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GridRowItem Properties

Property Type Required Default
BindTo enum Optional
Image Image Optional
ImageSizeAffectsRowHeight boolean Optional
LineBreakMode enum Optional "WordWrapping"
NumberOfLines integer Optional
Style string Optional
Text string Optional
TextAlignment enum Optional "Center"


The property name of an ObjectCell or ObjectHeader to which this GridRowItem is bound.

  • type: enum

The value of this property must be equal to one of the known values below.

Value Description
StatusImage This GridRowItem's Image is used as an ObjectCell or ObjectHeader's StatusImage.
SubstatusImage This GridRowItem's Image is used as an ObjectCell or ObjectHeader's SubstatusImage.
DetailImage This GridRowItem's Image is used as an ObjectCell or ObjectHeader's DetailImage.
FirstIcon This GridRowItem's Image is used as the first icon in an ObjectCell's Icons.
SecondIcon This GridRowItem's Image is used as the second icon in an ObjectCell's Icons.
ThirdIcon This GridRowItem's Image is used as the third icon in an ObjectCell's Icons.
Headline This GridRowItem's Text is used as an ObjectHeader or ObjectHeader's HeadlineText.
Subheadline This GridRowItem's Text is used as an ObjectHeader's Subhead.
Footnote This GridRowItem's Text is used as an ObjectCell or ObjectHeader's Footnote.
Status This GridRowItem's Text is used as an ObjectCell's Status or an ObjectHeader's StatusText.
Substatus This GridRowItem's Text is used for an ObjectCell or ObjectHeader's SubstatusText.



Sets whether the image size will affect the GridRow's height. This property is only supported in iOS. On Android, the image size is preset within a 40dp frame which does not affect the row height. On Web, the image size will always affect the row height.

  • type: boolean


  • type: enum
  • default: WordWrapping

The value of this property must be equal to one of the known values below.

Value Description
WordWrapping The value that indicates wrapping occurs at word boundaries, unless the word doesn't fit on a single line.
CharWrapping The value that indicates wrapping occurs before the first character that doesn't fit.
Clipping The value that indicates lines don’t extend past the edge of the text container.
TruncatingHead The value that indicates that a line displays so that the end fits in the container and an ellipsis glyph indicates the missing text at the beginning of the line.
TruncatingTail The value that indicates a line displays so that the beginning fits in the container and an ellipsis glyph indicates the missing text at the end of the line.
TruncatingMiddle The value that indicates that a line displays so that the beginning and end fit in the container and an ellipsis glyph indicates the missing text in the middle.


  • type: integer


The string value is a style class name for Text or a style class name for Image.

  • type: string


  • type: string


  • type: enum
  • default: "Center"

The value of this property must be equal to one of the known values below.

TextAlignment Known Values

Value Description