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This control renders a Filter FormCell to be used in a filter-options page.

Filter Properties

Property Type Required Default
AllowEmptySelection boolean No true
AllowMultipleSelection boolean No true
Caption string No
FilterProperty complex Yes
HelperText string No
IsEditable boolean No true
IsVisible boolean No true
Label string No
OnValueChange ActionOrRule No
Separator boolean No true
Styles object No
Validation Validation No
_Name string Yes
_Type const Yes
validationProperties ValidationProperties No


Disables or enables the selection of empty value set. Please avoid to set this property as false if you intend to use FilterFeedbackBar as well.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Disables or enables the selection of multiple entries. Please avoid to set this property as false if you intend to use FilterFeedbackBar as well.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Displays label on the control.

  • type: string


Property of the entities used to filter the EntitySet.

If the resolved value of this property is a string, it will be interpreted as the property name for filtering and the distinct values are retrieved from the EntitySet.

If the resolved value of this property is an object, it means a fixed subset of possible values. It has a values property of FixedCollectionSpecifier type. See below for the expected structure.

In a Filter Page, every Filter or ListPicker must have a unique FilterProperty.

  • type: complex

FilterProperty Value

One of the following conditions need to be fulfilled.

Condition 1

Property name for filtering. MDK will try to get its distinct values from the filtered EntitySet.

Caution: Using FilterProperty may lead to longer response time or memory shortage when the EntitySet rows are too large. It is advised to use Option 2 or 3 instead. In Option 2, use static values or a Rule, which returns the object of type FilterProperty to retrieve from a (small) dictionary EntitySet.


Condition 2

object with following properties:

Property Type Required
caption string No
name string Yes
values No


The display name of the property for filtering.

  • type: string


The property name for filtering.

  • type: string


Condition 3


Helper text to be displayed if there is no validation view. Specifically for Android, the helper text can only be displayed if AllowMultipleSelection is true.

  • type: string


Disables or enables interaction.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Sets the visibility of the control.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Displays label when being displayed as selected item on filter feedback bar.

  • type: string


Action or rule to be performed after value is changed.


Sets the visibility of the separator line below the control. This property will take precedence over ControlSeparator in section and is only supported for Form Cell control in Sectioned Table and not supported in Form Cell Container.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


Set styles for Background and Caption.

  • type: object with following properties.
Property Type Required Default
Background string No
Caption string No


The string value is a style class name of Background.


The string value is a style class name of Caption.


The validation view properties.


The _Name value will also function as CustomQueryGroup to match with FastFilters in FilterFeedbackBar.

  • type: string


  • type: const

The value of this property must be:



Deprecated. Please use Validation property. The validation view properties.


Filter Property - Literal

  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "FormCellsPage",
  "Value": "FormCell Example",
  "Controls": [{
    "Sections": [{
      "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCellContainer",
      "_Name": "FormCellContainer",
      "Caption": "Section1",
      "Controls": [{
        "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Filter",
        "_Name": "FilterFormCell",
        "AllowMultipleSelection": false,
        "AllowEmptySelection": false,
        "Caption": "Filter by",
        "FilterProperty": "EntityColour",
        "IsEditable": true,
        "HelperText": "This is helper text"

Filter Property - Global

  "Value": "FormCell Example",
  "Controls": [{
    "_Type": "Page",
    "_Name": "FormCellsPage",
    "Sections": [{
      "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCellContainer",
      "_Name": "FormCellContainer",
      "Caption": "Section1",
      "Controls": [{
        "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Filter",
        "_Name": "FilterFormCell",
        "AllowMultipleSelection": false,
        "AllowEmptySelection": false,
        "Caption": "Sort By",
        "Label": "Sort",
        "FilterProperty": "/AssetWorkManager/Globals/",
        "IsEditable": true

Filter Property - Rule

  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "FormCellsPage",
  "Value": "FormCell Example",
  "Controls": [{
    "Sections": [{
      "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCellContainer",
      "_Name": "FormCellContainer",
      "Caption": "Section1",
      "Controls": [{
        "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Filter",
        "_Name": "FilterFormCell",
        "AllowMultipleSelection": false,
        "AllowEmptySelection": false,
        "Caption": "Sort By",
        "FilterProperty": "/AssetWorkManager/Rules/OneTwoThree.js",
        "IsEditable": true

