Model, ConnectionContext, DataFrame and Others |
CallPalAutoWithConnection |
ConvertToHANADataFrame |
Table |
DataManipulation |
ExecuteLogged |
GetColumns |
QuoteName |
sqlQueryMix |
S3 method for score |
ConnectionContext |
hanaml DataFrame |
ModelStorage |
Unified API for model training |
Train Control Parameters for Model Selection |
Parameter Grid Expansion |
Range values in a named list |
hanaml.sqltrace |
dbplyr2hana |
hana2dbplyr |
Auto ML |
Automatic Classification |
Make Predictions from an "hanaml.AutomaticClassification" Object |
Automatic Regression |
Make Predictions from an "hanaml.AutomaticRegression" Object |
Automatic TimeSeries |
Make Predictions from an "hanaml.AutomaticTimeSeries" Object |
Clustering |
Affinity Propagation |
Agglomerate Hierarchical Clustering |
DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) |
Make Predictions from a "DBSCAN" Object |
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) |
Make Predictions from a GaussianMixture Object |
Geometry DBSCAN |
KMeans |
Make Predictions from a "KMeans" Object |
K-Medians |
K-Medoids |
Latent Dirichlet Allocation |
Make Inference from a "LatentDirichletAllocation" Object |
Self-Organizing Maps |
Make Predictions from a "SOM" Object |
Slight Silhouette |
Spectral Clustering |
Classfication |
Area Under Curve (AUC) |
Area Under Curve with Multi-class |
Confusion Matrix |
Conditional Random Field |
Make Predictions from a "CRF" Object |
Decision Tree Model for Classficiation |
Make Predictions from a "DecisionTreeClassifier" Object |
Scoring a "DecisionTreeClassifier" model on a given dataset |
Linear Discriminant Analysis |
Make Predictions from a "DiscriminantAnalysis" Object |
Make Predictions from a "DiscriminantAnalysis" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score |
Make Projections from a "DiscriminantAnalysis" Object |
Hybrid Gradient Boosting Tree (HGBT) Classifier |
Make Predictions from a "HGBTClassifier" Object |
Make Predictions from a "HGBTClassifier" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score. |
K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) Classifier |
Make Predictions from a "KNNClassifier" Object |
Make Predictions from a "KNNClassifier" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score. |
Logistic Regression |
Make Predictions from a "LogisticRegression" Object |
Make Predictions from a "LogisticRegression" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score |
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Classifier |
Make Predictions from a "MLPClassifier" Object |
Make Predictions from an "MLPClassifier" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score. |
Naive Bayes |
Make Predictions from a "NaiveBayes" Object |
Make Predictions from a "NaiveBayes" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score. |
One Class SVM |
Make Predictions from a "OneClassSVM" Object |
Online Multi Logistic Regression |
Make Predictions from a "OnlineMultiLogisticRegression" Object |
Random Decision Trees for Classification |
Make Predictions from a "RDTClassifier" Object |
Make Predictions from a "RDTClassifier" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score |
Support Vector Classification (SVC) |
Make Predictions from a "SVC" Object |
Make Predictions from an "SVC" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score |
Support Vector Ranking |
Make Predictions from a "SVRanking" Object |
Regression |
Cox Proportional Hazard Model |
Make Predictions from a "CoxProportionalHazard" Object |
Decision Tree Model for Regression |
Make Predictions from a "DecisionTreeRegressor" Object |
Scoring a "DecisionTreeRegressor" model on a given dataset |
Exponential Regression |
Make Predictions from a "ExponentialRegression" Object |
Make Predictions from a "ExponentialRegression" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score |
Bi-variate Geometric Regression |
Make Predictions from a "GeometricRegression" Object |
Make Predictions from a "GeometricRegression" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score |
Generalized Linear Model |
Make Predictions from a "GLM" Object |
Make Predictions from a "GLM" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score. |
Hybrid Gradient Boosting Tree (HGBT) Regressor |
Make Predictions from an "HGBTRegressor" Object |
Make Predictions from a "HGBTRegressor" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score. |
K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) Regressor |
Make Predictions from a "KNNRegressor" Object |
Make Predictions from a "KNNRegressor" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score. |
Linear Regression |
Make Predictions from a "LinearRegression" Object |
Bi-variate Natural Logarithmic Regression |
Make Predictions from a "LogarithmicRegression" Object |
Make Predictions from a "LogarithmicRegression" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score |
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Regressor |
Make Predictions from a "MLPRegressor" Object |
Make Predictions from a "MLPRegressor" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score. |
Online Linear Regression |
Make Predictions from a "OnlineLinearRegression" Object |
Make Predictions from a "OnlineLinearRegression" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score. |
Polynomial Regression |
Make Predictions from a "PolynomialRegression" Object |
Make Predictions from a "PolynomialRegression" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score |
Online Multi Logistic Regression |
Make Predictions from a "OnlineMultiLogisticRegression" Object |
