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Interface: IClientAPI

A designer-facing interface that provides access to a context. It can be passed to rules to provide access to the context for that rule, i.e. the associated binding and UI element as well as other useful data.


Implemented by



Class Properties

Inherited Properties

Currently none inherited from the parent class(es).


Class Methods

Inherited Methods

Currently none inherited from the parent class(es).



actionResults: any

provide property for action results


binding: Object

Provide a simple property access to the binding


currentPage: any

Get the topmost page in the navigation stack


filterTypeEnum: FilterType

Returns Enum for specifying filterType in createFilterCriteria API. Has two values, Filter and Sorter.


nativescript: any



base64StringToBinary(base64: string): Promise‹any›

This method converts base64 string to binary data


Name Type Description
base64 string base64 string

Returns: Promise‹any›

a promise with a binary data once it is resolved


binaryToBase64String(binary: any): Promise‹string›

This method converts binary data to a base64 string.


Name Type Description
binary any The binary data as a Uint8Array.

Returns: Promise‹string›

a promise with a string once it is resolved


callFunction(serviceName: string, oFunction: object, headers?: Object): Promise‹any›

Invoke an OData function import. Returns a Promise which resolves to the result(if existing) of the operation


serviceName: string

service name

oFunction: object

function name

Name Type
Name string
Parameters? object

Optional headers: Object

Returns: Promise‹any›

returns a Promise which resolves to the result(if existing) of the operation


convertFilterCriteriaArrayToJSONString(filters: Array‹FilterCriteria›): string

Convert array of FilterCriteria to JSON string, user can store it and restore back later using convertJSONStringToFilterCriteriaArray().


let jsonString = clientAPI.convertFilterCriteriaArrayToJSONString(sectionedTable.filters);


Name Type Description
filters Array‹FilterCriteria array of FilterCriteria, e.g. filters of the sectioned table.

Returns: string

the JSON string


convertJSONStringToFilterCriteriaArray(jsonString: string): Array‹FilterCriteria

Convert JSON string to array of FilterCriteria, JSON string can be used the return value from convertFilterCriteriaArrayToJSONString().


sectionedTable.filters = clientAPI.convertJSONStringToFilterCriteriaArray(jsonString);


Name Type Description
jsonString string JSON string returned from convertFilterCriteriaArrayToJSONString().

Returns: Array‹FilterCriteria

the array of FilterCriteria


count(serviceName: string, entitySet: string, queryOptions?: string, headers?: Object, requestOptions?: Object): Promise‹number›

Perform a count on an entity set.


Name Type Description
serviceName string service name
entitySet string entityset name
queryOptions? string query options
headers? Object request headers
requestOptions? Object request options

Returns: Promise‹number›

returns a Promise which resolves to the result of the operation


create(serviceName: string, entitySet: string, properties: object, createLinks: ILinkSpecifierProxy[], headers?: object, requestOptions?: object): Promise‹any›

Perform an operation to create odata entity. Returns a Promise which resolves to the result of the operation.


serviceName: string

service name

entitySet: string

entityset name

properties: object

an object to sotre the propterties object with key/value pair

Name Type
key string
value any

createLinks: ILinkSpecifierProxy[]

list of readlinks

Optional headers: object

an object to sotre the header object with key/value pair

Name Type
key string
value any

Optional requestOptions: object

Name Type
key string
value any

Returns: Promise‹any›


createFilterCriteria(filterType: FilterType, name: string, caption: string, filterItems: Array‹object›, isFilterItemsComplex?: boolean, label?: any, filterItemsDisplayValue?: any): FilterCriteria

Create filter criteria for non-supported controls(except Filter & Sorter formcell) to be used in Filter page.

