What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.17.240111
Bug Fixed:
- Resolved the issue preventing the use of a generic function
‘CallPalAutoWithConnection’ to call native PAL SQL Procedure.
- Rectified the ‘evaluation.metric’ check failure that occurred when
‘family’ was set to ordinal in ‘hanaml.GLM’.
- Corrected the precompute parameters check in massive mode for
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.17.231018
- Enhanced the support of data type of DECIMAL.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed the type check issue of pmml.export in
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.17.230615
New Functions:
- Added a new function hanaml.ROCKET.
- Added a new function hanaml.ClassificationTS for time series
- Enhanced precalculated/precomputed distances Matrix input for
KMedoid in hanaml.UnifiedClustering.
- Enabled interval prediction for Linear Regression, GLM and Random
Decision Trees in UnifiedRegression.
- Added SPEC as a new accuracy measure for time-series
- Enhanced auto-ml with reason code and successive halving.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.16.230316
New Functions:
- Added a new function hanaml.Periodogram.
- Added a Long-Term Series Forecasting method hanaml.LTSF.
- Added a new function hanaml.AutomaticTimeSeries.
- Enhanced hanaml.OutlierDetectionTS with new outlier.method
“isolationforest”, “dbscan”.
- Enhanced hanaml.UnifiedClustering with Massive mode.
- Enhanced SVM and MLP in Unified Regression with sha/hyperband
- Enhanced automl with new parameter model.table.name to define the
table name
- Enabled sha/hyperband param select for NB, MLP, FRM and ALS.
- Enhanced HGBT in Unified Classification with early stop
Bug Fixed:
- Correction for warn suppression in DataFrame Collect.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.15.221216
New Functions:
- Added time series outlier detection called
- Added Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test called hanaml.KsTest.
- Added time series imputation called hanaml.ImputeTS.
- Enhanced text mining with French and Russian support.
- Enhanced JSON model format support in hanaml.LogisticRegression and
- Ehhanced hanaml.Correlation with confidence interval
- Enhanced the support of pre-defined period setting in
hanaml.SeasonalDecompose with a new parameter ‘periods’.
- Enhanced HGBT, KNN, SVM and MLR with Successive halving.
- Enhanced auto-ml with multiple config_dict templates.
- Enhanced multi-class LogisticRegression with AFL state.
API Changes:
- Added a parameter “json.export” in hanaml.LogisticRegression and
hanaml.LinearRegression for exporting model in JSON format.
- Added new parameters “calculate.confint”, “alpha”, “bartlett” in
hanaml.Correlation for confidence interval calculation.
- Added a parameter ‘periods’ in hanaml.SeasonalDecompose.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.14.220918
New Functions:
- Added Stationarity Test called hanaml.StationarityTest.
- Added AutoML called hanaml.AutomaticClassification and
- Added Croston TSB method.
- Enhanced missing value handling in hanaml.UnifiedClassification and
- Enhanced hanaml.UnifiedClassification and hanaml.UnifiedRegression
with Massive mode.
- Enhanced additive model forecst, ARIMA, AutoARIMA with massive
- Enhanced garch to support more model types.
- Enhanced text mining with Spanish language.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed null data check in isolation forest.
- Fixed parameter mapping error in UnifiedClassification.
- Fixed the bug for parsing ‘c’ param in svm for unified
- Fixed the incompatibleness between afl state enabling and
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.13.220511
New Functions:
- Added Isolation Forest called hanaml.IsolationForest.
- Added AFL state in unified API.
- Enhanced hanaml.WhiteNoiseTest with a new parameter “model.df” to
specify the degrees of freedom occuppied by a model.
- Enhanced HGBT with more loss functions.
- Enhanced discrete wavelet transform with threshold method and
- Enhanced text mining with German support.
- Enhanced expalinability in mechanism LSTM/ATTENTION.
API Changes:
- Added a new parameter “model.df” in hanaml.WhiteNoiseTest for
selecting the degree of freedom.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.12.220325
New Functions:
- Added PCA categorical support.
