
class hana_ml.algorithms.pal.mixture.GaussianMixture(init_param, n_components=None, init_centers=None, covariance_type=None, shared_covariance=False, thread_ratio=None, max_iter=None, categorical_variable=None, category_weight=None, error_tol=None, regularization=None, random_seed=None)

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is a probabilistic model used for modeling data points that are assumed to be generated from a mixture of Gaussian distributions. It is a parametric model that represents the probability distribution of the data as a weighted sum of multiple Gaussian distributions, also known as components or clusters.

init_param{'farthest_first_traversal', 'manual', 'random_means', 'kmeans++'}

Specifies the initialization mode.

  • 'farthest_first_traversal': The farthest-first traversal algorithm provides the initial cluster centers.

  • 'manual': User-provided values (init_centers) serve as initial centers.

  • 'random_means': Initial centers become the weighted means of randomly chosen data points.

  • 'kmeans++': Initial centers are determined by the k-means++ method.

n_componentsint, optional

Specifies the number of Gaussian distributions.

This parameter becomes mandatory when init_param is not 'manual'.

init_centerslist of int/str

List of row identifiers in data that are to be used as initial centers.

This parameter becomes mandatory when init_param is 'manual'.

covariance_type{'full', 'diag', 'tied_diag'}, optional

Specifies the type of covariance matrices to be utilized in the model.

  • 'full': Utilizes full covariance matrices.

  • 'diag': Implements diagonal covariance matrices.

  • 'tied_diag': Applies diagonal covariance matrices with equal diagonal elements.

Defaults to 'full'.

shared_covariancebool, optional

If set to True, all clusters will share the same covariance matrix.

Defaults to False.

thread_ratiofloat, optional

Adjusts the percentage of available threads to use, from 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates the use of a single thread, while 1 implies the use of all possible current threads. Values outside the range will be ignored and this function heuristically determines the number of threads to use.

Defaults to 0.

max_iterint, optional

Defines the maximum iterations the EM algorithm can undertake.

Defaults to 100.

categorical_variablestr or a list of str, optional

Specifies which INTEGER columns should be treated as categorical, with all other INTEGER columns treated as continuous.

No default value.

category_weightfloat, optional

Represents the weight of category attributes.

Defaults to 0.707.

error_tolfloat, optional

Defines the error tolerance, serving as a termination condition for the algorithm.

Defaults to 1e-5.

regularizationfloat, optional

Represents the regularization factor added to the diagonal elements of covariance matrices to guarantee their positive-definiteness.

Defaults to 1e-6.

random_seedint, optional

Indicates the seed used to initialize the random number generator:

  • 0: The system time is deployed as the default seed.

  • Not 0: The user-defined value is used as the seed.

Defaults to 0.


Input DataFrame df:

>>> df.collect()
    ID     X1     X2  X3
0    0   0.10   0.10   1
1    1   0.11   0.10   1
22  22  10.13  10.14   2
23  23  10.14  10.13   2

Create a GMM instance:

>>> gmm = GaussianMixture(init_param='farthest_first_traversal',
...                       n_components=2, covariance_type='full',
...                       shared_covariance=False, max_iter=500,
...                       error_tol=0.001, thread_ratio=0.5,
...                       categorical_variable=['X3'], random_seed=1)

Perform fit():

>>>, key='ID')


>>> gmm.labels_.head(14).collect()
0    0           0          0.0
1    1           0          0.0
12  13           0          1.0
13  14           0          0.0
>>> gmm.stats_.collect()
0   log-likelihood        11.7199
1              aic      -504.5536
2              bic      -480.3900
>>> gmm.model_collect()
0          0            -1           {"Algorithm":"GMM","Metadata":{"DataP...
1          1             0           {"GuassModel":{"covariance":[22.18895...
2          2             1           {"GuassModel":{"covariance":[22.19450...

Model content.


Cluster membership probabilities for each data point.




create_model_state([model, function, ...])

Create PAL model state.


Delete PAL model state.

fit(data[, key, features, categorical_variable])

Perform GMM clustering on input dataset.

fit_predict(data, key[, features, ...])

Perform GMM clustering on input dataset and return cluster membership probabilities for each data point.


Get the model metrics.


Get the score metrics.

predict(data[, key, features])

Assign clusters to data based on a fitted model.


Set the model state by state information.

fit(data, key=None, features=None, categorical_variable=None)

Perform GMM clustering on input dataset.


Data to be clustered.

keystr, optional

Name of ID column. Defaults to the index column of data (i.e. data.index) if it is set. If the index of column of data is not provided, please enter the value of key.

featuresa list of str, optional

List of strings specifying feature columns.

If a list of features is not given, all the columns except the ID column are taken as features.

categorical_variablestr or a list of str, optional

Specifies which INTEGER columns should be treated as categorical, with all other INTEGER columns treated as continuous.

No default value.

fit_predict(data, key, features=None, categorical_variable=None)

Perform GMM clustering on input dataset and return cluster membership probabilities for each data point.


Data to be clustered.

keystr, optional

Name of ID column. Defaults to the index column of data (i.e. data.index) if it is set. If the index of column of data is not provided, please enter the value of key.

featuresa list of str, optional

List of strings specifying feature columns.

If a list of features is not given, all the columns except the ID column are taken as features.

categorical_variablestr or a list of str, optional
Specifies which INTEGER columns should be treated as categorical, with all other INTEGER columns treated as continuous.
No default value.

Cluster membership probabilities.

predict(data, key=None, features=None)

Assign clusters to data based on a fitted model.

The output structure of this method does not match that of fit_predict().


Data points to match against computed clusters.

This dataframe's column structure should match that of the data used for fit().

keystr, optional

Name of ID column.

Defaults to the index column of data (i.e. data.index) if it is set. If the index column of data is not provided, please enter the value of key.

featuresa list of str, optional.

Names of the feature columns.

If features is not provided, it defaults to all non-key columns.


Cluster assignment results, with 3 columns:

  • Data point ID, with name and type taken from the input ID column.

  • CLUSTER_ID, INTEGER type, representing the cluster the data point is assigned to.

  • DISTANCE, DOUBLE type, representing the distance between the data point and the cluster center.

create_model_state(model=None, function=None, pal_funcname='PAL_CLUSTER_ASSIGNMENT', state_description=None, force=False)

Create PAL model state.

modelDataFrame, optional

Specify the model for AFL state.

Defaults to self.model_.

functionstr, optional

Specify the function in the unified API.

A placeholder parameter, not effective for cluster assignment.

pal_funcnameint or str, optional

PAL function name. Must be a valid PAL procedure that supports model state.


state_descriptionstr, optional

Description of the state as model container.

Defaults to None.

forcebool, optional

If True it will delete the existing state.

Defaults to False.


Delete PAL model state.

stateDataFrame, optional

Specified the state.

Defaults to self.state.


Get the model metrics.


The model metrics.


Get the score metrics.


The score metrics.


Set the model state by state information.

state: DataFrame or dict

If state is DataFrame, it has the following structure:

  • NAME: VARCHAR(100), it mush have STATE_ID, HINT, HOST and PORT.

  • VALUE: VARCHAR(1000), the values according to NAME.

If state is dict, the key must have STATE_ID, HINT, HOST and PORT.

Inherited Methods from PALBase

Besides those methods mentioned above, the GaussianMixture class also inherits methods from PALBase class, please refer to PAL Base for more details.