hanaml.UnifiedClassification is an R wrapper for SAP HANA PAL Unified Classification.

  data = NULL,
  func = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  purpose = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  partition.method = NULL,
  stratified.column = NULL,
  partition.random.state = NULL,
  training.percent = NULL,
  training.size = NULL,
  ntiles = NULL,
  categorical.variable = NULL,
  output.partition.result = NULL,
  background.size = NULL,
  background.random.state = NULL,
  impute = FALSE,
  strategy = NULL,
  strategy.by.col = NULL,
  als.factors = NULL,
  als.lambda = NULL,
  als.maxit = NULL,
  als.randomstate = NULL,
  als.exit.threshold = NULL,
  als.exit.interval = NULL,
  als.linsolver = NULL,
  als.cg.maxit = NULL,
  als.centering = NULL,
  als.scaling = NULL,
  c = NULL,
  massive = FALSE,
  group.key = NULL,
  group.params = NULL,



DataFrame containting the data.


The functionality for unified classification.
Valid values are as follows:
"DecisionTree", "RandomDecisionTrees", "HGBT", "LogisticRegression", "NaiveBayes", "SVM", "MLP".


character, optional
Name of the ID column. If not provided, the data is assumed to have no ID column.
No default value.


character of list of characters, optional
Name of feature columns.
If not provided, it defaults all non-key, non-label columns of data.


character, optional
Name of the column which specifies the dependent variable.
If not specified, defaults to the last non-purpose column.


character, optional
Name of the column which specifies user-defined data partition.
Mandatory if partition.method is "user.defined".


formula type, optional
Formula to be used for model generation. format = label~<feature_list> e.g.: formula=CATEGORY~V1+V2+V3
You can either give the formula, or a feature and label combination, but do not provide both.
Defaults to NULL.


character, optional
Specified the method for partitioning the training data.
Valid options include: "no", "user.defined", "stratified".
Defaults to "no" if not specified (i.e. no data partition).


character, optional
Specifies the name of the column used for stratified partition.
Mandatory when partition.method is set to "stratified".


character, optional
Specifies the random seed for stratified partition. Defaults to 0(system time).


numeric, optional
Specifies the percentage of data used for training.
Defaults to 0.8.


integer, optional
Specifies the number of samples in data used for training.
If training.percent is set, then this parameter has no effect.


integer, optional
Used to control the population tiles in metrics output.
The validation value should be at least 1 and no larger than the row size of the validation data. For AUC, this parameter means the maximum tiles.
The value should be at least 1 and no larger than the row size of the input data.
If the row size of data for metrics evaluation is less than 20, the default value is 1; otherwise it is 20.


logical, optional
Controls whether to output the partition result of data or not.
Defaults to FALSE.


integer, optional
Specifies the row size of background data.
It should not be larger than the row size of data. Valid only for the following cases:

  • func is "NaiveBayes", "SVM", or "MLP";

  • func is "LogisticRegression" and multi.class is TRUE.

Defaults to 0.


integer, optional
Specifies the seed for random number generator in the background sampling.

  • 0: Uses the current time (in second) as seed.

  • Others: Uses the specified value as seed.

Defaults to 0.


logical, optional
Specifies whether or not to handle missing values in the data for scoring.
Defaults to FALSE.


character, optional
Specifies the overall imputation strategy for the input scoring data.

  • "non" : No imputation for all columns.

  • "most_frequent.mean" : Replacing missing values in any categorical column by its most frequently observed value, and missing values in any numerical column by its mean.

  • 'most_frequent.median' : Replacing missing values in any categorical column by its most frequently observed value, and missing values in any numerical column by its median.

  • "most_frequent.median" : Replacing missing values in any categorical column by its most frequently observed value, and missing values in all numerical columns by zeros.

  • "most_frequent.zero" : Replacing missing values in any categorical column by its most frequently observed value, and filling the missing values in all numerical columns via a matrix completion technique called alternating least squares.

  • "most_frequent.als": For numerical columns, fills each missing value by the value imputed by a matrix completion model trained using alternating least squares method; for categorical columns, fills all missing values with the most frequent value.