Example of how to get FilterType from createFilterCriteria:

let filterResult6 = clientAPI.createFilterCriteria(clientAPI.filterTypeEnum.Filter, undefined, undefined, result6, true);


Name Type Description
filterType FilterType filterTypeEnum value (Filter or Sorter).
name string Property name on which the filter is applied. If FilterCriteria is complex query, name will be used as CustomQueryGroup to match with FastFilter items in FilterFeedbackBar.
caption string Name of the control.
filterItems Array‹object› Array of display value of the filter items. Default is null.
isFilterItemsComplex? boolean True if the filterItems contains logical/lambda operators, default is false. If set to true, name and caption properties are ignored.
label? any label to be displayed beside display value when the item is being shown as selected item on filter feedback bar. Default is empty string.
filterItemsDisplayValue? any -

Returns: FilterCriteria

the created FilterCriteria


createLinkSpecifierProxy(property: string, entitySet: string, queryOptions?: string, readLink?: string): ILinkSpecifierProxy

Create LinkSpecifierProxy to be consumed by odata link action. one of queryOptions or readLink is required.


Name Type Description
property string property name
entitySet string entityset name
queryOptions? string query options
readLink? string readlink name

Returns: ILinkSpecifierProxy


deleteODataCacheImages(serviceFileName?: string, entityName?: string): any

Delete OData cache images Note: This function is for iOS & Android only


Name Type
serviceFileName? string
entityName? string

Returns: any


dismissActivityIndicator(id?: number): void

Dismiss activity indicator


Name Type Description
id? number The id of the activity indicator to be dismissed. If no id is provided, the top activity indicator will be dismissed. Using ids ensures that the right text will be shown at all times if multiple indicators can be displayed, for example due to chained actions.

Returns: void


downloadInProgressForPage(page: string): boolean

Determine if a dowload is in progress for this page


Name Type
page string

Returns: boolean

downloadInProgressForReadLink(readLink: string): boolean

Determine if a dowload is in progress for this readLink


Name Type
readLink string

Returns: boolean


evaluateTargetPath(path: string): any

Synchronously evaluate the target path and return the value from the resulting context.


Name Type Description
path string the target path to be evaluated

Returns: any

the value from the resulting context. If an element is on the context, consider that the final value. Otherwise use binding.


evaluateTargetPathForAPI(path: string): IClientAPI

SynchronouslyeEvaluate the target path and return the ClientAPI instance which encapsulates the result


Name Type Description
path string the target path to be evaluated. Cannot be undefined or empty

Returns: IClientAPI

a ClientAPI instance holding the result of target path evaluation, which can vary from a simple string to a view representation.


executeAction(actionPath: string): any

Execute an action. To ensure that the application waits for the action to complete, you must return the Promise returned by this method as the result of the rule. Not doing this may cause the action binding and pressed item to be reset before the action completes.


Name Type Description
actionPath string the action path

Returns: any


formatBase64String(base64: string, contentType: string): string

This method formats MDK base64 string with content type


Name Type Description
base64 string base64 string
contentType string base64 content type like "image/jpeg", "application/pdf"

Returns: string

formatted base64 string.


formatCurrency(value: number, currencyCode: string, customLocale?: string, customOptions?: any): string

This method is to format number into currency display format according to selected locale


Name Type Description
value number numeric value to be formatted into currency display format
currencyCode string currency code to format
customLocale? string custom locale to be used in formatting the value
customOptions? any custom options to be used in formatting the value. The available options are:
  • minimumIntegerDigits: The number of integer digits allowed as output. Default is 1 (System default).
  • minimumFractionDigits: The minimum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. Default is 0 (System default).
  • maximumFractionDigits: The maximum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. The default is managed by system default based on currency code.
  • useGrouping: Determines whether the display should show the group separator. The default is managed by system default based on currency code.