- Added Bayesian Structured Time Series(BSTS) forecast.
- Added Feature Selection.
- Added Continous HybridGradientBoostingTrees.
- Added pivot in dataframe.
- Supports Explainer in hanaml.ARIMA and hanaml.AutoARIMA.
- Supports Explainer in hanaml.AdditiveModelForecast.
- Supports warm start mode in hanaml.HGBTClassifier and
- Supports data compression for discrete wavelet transform and wavelet
packet transform.
- Supports feature-wise explain mode in hanaml.GRUAttention.
- Supports more types of objective functions in hanaml.HGBT.
- Supports reference column and ordering as inputs when adding an ID
column for DataFrame.
- Supports precomputed affinity in
- Supports window in hanaml.FFT.
API Changes:
- Added a new parameter “background.size” in hanaml.ARIMA and
AutoARIMA for generating explainer in predict.ARIMA and
- Added new parameters “show.explainer”, “thread.ratio”,
“top.k.attributions”, “trend.mod”, “trend.width”, “seasonal.width” in
predict.ARIMA and predict.AutoARIMA.
- Added new parameters “show.explainer”, “decompose.seasonality”,
“decompose.holiday” in predict.AdditiveModelForecast.
- Added new parameters “model” and “warm.start” in
hanaml.HGBTClassifier and hanaml.HGBTRegressor to support warm start
- Added new parameters “compression”, “method”, “threshold” and
“level.thresholds”(only valid for hanaml.DWT) in hanaml.DWT and
- Added new parameter “explain.mode” in hanaml.GRUAttention.
- Added new parameters “ref.col” and “order” for the AddID() function
in DataFrame.
- Added new parameters “window”, “window.start”, “window.length”,
“alpha”, “beta”, “attenuation”, “flattop.mode”, “flattop.precision” and
“tukey.r” in hanaml.FFT.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed the bug of inconsistent mappings of solvers between logistic
regression and multi-class logistic regression.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.11.211211
New Functions:
- Added unifed exponential smoothing.
- Added GARCH.
- Added spectral clustering.
- Added LSTM and attention.
- Added generic DTW.
- Added wavelet transforms.
- Supports more distributions in MCMC.
API Changes:
- Added categorical support in SMOTE/SMOTETomek.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.10.210918
New Functions:
- TextMining : TF.Analysis, Text.Classification, Get.Related.Doc,
Get.Relevant.Doc, Get.Related.Term, Get.Relevant.Term,
Get.Suggested.Term, Text.Collector, Text.TFIDF.
- New function hanaml.OnlineLinearRegression(), an online version of
linear regression.
- New function hanaml.OnlineMultiLogisticRegression(), an online
version of multi logistic regression.
- New Bayesian Change-Point Detection function hanaml.BCPD().
- Categorical feature support in AdditiveModelForecast().
- Supports SAP HANA Data Lake in ModelStorage.
API Changes:
- Added a new parameter
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.9.210619
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed missing default value of parameter ‘cols’ in
hanaml.CovarianceMatrix and hanaml.PearsonrMatrix.
- Fixed missing schema setting issue in hanaml.ConvertToHANADataFrame
using JDBC methods to write the HANA table.
- Fixed lowercase error of ACCURACY_MEASURE spelling.
- Fixed the corrected the value of param intercept in linear
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.8.210321
Version 2.8.210321 supports SAP HANA SPS05 and
New Functions:
- Added tbl() to support dbplyr
- Added hana2dbplyr() and dbplyr2hana() to subpport dbplyr
- New Unified functions: hanaml.UnifiedRegression,
- New Markov Chain Monte Carlo function: hanaml.mcmc.
- New ‘hana.version’ function is provided by
- New function hanaml.OnlineARIMA.
- New function hanaml.VectorARIMA.
- New function hanaml.sqltrace.
API Changes:
- hanaml.KMeans with two added parameters ‘use.fast.library’ and
- Added a parameter ‘distance.level’ in hanaml.UnifiedClustering when
‘func’ is AgglomerateHierarchicalClustering and DBSCAN. Please refer to
documentation for details.
