hanaml.MLPClassifier is a R wrapper for SAP HANA PAL Multi-layer Perceptron algorithm for classification.

  data = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  hidden.layer.size = NULL,
  activation = NULL,
  output.activation = NULL,
  learning.rate = NULL,
  momentum = NULL,
  training.style = NULL,
  max.iter = NULL,
  normalization = NULL,
  weight.init = NULL,
  thread.ratio = NULL,
  categorical.variable = NULL,
  batch.size = NULL,
  resampling.method = NULL,
  evaluation.metric = NULL,
  fold.num = NULL,
  repeat.times = NULL,
  param.search.strategy = NULL,
  random.search.times = NULL,
  random.state = NULL,
  timeout = NULL,
  progress.indicator.id = NULL,
  parameter.range = NULL,
  parameter.values = NULL,
  reduction.rate = NULL,
  aggressive.elimination = NULL



DataFrame containting the data.


character, optional
Name of the ID column. If not provided, the data is assumed to have no ID column.
No default value.


character of list of characters, optional
Name of feature columns.
If not provided, it defaults all non-key, non-label columns of data.


character, optional
Name of the column which specifies the dependent variable.
Defaults to the last column of data if not provided.


formula type, optional
Formula to be used for model generation. format = label~<feature_list> e.g.: formula=CATEGORY~V1+V2+V3
You can either give the formula, or a feature and label combination, but do not provide both.
Defaults to NULL.


vector/list of integers, mandatory
Specifies the sizes of hidden layers.
The value 0 will be ignored, for example, c(2, 0, 3) is equivalent to c(2, 3).


Activation function for the hidden layer options: "tanh", "linear", "sigmoid-asymmetric", "sigmoid-symmetric", "gaussian-asymmetric", "gaussian-symmetric", "elliot-asymmetric", "elliot-symmetric", "sin-asymmetric", "sin-symmetric", "cos-asymmetric", "cos-symmetric", "relu"


Output activation function for the hidden layer options: "tanh", "linear", "sigmoid-asymmetric", "sigmoid-symmetric", "gaussian-asymmetric", "gaussian-symmetric", "elliot-asymmetric", "elliot-symmetric", "sin-asymmetric", "sin-symmetric", "cos-asymmetric", "cos-symmetric", "relu"


double, optional
Specifies the learning rate.
Only valid when training.style is "stochastic".
No default value.


double, optional
Specifies the momentum for gradient descent update.
Only valid when training.style is "stochastic".
No default value.


{"batch", "stochastic"}, optional
Specifies the training style.
Defaults to "stochastic".


integer, optional
The maximum number of iterations.
Defaults to 100.


{"no", "z-transform", "scalar"}, optional
Specifies the normalization type.
Defaults to 'no' .


character, optional
Specifies the initial value of weight from the options below. "all-zeros", "normal", "uniform", "variance-scale-normal", "variance-scale-uniform"
Defaults to "all-zeros".


double, optional
Controls the proportion of available threads to use. The value range is from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates a single thread, and 1 indicates up to all available threads. Values between 0 and 1 will use that percentage of available threads. Values outside this range tell PAL to heuristically determine the number of threads to use.
Defaults to 0.


character or list of characters, optional
Column names in the data table used as category variable.
No default value.


integer, optional
Specifies the size of mini batch.
Only valid when training.style is stochastic.
Defaults to 1.


character, optional
Specifies the resampling method for model evaluation or parameter selection.
Valid options are listed as follows:
"cv", "stratified_cv", "bootstrap", "stratified_bootstrap", "cv_sha", "stratified_cv_sha", "bootstrap_sha", "stratified_bootstrap_sha", "cv_hyperband", "stratified_cv_hyperband", "bootstrap_hyperband", "stratified_bootstrap_hyperband".
Note that resampling methods with suffix "sha" or "hyperband" are only applicable to parameter selection, not model evaluation.
If no value is specified, neither model evaluation nor parameter selection is activated.
No default value.


character, optional
Specifies the evaluation metric for model evaluation or parameter selection.
Valid values include: "ACCURACY", "F1_SCORE", "AUC_1VsRest", "AUC_pairwise"
Must be specified together with resampling.method in order to activate model evaluation or parameter selection.
No default value.


integer, optional
Specifies the fold number for the cross validation method.
Mandatory and valid only when resampling.method is specified and contains "cv" as a substring, e.g. "cv_hyperband", "stratified_cv_sha".
No default value.


integer, optional
Specifies the number of repeat times for resampling.
Defaults to 1.


character, optional
Specifies the method to activate parameter selection.
values should either be "grid" or "random".
Defaults to "random" and cannot be changed if resampling.method is specified with suffix "hyperband", otherwise no default value.


integer, optional
Specifies the number of times to randomly select candidate parameters for selection.
Mandatory if param.search.strategy is "random".
No default value.


integer, optional
Specifies the seed for random generation.
Use system time when 0 is specified.


integer, optional
Specifies maximum running time for model evaluation or parameter selection, in seconds. No timeout when 0 is specified.
Default value is 0.


character, optional
Sets an ID of progress indicator for model evaluation or parameter selection.
No progress indicator is active if no value is provided.
No default value.


list, optional
Specifies range of the following parameters for parameter selection:
learning.rate, momentum, batch.size.


list, optional
Specifies values of the following parameters for parameter selection:
action, output.action, hidden.layer.size, learning.rate, momentum, batch.size.


numeric, optional
Specifies the reduction rate of available size of hyper-parameter candidates.
For each round, the available parameter candidate size will be divided by value of this parameter. Thus valid value for this parameter must be greater than 1.0
Defaults to 3.0.


logical, optional
Specifies whether to perform aggressive elimination behavior for successive-halving algorithm or not.
When set to TRUE, it will eliminate more parameter candidates than expected(defined via reduction.rate).
This can enhance the run-time performance but could result in sub-optimal hyper-parameter candidate.
Valid only when resampling.method is specified with suffix "sha". Defaults to FALSE.


