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The following describes the common metadata properties applicable for all action types.

Note: Failed actions are events that execute with errors. Invalid actions are events that doesn't get executed at all due to validation errors.

Action Properties

Property Type Required Default
ActionResult ActionResult No
ActivityIndicatorText string No "LOADING"
OnFailure ActionOrRule No
OnFailureLog OnActionLog No
OnInvalid ActionOrRule No
OnInvalidLog OnActionLog No
OnSuccess ActionOrRule No
OnSuccessLog OnActionLog No
ShowActivityIndicator boolean No
ValidationRule Rule No
_Type string Yes


Refer to the MDK Guide to understand what an action result is.

Contains a name that can be used to look up an action result via target path or rule. Action results are only available for subsequent actions, given that the preceding action result is stored via OnSuccess or OnFailure actions.


Text that appears on the progress bar.

  • type: string
  • default: "LOADING"


Action or rule that is executed when an action fails. PLT formatter is supported.

OnFailure Example

"$(PLT,'/MDKDevApp/Actions/PLTActions/FailureIOS.action', '/MDKDevApp/Actions/PLTActions/FailureAndroid.action')"


Messages are logged when an action fails.


Action or rule that is executed when a validation fails. PLT formatter is supported.

OnInvalid Example

"$(PLT,'/MDKDevApp/Actions/PLTActions/InvalidIOS.action', '/MDKDevApp/Actions/PLTActions/InvalidAndroid.action')"


Messages are logged when a validation fails.


Action or rule that is executed when an action is successful. PLT formatter is supported.

OnSuccess Example

"$(PLT,'/MDKDevApp/Actions/PLTActions/SuccessIOS.action', '/MDKDevApp/Actions/PLTActions/SuccessAndroid.action')"


Messages are logged when an action gets executed successful.


If set to True, every time an activity or action gets executed, a progress bar appears with the execution status, and it’ll automatically disappear once done.

  • type: boolean


Rule that validates the current action


  • type: string