Filter Property - Array

  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "FormCellsPage",
  "Value": "FormCell Example",
  "Controls": [{
    "Sections": [{
      "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCellContainer",
      "_Name": "FormCellContainer",
      "Caption": "Section1",
      "Controls": [
          "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Filter",
          "_Name": "FilterFormCell",
          "AllowMultipleSelection": false,
          "AllowEmptySelection": false,
          "Caption": "By OrderId",
              "ReturnValue": "OrderId gt '4004500'",
              "DisplayValue": "OrderId > 4004500"
              "ReturnValue": "OrderId gt '4004414' and OrderId lt '4004500'",
              "DisplayValue": "OrderId > 4004414 & OrderId < 4004500"
          "IsEditable": true

Filter Property - Array with Rule and Global support

    "Caption": "Filter",
    "ActionBar": {
      "Items": [
          "Position": "left",
          "SystemItem": "Cancel",
          "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Navigation/CancelChangeSet.action"
          "Position": "right",
          "SystemItem": "Done",
          "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Navigation/ClosePage.action"
    "Result": [
    "Controls": [
        "Sections": [
            "Caption": "Filter",
            "Controls": [
                "AllowMultipleSelection": true,
                "AllowEmptySelection": true,
                "Caption": "Filter By OrderId",
                "FilterProperty": [
                        "ReturnValue": "/MDKDevApp/Globals/",
                        "DisplayValue": "OrderId > 4004760"
                        "ReturnValue": "/MDKDevApp/Rules/FilterQueries/LessThanQuery.js",
                        "DisplayValue": "OrderId < 4000060"
                        "ReturnValue": "/MDKDevApp/Rules/FilterQueries/LogicalAndQuery.js",
                        "DisplayValue": "OrderId > 4004440 and OrderId < 4004450"
                "_Name": "OrderId",
                "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Filter",
                "IsEditable": true
        "_Name": "FormCellContainer",
        "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCellContainer"
    "_Type": "Page",
    "_Name": "FilterPage"
// OneTwoThree.js - Returning a property name
function FormCellFilterItems(context) {
  return 'Priority';

// OneTwoTree.js - Returning preset values
function FormCellFilterItems(context) {
  return {
    name: 'Priority',
    values: [{
      ReturnValue: '1',
      DisplayValue: 'Low'
    }, {
      ReturnValue: '2',
      DisplayValue: 'Medium'

// LessThanQuery.js - Rule returing filter query string
function LessThanQuery() {
    return "OrderId lt '4000060'";

// LogicalAndQuery.js - Rule returning promise of filter query string 
function LogicalAndQuery() {
    return Promise.resolve("OrderId gt '4004440' and OrderId lt '4004450'");


  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "FormCellsPage",
  "Value": "FormCell Example",
  "Controls": [{
    "Sections": [{
      "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCellContainer",
      "_Name": "FormCellContainer",
      "Caption": "Section1",
      "Controls": [{
        "_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.Filter",
        "_Name": "FilterFormCell",
        "AllowMultipleSelection": false,
        "AllowEmptySelection": false,
        "Caption": "Sort by",
        "FilterProperty": "TestProperty",
        "IsEditable": true,
        "Validation": {
          "Message": "This is validation view message",
          "Visible": true,
          "SeparatorVisible": true,
          "Styles": {
            "Message": "ValidationMessage",
            "ValidationView": "ValidationView"
        "Styles": {
          "Background": "FilterFormCellBackground",
          "Caption": "FilterFormCellCaption"

Style Classes Definition

/* Filter Form Cell - Background */
.FilterFormCellBackground {
  background-color: yellow;

/* Filter Form Cell - Caption */
.FilterFormCellCaption {
  background-color: #0000FF;
  color: black;
  font-style: body;  /* iOS Only */
  font-typeface: bold;  /* Android Only */
  font-size: 16px;

/* Validation view */
.ValidationView {
  background-color: #83AF9B;
  border-top-color: #ff00ee;

/* Validation message */
.ValidationMessage {
  font-size: 16;
  font-color: #0000ff;