Example: {maximumFractionDigits:2,useGrouping:true}

Returns: string

formatted number in currency display format


formatDate(date: Date, customLocale?: string, customTimeZone?: string, customOptions?: any): string

This method is to format date object into locale Date string


Name Type Description
date Date date value to be formatted into locale string. Accepted values are datetime object, datetime in UTC string, timestamp number, datetimeoffset string
customLocale? string custom locale to be used in formatting the value
customTimeZone? string custom time zone to be used in formatting the value, must be a valid time zone name e.g. UTC, GMT+8, Europe/Berlin
customOptions? any custom options (in JSON object format) for formatting the value. Currently, the supported key is 'format' with the following possible value:
  • 'short'
  • 'medium'
  • 'long'
  • 'full'
Default: medium

Returns: string

formatted string


formatDatetime(date: Date, customLocale?: string, customTimeZone?: string, customOptions?: any): string

This method is to format date object into locale DateTime string


Name Type Description
date Date date value to be formatted into locale string. Accepted values are datetime object, datetime in UTC string, timestamp number, datetimeoffset string
customLocale? string custom locale to be used in formatting the value
customTimeZone? string custom time zone to be used in formatting the value, must be a valid time zone name e.g. UTC, GMT+8, Europe/Berlin
customOptions? any custom options (in JSON object format) for formatting the value. Currently, the supported key is 'format' with the following possible value:
  • 'short'
  • 'medium'
  • 'long'
  • 'full'
Default: medium (date), short (time)

Returns: string

formatted string


formatNumber(value: number, customLocale?: string, customOptions?: any): string

This method is to format number according to selected locale


Name Type Description
value number numeric value to be displayed in format according to selected locale
customLocale? string custom locale to be used in formatting the value
customOptions? any custom options to be used in formatting the value: The available options are:
  • minimumIntegerDigits: The number of integer digits allowed as output. Default is 1 (System default).
  • minimumFractionDigits: The minimum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. Default is 0 (System default).
  • maximumFractionDigits: The maximum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. Default is 2 (MDK default).
  • useGrouping: Determines whether the display should show the group separator. Default is true (MDK default).

Example: {maximumFractionDigits:2,useGrouping:true}

Returns: string

formatted number


formatPercentage(value: number, customLocale?: string, customOptions?: any): string

This method is to format number to into percent display format


Name Type Description
value number numeric value to be formatted into percent display string
customLocale? string custom locale to be used in formatting the value
customOptions? any custom options to be used in formatting the value: The available options are:
  • minimumIntegerDigits: The number of integer digits allowed as output. Default is 1 (System default).
  • minimumFractionDigits: The minimum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. Default is 0 (System default).
  • maximumFractionDigits: The maximum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. Default is 2 (MDK default).
  • useGrouping: Determines whether the display should show the group separator. Default is true (MDK default).

Example: {maximumFractionDigits:2,useGrouping:true}

Returns: string

formatted number in percentage


formatScientific(value: number, customLocale?: string, customOptions?: any): string

This method is to format scientific style number according to selected locale


Name Type Description
value number numeric value to be displayed in scientific style according to selected locale
customLocale? string custom locale to be used in formatting the value
customOptions? any custom options to be used in formatting the value: The available options are:
  • minimumIntegerDigits: The number of integer digits allowed as output. Default is 1 (System default).
  • minimumFractionDigits: The minimum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. Default is 0 (System default).
  • maximumFractionDigits: The maximum number of digits after the decimal separator allowed as output. Default is 2 (MDK default).
  • useGrouping: Determines whether the display should show the group separator. Default is true (MDK default).

Example: {maximumFractionDigits:2,useGrouping:true}

Returns: string

formatted number


formatTime(date: Date, customLocale?: string, customTimeZone?: string, customOptions?: any): string

This method is to format date object into locale Time string


Name Type Description
date Date date value to be formatted into locale string. Accepted values are datetime object, datetime in UTC string, timestamp number, datetimeoffset string
customLocale? string custom locale to be used in formatting the value
customTimeZone? string custom time zone to be used in formatting the value, must be a valid time zone name e.g. UTC, GMT+8, Europe/Berlin
customOptions? any custom options (in JSON object format) for formatting the value. Currently, the supported key is 'format' with the following possible value:
  • 'short'
  • 'medium'
  • 'long'
  • 'full'
Default: short

Returns: string

formatted string


getActionResult(key: string): IActionResult

Get the action result stored under the unique key


Name Type
key string

Returns: IActionResult


getAppClientData(): Object

Get the Application context client data object. This starts out as a plain JavaScript object, and can be modified to hold application state. Can only be accessed for IClientAPI instances associated with a UI element, because that guarantees that the data will last for the lifetime of that element.

