKPIUnit string No
ChartKPIValue string No
ChartKPIIcon string No
NoDataText string No


The string value is a style class name of ObjectHeader. iOS and Android only.


The string value is a style class name of BodyText.


The string value is a style class name of Description.


The string value is a style class name of Footnote.


The string value is a style class name of HeadlineText.


The string value is a style class name of StatusText.


The string value is a style class name of Subhead.


The string value is a style class name of SubstatusText.


The string value is a style class name of DetailImage.


The string value is a style class name of StatusImage.


The string value is a style class name of SubstatusImage.


The string value is a style class name for configuring the tint color of the KPI in Object Header.


The string value is a style class name for configuring the font-size, color and font-style of the KPI Caption Label.


The string value is a style class name for KPI icon of the KPI in Object Header.


The string value is a style class name for Chart Title. This is supported only for iOS, not for Android.


The string value is a style class name for Chart SubTitle. This is supported only for iOS, not for Android.


The string value is a style class name for Chart Trend Title. This is supported only for iOS, not for Android.


The string value is a style class name for Chart Trend Image. This is supported only for iOS, not for Android.


The string value is a style class name for KPI Unit items inside Chart. This is supported only for iOS, not for Android.


The string value is a style class name for KPI Value items inside Chart. This is supported only for iOS, not for Android.


The string value is a style class name for KPI icon inside Chart. This is supported only for iOS, not for Android.


The string value is a style class name of NoDataText inside Chart. Android only. font-typeface attribute not supported.


Set the visibility of this control.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


  • type: string


  • type: const

The value of this property must be:



  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "SectionedTablePage",
  "Caption": "Object Table Section Page",
  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader",
          "_Name": "ObjectHeader",
          "ObjectHeader": {
            "BodyText": "1000-Hamburg, MECHANIK. This is a body label, which its text can not be wrapped",
            "Description": "Temperature sensor predicts overheating failure in 4 days Urgent and needs attentions.  Temperature sensor predicts overheating failure in 4 days Urgent and needs attentions.",
            "DetailImage": "res://TestPNG.png",
            "DetailImageIsCircular": false,
            "Footnote": "Due on 12/31/16. This is a footnote label, which its text can not be wrapped",
            "HeadlineText": "Inspect Electric Pump Motor Long Job Title Example Will Wrap Max# of Lines in the HeadlineLabel",
            "StatusImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/icon_severity_medium.png",
            "Subhead": "Job 819701. This is a subheadline label, which its text can not be wrapped",
            "SubstatusText": "Medium",
            "Tags": [
                "Text": "Started",
                "Color": "red",
                "Style": "objectHeaderTagStyle1"
                "Text": "PM01",
                "Color": "#00ff00",
                "Style": "objectHeaderTagStyle2"
                "Text": "The Fourth one",
                "Style": "objectHeaderTagStyle3"
            "Labels": [
                "Text": "Label 1",
                "Image": "res://TestPNG.png",
                "ImagePosition": "Trailing",
                "Style": "objectHeaderLabelStyle1"
                "Text": "Label 2",
                "Image": "res://TestPNG.png",
                "ImagePosition": "Leading",
                "Style": "objectHeaderLabelStyle2"
            "KPIView": {
              "RightMetric": "999",
              "RightUnit": "K",
              "LeftMetric": "265",
              "LeftUnit": "M",
              "Label": "New KPIView",
              "Styles": {
                "RightMetric": "KPIViewRightMetricStyle",
                "RightUnit": "KPIViewRightUnitStyle",
                "LeftMetric": "KPIViewLeftMetricStyle",
                "LeftUnit": "KPIViewLeftUnitStyle",
                "Label": "KPIViewLabelStyle",
            "Styles": {
              "ObjectHeader": "objectHeaderBackground",
              "BodyText": "objectHeaderBody",
              "Description": "objectHeaderDescription",
              "Footnote": "objectHeaderFootnote",
              "HeadlineText": "objectHeaderHeadeline",
              "StatusText": "objectHeaderStatus",
              "Subhead": "objectHeaderSubhead",
              "SubstatusText": "objectHeaderSubstatus"

