hanaml.FastDTW is a R wrapper for SAP HANA PAL FAST DTW.

  distance.level = NULL,
  minkowski.power = NULL,
  save.alignment = NULL,
  thread.ratio = NULL



DataFrame containting the time serie data structured as follows:

  • ID of time series : INTEGER or CHARACTER

  • Timestamps of time series : INTEGER or CHARACTER

  • cloumns for time series data : INTEGER or DOUBLE


Parameter used for fast DTW algorithm. It is for balancing DTW accuracy and runtime. The bigger, the more accuracy but slower. Must be positive. Defaults to 3.0.


{"manhattan", "euclidean", "minkowski", "chebyshev", "cosine"}, optional
Specifies the method used to compute distance between two points.

  • "manhattan" manhattan norm (l1 norm)

  • "euclidean" euclidean norm (l2 norm)

  • "minkowski" minkowski norm (p-norm)

  • "chebyshev" chebyshev norm (maximum norm)

  • "cosine" Cosine Similarity

Defaults to "euclidean".


double, optional
Only valid when distance.level is "minkowski".
Specifies the power value of minkowski p-norm.
Defaults to 3.0.


logical, optional
Specifies whether or not to output alignment information.
Defaults to FALSE.


double, optional
Controls the proportion of available threads that can be used by this function.
The value range is from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates a single thread, and 1 indicates all available threads. Values between 0 and 1 will use up to that percentage of available threads.
Values outside the range from 0 to 1 are ignored, and the actual number of threads used is then be heuristically determined.
Defaults to -1.


Returns a list of DataFrames.

  • DataFrame Result for fast dtw, structured as follows:

    • LEFT_<ID column name of input table> : ID of one time series

    • RIGHT_<ID column name of input table> : ID of another time series

    • DISTANCE: DTW distance of the two time series

  • DataFrame Alignment(optimal match) between input time-series, structured as:

    • LEFT_<ID column name of input table> : ID of one time series

    • RIGHT_<ID column name of input table> : ID of another time series

    • LEFT_INDEX : Corresponding to index of timestamps of time series with ID of 1st column

    • RIGHT_INDEX : Corresponding to index of timestamps of time series with ID of 2nd column

  • DataFrame Statistics for time series, structured as follows:

    • STAT_NAME : Statistics name

    • STAT_VALUE : Statistics value


Dynamic Time Warping is a method for measuring similarity between two time series, which may vary in their speed. It can be used for pattern matching and anomaly detection.
Fast DTW is a twisted version of DTW to accelerate the computation when the size of the time series is huge. It recursively reduces the size of the time series and calculate the DTW path on the reduced version, then refine the DTW path on the original ones. It may lose some accuracy of actual DTW distance in exchange for the acceleration of computing.


Input DataFrame:

> data$Collect()
1   1         1     1   5.2
2   1         2     2   5.1
3   1         3     3   2.0
4   1         4     4   0.3
5   1         5     5   1.2
6   2         1     7   2.0
7   2         2     6   1.4
8   2         3     1   0.9
9   2         4     3   1.2
10  2         5     2  10.2
11  2         6     5   2.3
12  2         7     4   4.5

Call the function:

> result <- hanaml.FastDTW(data=data,radius = 5, thread.ratio = 1,
                           distance.level = "euclidean", save.alignment = TRUE)


> result[[1]]$Collect()
1       1        2  29.2764

> result[[2]]$Collect()
1       1        2          0           0
2       1        2          1           1
3       1        2          2           2
4       1        2          2           3
5       1        2          2           4
6       1        2          3           5
7       1        2          4           6