Returns: Object


getAppEventData(): any

Get the data which provides additional information about an app event such as an app launch or exit, if such an event just occurred.

Returns: any


getAppName(): string

This method is to get the value of _Name property for client application

Returns: string


getAppearanceMode(): "light" | "dark"

This method is to get current ui appearance of the app.

Returns: "light" | "dark"

return the current ui appearance as light or dark


getAvailableThemes(): string[]

This method is to get available themes in app settings.

Returns: string[]

return available themes in array


getBindingObject(): Object

Get the current context's binding object

deprecated - use the new property getter

Returns: Object


getCircularImage(base64EncodedImageStr: string): string

Converts a regular rectangular image into a circular one.


Name Type Description
base64EncodedImageStr string The Base64 image string which is to be made circular

Returns: string

A Base64 string of the circular image, this image will be in PNG extensions.


getClientData(): Object

Get the client data object. This starts out as a plain JavaScript object, and can be modified to hold application state. Can only be accessed for IClientAPI instances associated with a UI element, because that guarantees that the data will last for the lifetime of that element.

Returns: Object


getDefinitionValue(target: string): Promise‹any›

Return the value for given definition.


Name Type Description
target string : any valid definition like rule/action path/global path/binding/targetpath etc

Returns: Promise‹any›

Promise resolution.


getGlobalDefinition(globalPath: string): any

Get the global definition for the specified path.


Name Type
globalPath string

Returns: any


getIconTextImage(iconText: string, width: number, height: number, isCircular: true, stylesJSON?: string): string

Creates an Image out of text provided in the iconText parameter. A max of two letters can be displayed on the image.


Name Type Description
iconText string Text that is to be used for generating the IconTextImage
width number Width of the image
height number Heght of the image
isCircular true Decides whether the image should be circular in shape
stylesJSON? string FontSize, FontColor and BackgroundColor can be given in a Json to style the IconTextImage

Returns: string

a Base64 string of IconTextImage.


getLanguage(): string

This method is to get current app language from app settings.

Returns: string

app language


getLogger(): LoggerManager

Get the singleton instance of the LoggerManager. If it has not been initialized yet, it throws exception

Returns: LoggerManager


getMobileServiceAppId(): string

This method is to get AppId used for application in SAP Mobile Services.

Returns: string


getMobileServiceEndpointUrl(): string

This method is to get Endpoint Url of connection to application in SAP Mobile Services

Returns: string


getODataCacheImagePath(path: string, mimeType?: string): Promise‹string›

Get OData cache image path


Name Type Description
path string OData direct image rendering path
mimeType? string Mime Type

Returns: Promise‹string›

returns OData cache image path Note: This function is for iOS & Android only


getODataProvider(serviceName: string): any

Get OData provider based on service name


Name Type
serviceName string

Returns: any


getPageDefinition(pagePath: string): any

Get Page metadata definition for the specified path as JSON object.


Name Type
pagePath string

Returns: any


getPasscodeSource(): number

Return Passcode Source.

0 - no passcode or unknown, 1 - user, 2 - device(iOS Only) 3 - Device and User (Android Only) Note: Android must always have a passcode for biometrics hence value 3

Returns: number


getPendingDownload(page: string): any

This method delgates to the AppSettingsManager to determine if the current page has a pending download.


Name Type Description
page string page object path

Returns: any

returns a pending download for this page, which is a JSON action binding associated with the download. Otherwise undefined

getReadLink(path: string): string

get the current context's binding's read link if any. Undefined otherwise


Name Type Description
path string target path into the binding

Returns: string


getRegion(): string

This method is to get current app region from app settings.