Static Object Header with KPI

  "Caption": "Static Object Header with KPI",
  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "ObjectHeader": {
            "BodyText": "BodyText",
            "Description": "Description",
            "DetailImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
            "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
            "Footnote": "Footnote",
            "HeadlineText": "HeadlineText",
            "StatusText": "High",
            "StatusImage": "res://n_icon.png",
            "Subhead": "Subhead",
            "SubstatusImage": "res://test_png.png",
            "SubstatusText": "Error",
            "Tags": [{"Text": "Tags"}],
            "AnalyticView": {
              "_Type": "KPI",
              "KPI": {
                "CaptionLabel": "20 minutes ago",
                "MetricItems": [
                        "LeadingUnit": "Temp",
                        "Value": "104",
                        "TrailingUnit": "°F"
              "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action"
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader"
      "_Name": "ObjectHeaderSection",
      "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable"
  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "StaticObjectHeaderWithKPI"

Dynamic Object Header with KPI

    "Caption": "Object Header with Dynamic KPI",
    "Controls": [
        "Sections": [
            "ObjectHeader": {
                "BodyText": "{OrderId}",
                "Description": "{OrderDescription}",
                "DetailImage": "{DetailImage}",
                "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
                "Footnote": "{OrderId}",
                "HeadlineText": "{OrderDescription}",
                "StatusText": "High",
                "StatusImage": "res://n_icon.png",
                "Subhead": "{OrderId}",
                "SubstatusImage": "res://test_png.png",
                "SubstatusText": "Error",
                "Tags": [
                  {"Text": "Tag1"},
                  {"Text": "Tag2"},
                  {"Text": "Tag3"},
                  {"Text": "Tag4"}
                "Target": {
                  "EntitySet": "MyWorkOrderHeaders",
                  "Service": "/MDKDevApp/Services/Amw.service",
                  "QueryOptions": "$top=1"
                "AnalyticView": {
                    "_Type": "KPI",
                    "KPI": {
                        "CaptionLabel": "20 minutes ago",
                        "MetricItems": [
                                "LeadingUnit": "",
                                "Value": "{CategorySales}",
                                "TrailingUnit": " sales"
                    "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action",
                    "Target": "/MDKDevApp/Rules/ReadServiceForKPIHeader.js"
            "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader"
        "_Name": "ObjectHeaderSection",
        "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable"
    "_Type": "Page",
    "_Name": "DynamicObjectHeaderWithKPI"

Static Object Header with Chart

  "Caption": "Static Object Header with Chart",
  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "ObjectHeader": {
            "BodyText": "BodyText",
            "Description": "Description",
            "DetailImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
            "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
            "Footnote": "Footnote",
            "HeadlineText": "HeadlineText",
            "StatusText": "High",
            "StatusImage": "res://n_icon.png",
            "Subhead": "Subhead",
            "SubstatusImage": "res://test_png.png",
            "SubstatusText": "Error",
            "Tags": [{"Text": "Tags"}],
            "AnalyticView": {
                "_Type": "Chart",
                "Chart": {
                    "Title": "Annual Sales",
                    "Subtitle": "For 2017-18",
                    "TrendTitle": "+ 20%",
                    "TrendColor": "#FF0000",
                    "TrendImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
                    "KPI": {
                        "MetricItems": [
                                    "LeadingUnit": "Temp",
                                    "Value": "104",
                                    "TrailingUnit": "°F"
                        "Icon": "/MDKDevApp/Images/document.png"
                    "ChartView": {
                        "ChartType": "Line",
                        "SeriesColor": ["#FF0000","#0000FF"],
                        "Data": [
                        "CategoryTitles": [
              "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action"
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader"
      "_Name": "ObjectHeaderSection",
      "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable"
  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "StaticObjectHeaderWithChart"

