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This action is used to log message with the specified level.

All the properties defined under Action are applicable to this action.

LogMessage Properties

Property Type Required Default
Level enum No "Off"
Message string Yes
_Type const Yes


  • type: enum
  • default: Off

The value of this property must be one of the known values listed below.

Value Description
Off Turn off logging.
Error Enable Error logs. High level such as fatal errors.
Warn Enable Warning logs. Medium level such as potential issues or non-fatal errors. It will include Error logs too.
Info Enable Info logs. Low level such as information of lapsed event. It will include Error and Warning logs too.
Debug Enable Debug logs. Very low level such as debugging information. It will include Error, Warning and Info logs too.
Trace Enable Trace logs. Most verbose level such as tracing information. It will include Error, Warning, Info and Debug logs too. To enable logging of traces to the client log file, you must also enable TracingEnabled and configure the debug settings via the BrandedSettings.json or SetDebugSettings action. Note: Traces will be tagged as DEBUG in the log file.


Message to be logged.

  • type: string


  • type: const

The value of this property must be:


Action Result

This action does not have an ActionResult.


  "_Type": "Action.Type.Logger.LogMessage",
  "Message": "Example",
  "Level": "Error"