Returns: string

app region


getRegions(): Object

This method is to get list of regions

Returns: Object

list of regions in key value pairs


getSAPPassportHeaderValue(componentName: string, action: string, traceFlag: string, componentType: string, prevComponentName?: string, userId?: string): string

Get SAP Passport header value


Name Type Description
componentName string Name of the initial component. Default to 'MDK' if empty or null.
action string Name of executed action. Default to null if empty.
traceFlag string Trace configuration. Accepted values are: StatisticsOnly, SAPTraceLevel_SQL, SAPTraceLevel_Buffer, SAPTraceLevel_Enqueu, SAPTraceLevel_RFC, SAPTraceLevel_Permission, SAPTraceLevel_Free, SAPTraceLevel_CFunction, DSR_ABAP_Trace_Flag, SAPTraceLevel_ABAPCondens0, SAPTraceLevel_ABAPCondens1, DSR_SAT_Trace_Flag, ESP_WebService_Flag, HTTP, TRCLVL_None, TRCLVL_Low, TRCLVL_Medium, TRCLVL_High Default to 'TRCLVL_Low' if empty or null.
componentType string Type of initial component. Accepted values are: Undefined, Webas, J2EE, Trex, ICM, Gateway, CPIC, Browser, TraceLib, DotNet, Eclipse, PI_For_SAP_Sender, SCP_For_NonSAP_Sender, PI_For_NonSAP_Sender, SAP_Partner, SCP_Request_Or_Determination_Later_In_Processing, S4, SFSF, Ariba, Concur, Fieldglass, Callidus, BYD, IBP, Hybris, SMB_B1, Industry_Cloud, Leonardo, Customer_Checkout, CoPilot Default to 'Undefined' if empty or null.
prevComponentName? string Optional. Name of previous component. Default to initial component name if unspecified.
userId? string Optional. ID of user who is processing the request. Default to '' if unspecified.

Returns: string

it returns a string of SAP Passport value to be used on request header. The header name to be used is "SAP-PASSPORT"


getSupportedLanguages(): Object

This method is to get list of supported languages

Returns: Object

list of supported languages in key value pairs


getTheme(): string

This method is to get current theme from app settings.

Returns: string

return the current theme


getVersionInfo(): Object

Get the versions of application, definitions, SDK and etc.

Returns: Object

It returns an array of key/value pairs to represent the versions for different components. iOS app and Android app may have different components and versions.

iOS app may include the following keys:

  • "Application Version": AppVersion from MDKProject.json
  • "Definitions Version": Version from in the metadata
  • "SAPMDC": MDK client version
  • SDK libraries used by MDK:
    • "SAPCommon"
    • "SAPFiori"
    • "SAPFioriFlows"
    • "SAPFoundation"
    • "SAPOfflineOData"
    • "SAPOData"

    Android app may include the following keys:

  • "Application Version": AppVersion from MDKProject.json
  • "Definitions Version": Version from in the metadata
  • "MDKClient Version": MDK client version
  • SDK libraries used by MDK:
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""

    Web application may include the following keys:

  • "Definition Version": Version from in the metadata
  • "WebClient Version": Web client version
  • SDK libraries used by MDK:
    • "@ui5/webcomponents Version"
    • "ui5-webcomponents-mdk Version"


    initializeLogger(fileName: string, maxFileSize: number): any

    Initializes the LoggerManager and adds the log file handlers


    Name Type Description
    fileName string Optional, File name of the local log file on the client device. If missing, default value is ClientLog.txt
    maxFileSize number Optional, Max file size before rollover of the local log file on the client device. If missing, default value is 5MB

    Returns: any


    isAppInMultiUserMode(): Boolean

    Determine if the application is in single or multi user mode.