Make Predictions from an "OnlineMultiLogisticRegression" Object using labeled dataset and return the accuracy score |
Random Decision Trees for Regression |
Make Predictions from a "RDTRegressor" Object |
Make Predictions from a "RDTRegressor" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score |
Support Vector Regression (SVR) |
Make Predictions from a "SVR" Object |
Make Predictions from a "SVR" Object using labeled dataset and return the R2 score |
Association |
Apriori |
Lite Apriori |
FP-Growth |
K-Optimal Rule Discovery (KORD) |
Sequential Pattern Mining (SPM) |
Time Series |
Accuracy Measure |
Additive Model Forecast |
Make Predictions from a "hanaml.AdditiveModelForecast" Object |
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average(ARIMA) |
Make Predictions from a "hanaml.ARIMA" Object |
Auto Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average |
Make Predictions from a "hanaml.AutoARIMA" Object |
Auto Exponential Smoothing |
Bayesian Change-point Detection |
Brown Exponential Smoothing |
BSTS Predict |
Change-point Detection |
Correlation |
Croston |
Generic Dynamic Time Warping |
Discrete wavelet transform. |
Inverse discrete wavelet transform. |
Fast Dynamic Time Warping |
Fast Fourier Transform |
GARCH Predict |
Linear Regression with Damped Trend and Seasonal Adjust |
Hierarchical Forecast |
Intermittent Time-Series Forecast |
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) |
LSTM Predict |
Gated Recurrent Units(GRU) based Encoder-Decoder Model with Attention Mechanism |
GRU Attention Predict |
Single Exponential Smoothing |
Double Exponential Smoothing |
Triple Exponential Smoothing |
Seasonality Test |
Trend Test |
White Noise Test |
Discrete wavelet packet transform. |
Inverse discrete wavelet packet transform. |
Online ARIMA |
Make Predictions from an "OnlineARIMA" Object |
Vector AutoregRessive Moving Average |
Make Predictions from a "VectorARIMA" Object |
Croston TSB |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test |
time series outlier detection algorithm |
Stationarity Test |
Periodogram |
Time Series Transform based on a ROCKET Model |
Make Predictions from a "LTSF" Object |
Time Series Classification |
Time Series Predict based on a "ClassificationTS" Model |
Prepocessing |
Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CATPCA) |
Data projection from a "CATPCA" Object |
Discretize |
Make Transformation from a "Discretize" Object |
Inter-Quartile Range |
Imputer |
Make Transformation from an "Imputer" Object |
Isolation Forest |
Make Predictions from a "hanaml.IsolationForest" Object |
Multi-Dimensional Scaling |
Partition |
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) |
Make Projection from a "PCA" Object |
Feature Normalizer |
Make Transform from a "FeatureNormalizer" Object |
Feature Selection |
Sampling |
Variance Test |
Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique |
SMOTETomek |
Tomek's links |
Markov chain Monte Carlo |
Time-series Missing Value Handling |
Time-series Missing Value Handling using Model |
Statistics |
One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) |
Oneway Repeated Analysis of variance (ANOVA) |
Chi-squared Goodness-of-fit(GoF) |
Chi-squared test of Independence |
Cumulative Distribution Function |
Condition Index |
Distribution Fitting |
Distribution Quantile |
Entropy |
Equal Variance Test |
Factor Analysis |
Grubbs' Test for Outliers |
Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis |
Computes covariance matrix |
Computes correlation matrix using Pearsonr |
One-Sample Median Test |
One Sample T-Test |
Independent sample TTest |
Paired sample TTest |
Univariate Analysis |
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test |
Multinomial Distribution |
Bernoulli Distribution Sampling |
Beta Distribution Sampling |
binomial Distribution Sampling |
Cauchy Distribution Sampling |
Chisquared Distribution Sampling |
Exponential Distribution Sampling |
Gumbel Distribution Sampling |
fisher.f Distribution Sampling |
Gamma Distribution Sampling |
Geometric Distribution Sampling |
Lognormal Distribution Sampling |
negative.binomial Distribution Sampling |
Normal Distribution Sampling |
PERT Distribution Sampling |
Poisson Distribution Sampling |
Student's t Distribution Sampling |
Uniform Distribution Sampling |
weibull Distribution Sampling |
Kernel Density Estimation |
apply Kernel Density Estimation analysis |
Social Network Analysis |
Link Prediction |
Page Rank |
Recommender System |
Alternating Least Squares |
Make Predictions from an "ALS" Object |
Factorized Polynomial Regression Models |
Make Predictions from an "FRM" Object |
Field-Aware Factorization Machine for classification |
Make Predictions from an "FFMClassifier" Object |
Field-Aware Factorization Machine for regression |
Make Predictions from an "FFMRegressor" Object |
Field-Aware Factorization Machine for Ranking |
Make Predictions from an "FFMRanker" Object |
Miscellaneous |
ABC Analysis |
T-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding |
Weighted Score Table |
Unified Interface |
Unified Classficiation |
Make Predictions from an "UnifiedClassification" Object |
Scoring from a "UnifiedClassification" object. |
Unified Regression |
Make Predictions from an "UnifiedRegression" Object |
Scoring on labeled dataset from a "UnifiedRegression" object |
Unified Clustering |
Make Predictions from a "UnifiedClustering" Object |
Unified Exponential Smoothing |
Visualization |
M4 Sampling |
Text Mining |
Get.Related.Doc |
Get.Related.Term |
Get.Relevant.Doc |
Get.Relevant.Term |
Get.Suggested.Term |
Text.Classification |
Text.Collector |
Text.TFIDF |
TF.Analysis |