  • 'delete' : Delete all rows with missing values.

Valid only when impute is TRUE.
Defaults to 'most_frequent.mean'.


list, optional
Specifies the imputation strategy for a set of columns, which overrides the overall strategy for data imputation.
Elements of this list must be named. The names must be column names, while each value should either be the imputation strategy applied to that column, or the replacement for all missing values within that column.
Valid column imputation strategies are listed as follows:
"mean", "median", "als", "non", "delete", "most_frequent".
The first five strategies are applicable to numerical columns, while the final three strategies are applicable to categorical columns.
An illustrative example:
stragegy.by.col = list(V1 = 0, V5 = "median"), which mean for column V1, all missing values shall be replaced by constant 0; while for column V5, all missing values shall be by replaced by the median of all available values in that column.
No default value.


integer, optional
Length of factor vectors in the ALS model.
It should be less than the number of numerical columns, so that the imputation results would be meaningful.
Defaults to 3.


double, optional
L2 regularization applied to the factors in the ALS model. Should be non-negative.
Defaults to 0.01.


integer, optional
Specifies the maximum number of iterations for cg algorithm. Invoked only when the 'cg' is the chosen linear system solver for ALS.
Defaults to 3.


integer, optional
Specifies the seed of the random number generator used in the training of ALS model.
0 means to use the current time as the seed and Others number is to use the specified value as the seed.
Defaults to 0.


double, optional
Specify a value for stopping the training of ALS model. If the improvement of the cost function of the ALS model is less than this value between consecutive checks, then the training process will exit.
0 means there is no checking of the objective value when running the algorithms, and it stops till the maximum number of iterations has been reached.
Defaults to 0.


integer, optional
Specify the number of iterations between consecutive checking of cost functions for the ALS model, so that one can see if the pre-specified exit.threshold is reached.
Defaults to 5.


c('cholesky', 'cg'), optional
Linear system solver for the ALS model.

  • 'cholesky' is usually much faster

  • 'cg' is recommended when als.factors is large.

Defaults to 'cholesky'.


logical, optional
Whether to center the data by column before training the ALS model.
Defaults to TRUE.


logical, optional
Whether to scale the data by column before training the ALS model.
Defaults to TRUE.


double, optional
Trade-off between training error and margin for SVM Classification.
Valid only when func is "SVM".
Must be positive.
Defaults to 100.


logical, optional
Specifies whether or not to use massive mode.
For parameter setting in massive mode, you could use both group.params (please see the example below) or the original parameters. Using original parameters will apply for all groups. However, if you define some parameters of a group, the value of all original parameter setting will be not applicable to such group.
An example is as follows:

 > muc <- hanaml.UnifiedClassification(func='randomdecisiontrees',

In this example, as 'background.size=4' is set in group.params for Group_1, parameter setting of 'impute=TRUE' is not applicable to Group_1.
Defaults to FALSE.


character, optional
The column of group key. The data type can be INT or NVARCHAR/VARCHAR. If data type is INT, only parameters set in the group.params are valid. This parameter is only valid when massive is TRUE.
Defaults to the first column of data if group.key is not provided.


list, optional
If the massive mode is activated (massive=TRUE), input data shall be divided into different groups with different parameters applied.
An example is as follows:

 > muc <- hanaml.UnifiedClassification(func='randomdecisiontrees',
                                       group.params= list("Group_1"=list(background.size=4),
 > res <- predict(muc,
                  group.params= list("Group_1"=list(impute=TRUE))

Valid only when massive is TRUE and defaults to NULL.


Specifies other parameters for training a classification model with the functionality specified in func.
Please see the documentation of corresponding functions for more detail.
hanaml.DecisionTreeClassifier, hanaml.RDTClassifier, hanaml.MLPClassifier, hanaml.HGBTClassifier, hanaml.NaiveBayes, hanaml.LogisticRegression, hanaml.SVC However, some parameters are disabled. The disable parameters are listed as follows:

  • DecisionTree: output.rules, output.confusion.matrix

  • RDT: calculate.oob

  • MLP: functionality

  • HGBT: calculate.importance, calculate.cm

  • LogisticRegression: pmml.exportNote that for Multi-class Logistic Regression, the meaning of Parameter json.export has changed, where FALSE means to export multiple linear regression model in PMML and TRUE remains to export model in JSON.