    Returns: Boolean


    isCurrentPage(pageName: string): boolean

    Determine if the page is the topmost page in the navigation stack


    Name Type
    pageName string

    Returns: boolean


    isDemoMode(): Boolean

    Determine if it is in demo mode

    Returns: Boolean


    isMediaLocal(serviceName: string, entitySet: string, readLink: string): Promise‹boolean›

    Get whether or not the media object for the supplied readLink is available in local


    Name Type Description
    serviceName string service name
    entitySet string entityset name
    readLink string readlnk name

    Returns: Promise‹boolean›

    a promise with a boolean result once it is resolved


    localizeText(key: string, dynamicParams?: string[]): string

    This method is to localize text


    Name Type Description
    key string key of text to be localized
    dynamicParams? string[] -

    Returns: string

    localized text


    read(serviceName: string, entitySet: string, properties: string[], queryOptions?: string, headers?: Object, requestOptions?: Object): Promise‹any›

    Perform a query on an entity set. Returns a Promise which resolves to the result of the operation


    Name Type Description
    serviceName string service name
    entitySet string entityset name
    properties string[] list of properties to be read
    queryOptions? string query optins
    headers? Object request headers
    requestOptions? Object request options

    Returns: Promise‹any›

    returns a Promise which resolves to the result of the operation


    sendMobileServiceRequest(path: string, params?: any): Promise‹any›

    Send a request to application's SAP Mobile Services

    deprecated - use the new sendRequest API


    Name Type
    path string
    params? any

    Returns: Promise‹any›


    sendRequest(path: string, params?: any): Promise‹IHttpResponse

    This method is to send a request to application's SAP Mobile Services.

    • Example of the params parameter:
        "method": "<string>",
        "header": {
          "<key1>": "<value as string>",
          "<key2>": "<and so on>",
        "body": "<string>"


    Name Type Description
    path string Relative path of request via application's SAP Mobile Services.
    params? any Optional. An object consists of method, header, and body of request.
    Note: If params is not given, request is set as GET method by default. See description above for the example.
  • method is string representing the HTTP Method to use. Supported value for methods are: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, CONNECT, OPTIONS, and TRACE.
  • header should be an object with key-value pair
  • body should be request body String, Binary, FormData, JSON object or Array.
  • - String should be a string converted from data payload based on the "Content-Type" set in header.
  • - Binary should be native data from file. The "Content-Type" in header should be set according to the content of file.
  • - FormData is converted to binary with the request body specially formatted as a series of "parts", separated with MIME boundaries. The "Content-Type" in header should be set to multipart/form-data.
  • - JSON Object or Array is converted to JSON string. The "Content-Type" in header is set to application/json by default.
  • Returns: Promise‹IHttpResponse

    Returns a Http response object


    setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(badge: number): any

    Set the application icon badge number Note: This function is for iOS only


    Name Type Description
    badge number the number to set

    Returns: any


    setDebugSettings(debugODataProvider: boolean, tracingEnabled: boolean, categories: string[]): void

    Client API to enable/override the DebugSettings during runtime.


    Name Type Description
    debugODataProvider boolean boolean to add console logger to the OData provider set to Debug level
    tracingEnabled boolean boolean to turns on tracing (execution time) for rules, actions, and so on.
    categories string[] array of tracing categories to enable the console log based on categories.

    Returns: void


    setLanguage(language: string): void

    This method is to set app language into app settings.


    Name Type
    language string

    Returns: void


    setRegion(region: string): void

    This method is to set app region into app settings. Different from the region specifier in SetLanguage, setRegion only affects formatting, e.g. date and number formats.


    Name Type Description
    region string region

    Returns: void


    setTheme(newTheme: string): boolean

    This method is to set app Style Sheet into app settings.


    Name Type Description
    newTheme string theme name

    Returns: boolean

    return set theme result in boolean


    showActivityIndicator(text?: string): number

    Show activity indicator with specified text


    Name Type Description
    text? string The text to be shown

    Returns: number

    The id which can be used to dismiss the activity indicator


    updateProgressBanner(message: string): void

    Update an existing progress banner with new text. If no progress banner action is in progress, no banner will be displayed.


    Name Type Description
    message string The text to show on the progress banner

    Returns: void