- Added a parameter ‘range.penalty’ in hanaml.CPD.
- Provides more methods of ‘decomposition’ in various regression
functions, please refer to the documentation of the specific
- Added a parameter ‘key’ in prediction() function of hanaml.ARIMA and
- Added 2 parameters ‘min.measure’, ‘max.consequent’ in
- Added a parameter ‘output.threshold’ in hanaml.AUC to enable the
output of threshold values in roc table.
- Removed RODBC dependency.
- Improved the data upload in ConvertToHANADataFrame() for odbc and
jdbc connection.
- Enhanced hanaml.UnifiedClustering to support ‘distance.level’ in
AgglomerateHierarchicalClustering and DBSCAN functions. Please refer to
the documentation for details.
- Enhanced the speed of data import functionality when odbc is
- Enhanced the validation of types of parameters.
- Enhanced the parameter check of season.start and allow.linear in
- Enhanced the model storage for hanaml.ARIMA, hanaml.AutoARIMA,
hanaml.VectorARIMA and hanaml.OnlineARIMA.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed the displacement of parameter ‘dispersion’ in hanaml.CPD.
- Fixed the displacement of parameter ‘category.weight’ in
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.6.201016
API Changes:
- HybridGradientBoostingClassifier, HybridGradientBoostingRegressor:
added a parameter ‘adopt_prior’ to indicate whether to adopt the prior
distribution as the initial point.
- LinearRegression: added a parameter ‘features.must.select’ to
specifies the column name that needs to be included in the final
training model when executing the variable selection.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.6.200928
API Changes:
- Added encrypt, validateCertificate and autocommit options to JDBC
- SVC, SVR, OneClassSVM, SVRanking: added parameters ‘compression’,
‘max.bits’, ‘max.quantization.iter’ for model compression.
- RandomForestClassifier: added parameters ‘compression’, ‘max.bits’,
‘quantize.rate’ for model compression.
- RandomForestRegressor: added parameters ‘compression’, ‘max.bits’,
‘quantize.rate’, ‘fittings.quantization’ for model compression.
- In prediction function ARIMA and AutoARIMA, new value
‘truncation.algorithm’ of forecast_method is introduced to improve the
prediction performance.
- New parameters ‘string.variable’, ‘variable.weight’ added in
KNNClassifier, KNNRegressor and DBSCAN to enable distance calculation
based on String distance.
- New parameters ‘extrapolation’, ‘smooth.width’,
‘auxiliary.normalitytest’ are added in SeasonalDecompose.
New Functions:
- Clustering: SlightSilhouette.
- Preprocessing : SMOTETomek, TomekLinks.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed version check to support HANA cloud.
- Fixed the error in random distribution sampling when full
distribution parameter set is specified.
- Fixed HAS_ID error in TomekLinks.
- Fixed the Collect() method that returns ‘No Data’ when contraining a
column of type ST_GEOMETRY(in particular, for GeoDBSCAN).
What’s New in hana.ml.r v2.5.200626
API Changes:
- Removed parameter ConnectionContext in functions.
- Added a new parameter ‘decay’ to replace ‘learning.rate’ as the
later one is misleading in SOM().
- Added a new parameter ‘stratified.columns’ in hanaml.Sampling() to
replace ‘features’ whose name is misleading.
- Added a new parameter ‘col.types’ in ConvertToHANADataFrame() to
replace ‘clob.columns’ for enhancement.
- Changed parameter ‘seed’ to ‘random.state’ for parameter name
consistency in MLPClassifier() and MLPRegressor().
- Update function names for consistency: Arima -> ARIMA, AutoArima
-> AutoARIMA, Auc -> AUC, Kmeans -> KMeans, Kmedian ->
KMedian, Kmedoid -> KMedoid, Kord -> KORD.
New Functions:
- Recommender System Algorithms : Alternating Least Square, Factorized
Polynomial Regression Models, Field-Aware Factorization Machine.
