hanaml.kaplan.meier.survival.analysis is a R wrapper for SAP HANA PAL kaplan.meier.survival.analysis.
data = NULL,
event.indicator = NULL,
confidence.level = NULL
DataFrame containting the sampled data points structured as follows:
Follow-up time : INTEGER or DOUBLE
Status indicator: INTEGER
Occurrence number of events at the follow-up time.
(multiple rows for one follow-up time possible) : INTEGER
integer, optional
Specifies one value to indicate an event has occurred.
Defaults to 1.
double, optional
specifies the confidence level for a two-sided confidence interval
on the survival estimate.
Defaults to 0.95.
Returns a list of DataFrames.
DataFrame 1
Estimation results after every event occurrence, structured as follows:
GROUP: group.
Time: event occurrence time.
RISK_NUMBER: total number of each group before the event occurrences.
EVENT_NUMBER: number of event occurrences.
PROBABILITY: probability of surviving beyond event occurrence time.
SE: standard error.
CI_LOWER: lower bound of confidence interval.
CI_UPPER: upper bound of confidence interval.
DataFrame 2
Log rank survival statistics of each group. Only valid for
multiple groups
GROUP: group.
TOTAL_RISK: all individuals in the lifetime study.
OBSERVED: number of observed events.
LOGRANK_STAT: log rank test statistics.
DataFrame 3
Further statistics. Only valid for multiple groups
STAT_NAME : statistics name e.g. Chi-square, df, p-value.
STAT_VALUE : statistics value.
Kaplan Meier is one of the best options to perform non-parametric estimation of the survival function when considering a long term study, where a series of possibly censored failure times are observed. It is often used to measure the time-to-death of patients after treatment or time-to-failure of machine parts
Input DataFrame data:
> data$Head(5)$Collect()
1 9 1 1 2
2 10 1 1 1
3 1 1 2 0
4 31 0 1 1
5 2 1 1 0
Call the function:
> result <- hanaml.kaplan.meier.survival.analysis(data=data)
> result[[3]]$Collect()
1 chiSqr 0.3279707
2 df 2.0000000
3 p-value 0.8487545