Returns an R6 object of class "UnifiedClassification" with the following attributes and methods:


model: DataFrame

  • ROW_INDEX - model row index

  • PART_INDEX - data partition index

  • MODEL_CONTENT - model content

importance: DataFrame

  • VARIABLE_NAME - Independent variable name

  • IMPORTANCE - Variable importance

optimal.param: DataFrame

  • PARM_NAME - parameter name

  • INT_VALUE - integer value

  • DOUBLE_VALUE - double value

  • STRING_VALUE - character value

statistics: DataFrame

  • STAT_NAME - Statistics name

  • STAT_VALUE - Statistics value

confusion.matrix: DataFrame

  • ACTUAL_CLASS - The actual class name

  • PREDICTED_CLASS - The predicted class name

  • COUNT - Number of records

metrics: DataFrame

  • NAME - Metric name

  • X - X value

  • Y - Y value

error.msg: DataFrame
Error message and only valid if massive is TRUE when create an instance.


CreateModelState(model=NULL, algorithm=NULL, func=NULL, state.description="ModelState", force=FALSE)


  > udtc <- hanaml.UnifiedClassification(data=df, func="DecisionTree")
  > udtc$CreateModelState()


  • model: DataFrame
    DataFrame containing the model for parsing.
    Defaults to self$model.

  • algorithm: character
    Specifies the PAL algorithm associated with model.
    Defaults to self$pal.algorithm.

  • func: character
    Specifies the functionality for Unified Classification/Regression.
    Valid only for object instance of R6Class "UnifiedClassification" or "UnifiedRegression".
    Defaults to self$func.

  • state.description: character
    A summary string for the generated model state.
    Defaults to "ModelState".

  • force: logical
    Specifies whether or not the replace existing state for model.
    Defaults to FALSE.

After calling this method, an attribute state that contains the parsed info for model shall be assigned to the corresponding R6 object.


Assuming we have trained a hanaml model and created its model state, like the following:

  > udtc <- hanaml.UnifiedClassification(data=df, func="DecisionTree")
  > udtc$CreateModelState()

After using the model state for real-time scoring, we can delete the state by calling:

  > udtc$DelateModelState()


  • state: DataFrame
    DataFrame containing the state info.
    Defaults to self$state.

After calling this method, the specified model state shall be cleaned up and associated memory be released.


Input data:

> df.fit.dt$Collect()
1     Sunny   75       70   Yes        Play       1
2     Sunny   80       90   Yes Do not Play       1
3     Sunny   85       91    No Do not Play       1
4     Sunny   72       95    No Do not Play       2
5     Sunny   73       70    No        Play       1
6  Overcast   72       90   Yes        Play       1
7  Overcast   83       78    No        Play       1
8  Overcast   64       65   Yes        Play       1
9  Overcast   81       75    No        Play       2
10     Rain   71       80   Yes Do not Play       1
11     Rain   65       70   Yes Do not Play       1
12     Rain   75       80    No        Play       1
13     Rain   68       80    No        Play       1
14     Rain   70       96    No        Play       2

> uc.dt <- hanaml.UnifiedClassification(func="DecisionTree",
                                                    "Do not Play"=0.5),
                                        parameter.values=list(split.threshold=c(1e-3 , 1e-4, 1e-5)))


> uc.dt$statistics
1        AUC 0.6666666666666666        <NA>
2     RECALL                  0 Do not Play
3  PRECISION                  0 Do not Play
4   F1_SCORE                  0 Do not Play
5    SUPPORT                  1 Do not Play
6     RECALL                  1        Play
7  PRECISION 0.6666666666666666        Play
8   F1_SCORE                0.8        Play
9    SUPPORT                  2        Play
10  ACCURACY 0.6666666666666666        <NA>
11     KAPPA                  0        <NA>