Dynamic Object Header with Chart

    "Caption": "Dynamic Object Header with Chart",
    "Controls": [
        "Sections": [
            "ObjectHeader": {
                "BodyText": "{OrderId}",
                "Description": "{OrderDescription}",
                "DetailImage": "{DetailImage}",
                "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
                "Footnote": "{OrderId}",
                "HeadlineText": "{OrderDescription}",
                "StatusText": "High",
                "StatusImage": "res://n_icon.png",
                "Subhead": "{OrderId}",
                "SubstatusImage": "res://test_png.png",
                "SubstatusText": "Error",
                "Tags": [
                  {"Text": "Tag1"},
                  {"Text": "Tag2"},
                  {"Text": "Tag3"},
                  {"Text": "Tag4"}
                "Target": {
                  "EntitySet": "MyWorkOrderHeaders",
                  "Service": "/MDKDevApp/Services/Amw.service",
                  "QueryOptions": "$top=1"
                "AnalyticView": {
                    "_Type": "Chart",
                    "Chart": {
                        "Title": "Annual Sales",
                        "Subtitle": "For 2017-18",
                        "TrendTitle": "+ 20%",
                        "TrendColor": "#FF0000",
                        "TrendImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
                        "KPI": {
                            "MetricItems": [
                                        "LeadingUnit": "Temp",
                                        "Value": "104",
                                        "TrailingUnit": "°F"
                            "Icon": "/MDKDevApp/Images/document.png"
                        "ChartView": {
                            "ChartType": "Line",
                            "SeriesColor": ["#FF0000","#0000FF"],
                            "Data": "{CategorySales}",
                            "CategoryTitles": "{CategoryName}"
                    "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action",
                    "Target": "/MDKDevApp/Rules/ReadServiceForChartCard.js"
            "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader"
        "_Name": "ObjectHeaderSection",
        "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable"
    "_Type": "Page",
    "_Name": "DynamicObjectHeaderWithChart"

Object Header with Styled KPI

    "Caption": "Object Header With Styled KPI",
    "Controls": [
        "Sections": [
            "ObjectHeader": {
              "BodyText": "BodyText",
              "Description": "Description",
              "DetailImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
              "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
              "Footnote": "Footnote",
              "HeadlineText": "HeadlineText",
              "StatusText": "High",
              "StatusImage": "res://n_icon.png",
              "Subhead": "Subhead",
              "SubstatusImage": "res://test_png.png",
              "SubstatusText": "Error",
              "Tags": [{"Text": "Tags"}],
              "AnalyticView": {
                "_Type": "KPI",
                "KPI":  {
                  "MetricItems": [
                          "Value": "6",
                          "TrailingUnit": "h"
                          "Value": "59",   
                          "TrailingUnit": "m"   
                          "Value": "35",
                          "TrailingUnit": "s"
                  "CaptionLabel": "Working Hours",
                  "Icon": "sap-icon://arrow-top",
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action"
              "Styles": {
                "ObjectHeader": "ObjectHeaderBackground",
                "BodyText": "ObjectHeaderBody",
                "Description": "ObjectHeaderDescription",
                "Footnote": "ObjectHeaderFootnote",
                "HeadlineText": "ObjectHeaderHeadeline",
                "StatusText": "ObjectHeaderStatus",
                "Subhead": "ObjectHeaderSubhead",
                "SubstatusText": "ObjectHeaderSubstatus",
                "KPITintColor": "ObjectHeaderKPITintColor",
                "KPICaptionStyle": "ObjectHeaderKPICaption",
                "KPIIcon": "font-icon-class"
            "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader"
        "_Name": "ObjectHeaderSection",
        "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable"
    "_Type": "Page",
    "_Name": "ObjectHeaderWithStyledKPI"