An R6 object of class "MLPClassifier" with the following attributes and methods:

model: DataFrame

  • ROW_INDEX - model row index.

  • MODEL_CONTENT - model content.

log: DataFrame

  • ITERATION - iteration number.

  • ERROR - Mean squared error between predicted values and target values for each iteration.

statistics: DataFrame\

  • STAT_NAME - statistics name.

  • STAT_VALUE - values of the statistics.

optim.param: DataFrame

  • Selected optimal parameters.


CreateModelState(model=NULL, algorithm=NULL, func=NULL, state.description="ModelState", force=FALSE)


   > mlpc <- hanaml.MLPClassifier(data=df)
   > mlpc$CreateModelState()


  • model: DataFrame
    DataFrame containing the model for parsing.
    Defaults to self$model.

  • algorithm: character
    Specifies the PAL algorithm associated with model.
    Defaults to self$pal.algorithm.

  • func: character
    Specifies the functionality for Unified Classification/Regression.
    Valid only for object instance of R6Class "UnifiedClassification" or "UnifiedRegression".
    Defaults to self$func.

  • state.description: character
    A summary string for the generated model state.
    Defaults to "ModelState".

  • force: logic
    Specifies whether or not the replace existing state for model.
    Defaults to FALSE.

After calling this method, an attribute state that contains the parsed info for model shall be assigned to the corresponding R6 object.


Assuming we have trained a hanaml model and created its model state, like the following:

   > mlpc <- hanaml.MLPClassifier(data=df)
   > mlpc$CreateModelState()

After using the model state for real-time scoring, we can delete the state by calling:

   > mlpc$DelateModelState()


  • state: DataFrame
    DataFrame containing the state info.
    Defaults to self$state.

After calling this method, the specified model state shall be cleaned up and associated memory be released.


Input DataFrame data:

> data$Collect()
   V000  V001 V002  V003 LABEL
1     1  1.71   AC     0    AA
2    10  1.78   CA     5    AB
3    17  2.36   AA     6    AA
4    12  3.15   AA     2     C
5     7  1.05   CA     3    AB
6     6  1.50   CA     2    AB
7     9  1.97   CA     6     C
8     5  1.26   AA     1    AA
9    12  2.13   AC     4     C
10   18  1.87   AC     6    AA

Training the model:

> mlpc <- hanaml.MLPClassifier(data = data,
                               hidden.layer.size = c(10,10),
                               activation = "TANH",
                               output.activation ="TANH",
                               learning.rate = 0.001,
                               momentum = 0.0001,
                               training.style = "stochastic",
                               max.iter = 100,
                               normalization = "z-transform",
                               weight.init = "normal",
                               thread.ratio = 0.3,
                               categorical.variable = "V003")


    > mlpc$train.log$Collect()

    1           1  1.080261
    2           2  1.008358
    3           3  0.947069
    4           4  0.894585
    5           5  0.849411
    ..        ...       ...
    92         92  0.317840
    93         93  0.316630
    94         94  0.315376
    95         95  0.314210
    96         96  0.313066
    97         97  0.312021
    98         98  0.310916
    99         99  0.309770
    100       100  0.308704

Model evaluation example: Training the model:

> mlpc <- hanaml.MLPClassifier(data = df, label= "LABEL",
                               hidden.layer.size = c(10,10),
                               activation = "tanh" ,output.activation = "tanh",
                               learning.rate = 0.001, momentum=0.00001,
                               training.style = "stochastic",
                               categorical.variable = "V003", max.iter = 100,
                               normalization = "z-transform",
                               weight.init = "normal", thread.ratio = 0.3,
                               resampling.method = "cv",
                               evaluation.metric = "f1_score",
                               fold.num = 10, repeat.times = 2,
                               random.state = 1, progress.indicator.id = "TEST")

Parameter Selection Example:

> mlpc <- hanaml.MLPClassifier(data = df, label= "LABEL",
                              learning.rate=0.001, momentum=0.00001,
                              categorical.variable = "V003",
                              max.iter = 100, normalization = "z-transform",
                              weight.init = "normal", thread.ratio = 0.3,
                              resampling.method = "stratified_bootstrap",
                              evaluation.metric = "ACCURACY",
                              param.search.strategy = "grid",
                              repeat.times = 2, random.state = 1,
                              progress.indicator.id = "TEST",
                              parameter.values = list("hidden.layer.size" =
                                                   list(c(10,10), c(5,5,5)),
                                                  "activation" =
                                                  "output.activation" =


Optimal Parameters:

2   HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE            NA             NA             10,10
3   OUTPUT_LAYER_ACTIVE_FUNC      4             NA             <NA>
4   HIDDEN_LAYER_ACTIVE_FUNC      1             NA             <NA>