- Regression : Cox Proportional Hazard Model.
- Statistics Functions : Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF),
Distribution Fitting, Distribution Quantile, Entropy, Equal Variance
Test, Factor Analysis, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, Grubbs’ Test,
Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis, Kernel Density Estimation, One-Sample
Median Test.
- Time Series : Fast DTW
- Preprocessing : SMOTE
- Miscellaneous : ABC Analysis, T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour
Embedding(TSNE), Weighted Score Table.
- Unified classification
- Model Selection
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed parameter ‘formula’ parsing issue when a single feature is
- Fixed falsely recognizing the type of query statement with JDBC in
- Fixed phrasing error of parameter ‘timeout’ in Decision Tree, Linear
Regression, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes and SVM functions.
- Added cross-validation options to some functions (Decision Tree
Classifier/Regressor, Gradient Boosting Classifier/Regressor, Hybrid
Gradient Boosting Classifier/Regressor, Generalised Linear Models(GLM),
Naive Bayes, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression Multi-Layer
Perceptron Classifier/Regressor, Support Vector Machines functions,
K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier/Regressor, Alternating Least Square(ALS),
Factorized Polynomial Regression Models(FRM), Polynomial
- Improved the robustness of ConvertToHANADataFrame().
- Enhancement of ConvertToHANADataFrame() function: support data.frame
input with missing (NA) values.
What’s New in hana.ml.r v1.0.8
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed wrong error message with RJDBC connection. Add two additional
error message for missing RJDBC connection and wrong RJDBC
connection.context type.
- Fix label type error in RandomForest. Add process to check
continuous label type for regression and categorical label type for
- Fixed wrong API for DecisionTreeRegressor. Remove type conversion
for result.
- Fixed wrong cast error in Neighbors. Use NVARCHAR instead of DOUBLE
for result.
- Fixed wrong cast error in HGBT. Use NVARCHAR instead of DOUBLE for
What’s New in hana.ml.r v1.0.7
New Algorithms:
- Association : Apriori, Apriorilite, FP-Growth, KORD, Sequential
Pattern Mining (SPM)
- Clustering : Affinity Propagation, Agglomerate Hierarchical
Clustering, DBSCAN, Geometry DBSCAN, Latent Dirichlet Allocation,
Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)
- Classification : Conditional Random Field (CRF), Confusion Matrix,
Hybrid Gradient Boosting Tree (HGBT), Logistic Regression, Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP).
- Regression : Bi-Variate Geometric Regression, Bi-Variate Natural
Logarithmic Regression, Exponential Regression.
- Time Series : ARIMA, Auto ARIMA, FFT, Seasonal Decompose, Trend
Test, White Noise Test Single/Double/Triple/Auto/Brown Exponential
Smoothing, Change-Point Detection, Croston’s Method, Linear Regression
With Damped Trend And Seasonal Adjust, Additive Model Forecast,
Hierarchical Forecast, Correlation Function.
- Preprocessing : Discretize, Inter-Quartile Range (IQR), Missing
Value Handing, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), Partition, Random
Distribution Sampling, Variance Test function.
- Statistics Functions : Chi-Squared Test Functions, T-Test
Functions, Analysis Of Variance Functions (ANOVA),
Univariate/Multivariate Analysis Functions.
- Random Distribution Sampling Functions : Bernoulli, Beta, Binomial,
Cauchy, Chi_Squared, Exponential, Extreme_Value, F, Gamma, Geometric,
Gumbel, Lognormal, Negative_Binomial, Normal, Pert, Poisson, Student_T,
Uniform, Weibull, Multinomial).
- Social Networks : Link Prediction, Pagerank.
- Connection Context : JDBC Option.
- Model Storage Services.
- Dataframe Functions : ConvertToHANADataFrame.
Quality Improvements:
- Use Anonymous Block.
- Remove Unnecessary Temporary Table.
- Error Message Enhancement.
- Fix Documentation.
- Code Quality Improvement.