Object Header with Styled Chart

  "Caption": "Object Header with Styled Chart",
  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "ObjectHeader": {
            "BodyText": "BodyText",
            "Description": "Description",
            "DetailImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
            "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
            "Footnote": "Footnote",
            "HeadlineText": "HeadlineText",
            "StatusText": "High",
            "StatusImage": "res://n_icon.png",
            "Subhead": "Subhead",
            "SubstatusImage": "res://test_png.png",
            "SubstatusText": "Error",
            "Tags": [{"Text": "Tags"}],
            "AnalyticView": {
                "_Type": "Chart",
                "Chart": {
                    "Title": "Annual Sales",
                    "Subtitle": "For 2017-18",
                    "TrendTitle": "+ 20%",
                    "TrendColor": "#FF0000",
                    "TrendImage": "sap-icon://arrow-top",
                    "KPI": {
                        "Icon": "sap-icon://arrow-bottom",
                        "MetricItems": [
                            "LeadingUnit": "Temp",
                            "Value": "104",
                            "TrailingUnit": "°F"
                    "ChartView": {
                        "ChartType": "Line",
                        "SeriesColor": ["#FF0000","#0000FF"],
                        "Data": [
                        "CategoryTitles": [
              "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action"
            "Styles": {
              "ObjectHeader": "ObjectHeaderBackground",
              "BodyText": "ObjectHeaderBody",
              "Description": "ObjectHeaderDescription",
              "Footnote": "ObjectHeaderFootnote",
              "HeadlineText": "ObjectHeaderHeadeline",
              "StatusText": "ObjectHeaderStatus",
              "Subhead": "ObjectHeaderSubhead",
              "SubstatusText": "ObjectHeaderSubstatus",
              "ChartTitle": "ObjectHeaderChartTitle",
              "ChartSubTitle": "ObjectHeaderChartSubTitle",
              "ChartTrendTitle": "ObjectHeaderChartTrendTitle",
              "ChartKPIUnit": "ObjectHeaderChartKPIUnit",
              "ChartKPIValue": "ObjectHeaderChartKPIValue",
              "ChartKPIIcon": "font-icon-class",
              "ChartTrendImage": "font-icon-class"
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader"
      "_Name": "ObjectHeaderSection",
      "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable"
  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "ObjectHeaderWithStyledChart"

Static Object Header with Chart and a PlaceholderText when no Chart Data is available

  "Caption": "Static Object Header with Chart",
  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "ObjectHeader": {
            "BodyText": "BodyText",
            "Description": "Description",
            "DetailImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
            "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
            "Footnote": "Footnote",
            "HeadlineText": "HeadlineText",
            "StatusText": "High",
            "StatusImage": "res://n_icon.png",
            "Subhead": "Subhead",
            "SubstatusImage": "res://test_png.png",
            "SubstatusText": "Error",
            "Tags": [{"Text": "Tags"}],
            "AnalyticView": {
                "_Type": "Chart",
                "Chart": {
                    "Title": "Annual Sales",
                    "Subtitle": "For 2017-18",
                    "TrendTitle": "8h ago",
                    "TrendColor": "#FF0000",
                    "TrendImage": "/MDKDevApp/Images/objectheader.png",
                    "KPI": {
                        "MetricItems": [
                                    "LeadingUnit": "Temp",
                                    "Value": "104",
                                    "TrailingUnit": "°F"
                        "Icon": "/MDKDevApp/Images/document.png"
                    "ChartView": {
                        "ChartType": "Line",
                        "SeriesColor": ["#FF0000","#0000FF"],
                        "NoDataText":"No chart data available",
                        "CategoryTitles": [
              "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action"
            "Styles": {
              "NoDataText": "ObjectHeaderChartNoDataText"
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader"
      "_Name": "ObjectHeaderSection",
      "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable"
  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "StaticObjectHeaderWithChart"

ObjectHeader with font icon and style example

  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "SectionedTablePage",
  "Caption": "Object Table Section Page",
  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectHeader",
          "ObjectHeader": {
            "BodyText": "1000-Hamburg, MECHANIK. This is a body label, which its text can not be wrapped",
            "Description": "Temperature sensor predicts overheating failure in 4 days Urgent and needs attentions.  Temperature sensor predicts overheating failure in 4 days Urgent and needs attentions.",
            "DetailImage": "font://",
            "DetailImageIsCircular": false,
            "Footnote": "Due on 12/31/16. This is a footnote label, which its text can not be wrapped",
            "HeadlineText": "Inspect Electric Pump Motor Long Job Title Example Will Wrap Max# of Lines in the HeadlineLabel",
            "StatusImage": "font://",
            "Subhead": "Job 819701. This is a subheadline label, which its text can not be wrapped",
            "SubstatusText": "Medium",
            "SubstatusImage": "sap-icon://home",
            "Tags": [
              {"Text": "Tag1"},
              {"Text": "Tag2"},
              {"Text": "Tag3"},
              {"Text": "Tag4"}
            "Styles": {
              "ObjectHeader": "objectHeaderBackground",
              "BodyText": "objectHeaderBody",
              "Description": "objectHeaderDescription",
              "Footnote": "objectHeaderFootnote",
              "HeadlineText": "objectHeaderHeadeline",
              "StatusText": "objectHeaderStatus",
              "Subhead": "objectHeaderSubhead",
              "SubstatusText": "objectHeaderSubstatus",
              "DetailImage": "font-icon-class",
              "StatusImage": "font-icon-class",
              "SubstatusImage": "font-icon-class"
/* Object Header - Background */
.objectHeaderBackground {
  background-color: yellow; /* Not supported on WebClient.*/

