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This control renders a Sorter FormCell to be used in a filter-options page. It allows user to choose the field to be used as sorter.

Supported only on ObjectTable, ObjectCollection, ContactCell, Data Table, Grid Table and ExtensionCollection. Please avoid to set this property as false if you intend to use FilterFeedbackBar as well.

Sorter Properties

Property Type Required Default
AllowEmptySelection boolean No true
Caption string No
FormatRule Rule No ""
HelperText string No
IsEditable boolean No true
IsVisible boolean No true
Label string No
Separator boolean No true
SortByItems complex Yes
Validation Validation No
_Name string Yes
_Type const Yes
validationProperties ValidationProperties No


Disables or enables the selection of empty value set. Please avoid to set this property as false if you intend to use FilterFeedbackBar as well.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Displays label on the control.

  • type: string


If specified, the given rule executes when a control is initialized or when a value changes.

  • type: Rule
  • default: ""


Helper text to be displayed if there is no validation view.

  • type: string


Indicates if the cell’s value may be modified.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Sets the visibility of the control.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Displays label when being displayed as selected item on filter feedback bar.

  • type: string


Sets the visibility of the separator line below the control. This property will take precedence over ControlSeparator in section and is only supported for Form Cell control in Sectioned Table and not supported in Form Cell Container.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


The items to sort by.

  • type: complex

SortByItems Value

Any following options needs to be fulfilled.

Option 1

Array type:

All items must be of the type: string

Option 2


The validation view properties.


The _Name value will also function as CustomQueryGroup to match with FastFilters in FilterFeedbackBar.

  • type: string


  • type: const

The value of this property must be:



Deprecated. Please use Validation property. The validation view properties.


With a simple fixed collection specifier

  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "FilterPage",
  "Controls": [
      "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCellContainer",
      "_Name": "FormCellContainer",
      "Sections": [
          "Controls": [{
            "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Sorter",
            "_Name": "OrderBy",
            "AllowEmptySelection": true,
            "Caption": "Sort By",
            "SortByItems": ["OrderId", "BusinessArea", "OrderType"],
            "IsEditable": true,
            "HelperText": "This is helper text",
            "Validation": {
              "Message": "This is validation view message",
              "Visible": true,
              "SeparatorVisible": true,
              "Styles": {
                "Message": "ValidationMessage",
                "ValidationView": "ValidationView"

With a complex fixed collection specifier

  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "Controls": [{
            "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Sorter",
            "_Name": "SortFilter",
            "AllowEmptySelection": false,
            "Caption": "Sort By",
            "SortByItems": [{
              "ReturnValue": "OrderId",
              "DisplayValue": "Job ID"
            }, {
              "ReturnValue": "OrderDescription",
              "DisplayValue": "Description"
            }, {
              "ReturnValue": "Priority",
              "DisplayValue": "Priority"

Sorter queries having asc/desc attribute and sorter queries with multiple attributes.

  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "Controls": [{
            "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Sorter",
            "_Name": "SortFilter",
            "AllowEmptySelection": false,
            "Caption": "Sort By",
            "SortByItems": [
                "ReturnValue": "OrderId desc",
                "DisplayValue": "OrderId Descending"
                "ReturnValue": "OrderId asc",
                "DisplayValue": "OrderId Ascending"
                "ReturnValue": "Priority ,OrderId",
                "DisplayValue": "Priority (default ascending) and then OrderId (default ascending)"
                "ReturnValue": "Priority desc ,OrderId",
                "DisplayValue": "Priority descending and then OrderId (default ascending)"
                "ReturnValue": "Priority ,OrderId desc",
                "DisplayValue": "Priority (default ascending) and then OrderId descending"
                "ReturnValue": "Priority desc ,OrderId asc",
                "DisplayValue": "Priority descending and then OrderId ascending"

Sorter Form Cell with Rule and Global support

  "Controls": [
      "Sections": [
          "Controls": [{
            "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Sorter",
            "_Name": "SortFilter",
            "AllowEmptySelection": false,
            "Caption": "Sort By",
            "SortByItems": [
                "ReturnValue": "/MDKDevApp/Globals/",
                "DisplayValue": "Descending order of BusinessArea"
                "ReturnValue": "/MDKDevApp/Rules/SorterQueries/AscendingSorterQuery.js",
                "DisplayValue": "Ascending order of OrderType"
                "ReturnValue": "/MDKDevApp/Rules/SorterQueries/DescendingSorterQuery.js",
                "DisplayValue": "Descending order of OrderType"
                "ReturnValue": "/MDKDevApp/Rules/SorterQueries/MultipleColumnSorterQuery.js",
                "DisplayValue": "Descending order of BusinessArea and then ascending order of OrderId"
// AscendingSorterQuery.js - Rule returing sorter query string
function AscendingSorterQuery() {
    return "OrderType asc";

// DescendingSorterQuery.js - Rule returing promise of sorter query string
function DescendingSorterQuery() {
    return Promise.resolve("OrderType desc");

// MultipleColumnSorterQuery.js - Rule returing promise of sorter query string with multiple attributes
export default function MultipleColumnSorterQuery() {
    return Promise.resolve("BusinessArea desc, OrderId asc");

Style Classes Definition

/* Validation view */
.ValidationView {
  background-color: #83AF9B;
  border-top-color: #ff00ee;

/* Validation message */
.ValidationMessage {
  font-size: 16;
  font-color: #0000ff;