/* Object Header - BodyText */
.objectHeaderBody {
  color: black;
  font-style: body; /* iOS Only */

/* Object Header - Description */
.objectHeaderDescription {
  color: black;
  font-style: body; /* iOS Only */

/* Object Header - Footnote */
.objectHeaderFootnote {
  color: black;
  font-style: body; /* iOS Only */

/* Object Header - Headline */
.objectHeaderHeadeline {
  color: black;
  font-style: body; /* iOS Only */

/* Object Header - StatusText */
.objectHeaderStatus {
  color: black;
  font-style: body; /* iOS Only */

/* Object Header - Subhead */
.objectHeaderSubhead {
  color: black;
  font-style: body; /* iOS Only */

/* Object Header - SubstatusText */
.objectHeaderSubstatus {
  color: black;
  font-style: body; /* iOS Only */

/* Object Header - ChartTitle */
/* iOS Only */
.ObjectHeaderChartTitle {
  font-size: 20;
  color: @mdkRed4;

/* Object Header - ChartSubTitle */
/* iOS Only */
.ObjectHeaderChartSubTitle {
  font-size: 14;
  color: @mdkGreen1;

/* Object Header - ChartTrendTitle */
/* iOS Only */
.ObjectHeaderChartTrendTitle {
  font-size: 10;
  color: @mdkBlue1;

/* Object Header - ChartKPIUnit */
/* iOS Only */
.ObjectHeaderChartKPIUnit {
  font-size: 14;
  color: black;

/* Object Header - ChartKPIValue */
/* iOS Only */
.ObjectHeaderChartKPIValue {
  font-size: 16;
  color: brown;

/* Object Header - ChartKPIIcon*/
/* iOS Only */
.ObjectHeaderChartKPIIcon {
  tint-color: white;
  background-color: red;

/* Object Header - Chart NoDataText */
.ObjectHeaderChartNoDataText {
  color: red;
  font-size: 10;

/* Object Header - KPI TintColor */
.ObjectHeaderKPITintColor {
  tint-color: @mdkBlue1;  /*for KPIView */
  color: @mdkBlue1;  /*for KPIProgressView */

/* For Styling of Object Header KPI Caption Label */
.ObjectHeaderKPICaption {
  font-size: 30;
  color: green; 
  font-style: body;

.font-icon-class {
  font-size: 8;
  color: red;

.objectHeaderTagStyle1 {
  font-color: green;
  background-color: yellow;
  border-color: red;

.objectHeaderTagStyle2 {
  font-color: @mdkBlue1;
  background-color: black;
  border-color: red;

.objectHeaderTagStyle3 {
  font-color: @mdkYellow1;
  background-color: white;
  border-color: green;

.objectHeaderLabelStyle1 {
  font-color: green;
  background-color: yellow;

.objectHeaderLabelStyle2 {
  font-color: @mdkBlue1;
  background-color: black;

.KPIViewRightMetricStyle {
  font-color: @mdkBlue1;
  background-color: black;

.KPIViewRightUnitStyle {
  font-color: @mdkBlue1;
  background-color: black;

.KPIViewLeftMetricStyle {
  font-color: @mdkBlue1;
  background-color: black;

.KPIViewLeftUnitStyle {
  font-color: @mdkBlue1;
  background-color: black;

.KPIViewLabelStyle {
  font-color: @mdkBlue1;
  background-color: black;  