
This module contains the usage of HANA Scheduler.

The following classes and functions are available:

class hana_ml.hana_scheduler.HANAScheduler(connection_context)

Bases: object

HANA Scheduler.


>>> #auto_c.disable_hana_execution()
>>> auto_c.fit(df_fit, key='ID')
>>> hana_schedule = HANAScheduler(connection_context)
>>> hana_schedule.create_training_schedule(job_name='my_job',
                                           cron="* * * mon,tue,wed,thu,fri 1 23 45",
                                           output_table_names=['BEST_PIPELINE_1122', 'MODEL_1122', 'INFO_1122'],
>>> hana_schedule.list_schedules()
0    PAL_TEST     PAL_TEST              my_job               PAL_TEST     PROC_my_job  * * * mon,tue,wed,thu,fri 1 23 45        None      None        TRUE      TRUE      None  2023-02-14 08:57:11.689
>>> hana_schedule.delete_schedule("my_job")
>>> auto_c.predict(df_predict, key='ID')
>>> hana_schedule.create_applying_schedule(job_name='my_job2',
                                           cron="* * * mon,tue,wed,thu,fri 1 23 45",
                                           output_table_names=['RESULT_1123', 'INFO_1123'],

The connection to the HANA system.



Check if the job exists in HANA Scheduler.


Clean up all the schedule jobs.

create_applying_schedule(job_name, obj[, ...])

Creates the applying procedure and the scheduled job.

create_scoring_schedule(job_name, obj[, ...])

Creates the scoring procedure and the scheduled job.

create_training_schedule(job_name, obj[, ...])

Creates the training procedure and the scheduled job.


Delete the given schedule job.


Delete the given schedule jobs.

display_schedule_status([sort_by, ascending])

Display the status of all the schedule jobs.


Drop the given procedure.


Get all the job names of the current user.


List all the schedule jobs.

set_schedule(job_name[, cron, ...])

Create or alter the schedule job.


Check if the job exists in HANA Scheduler.


Specifies the name of the scheduled job.


List all the schedule jobs.


Get all the job names of the current user.

display_schedule_status(sort_by='START_TIME', ascending=False)

Display the status of all the schedule jobs.

sort_bystr, optional

Specifies the column to sort by.

Defaults to "START_TIME".

ascendingbool, optional

Specifies the sort order.

Defaults to False.

set_schedule(job_name, cron=None, procedure_name=None, job_start_time=None, job_end_time=None, status='active', procedure_params=None, force=False, disable_timezone_check=True)

Create or alter the schedule job.


Specifies the name of the scheduled job.


Specifies the frequency of the job. <cron> ::= <year> <month> <date> <weekday> <hour> <minute> <seconds>

  • <year> A four-digit number.

  • <month> A number from 1 to 12.

  • <date> A number from 1 to 31.

  • <weekday> A three-character day of the week: mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun.

  • <hour> A number from 0 to 23 (expressed in 24-hour format).

  • <minute> A number from 0 to 59.

  • <seconds> A number from 0 to 59.

Each cron field also supports wildcard characters as follows.

  • * - Any value.

  • */n - Any n-th value. For example, */1 for the day of the month means run every day of the month, */3 means run every third day of the month.

  • a:b - Any value between a and b.

  • a:b/n - Any n-th value between a and b. For example, 1:10/3 for the day of the month means every 3rd day between 1 and 10 or the 3rd, 6th, and 9th day of the month.

  • n.a - (For <weekday> only) A day of the week where n is a number from -5 to 5 for the n-th occurrence of the day in week a. For example, for the year 2019, 2.3 means Tuesday, January 15th. -3.22 means Friday, May 31st.

procedure_namestr, optional

Specifies the name of the procedure in the scheduled job. If not specified, it will use "PROC_<job_name>".

job_start_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the earliest time after which the scheduled job can start to run.

job_end_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the latest time before which the scheduled job can start to run.

status{'active', 'inactive'}

Enable or disable the schedule job.

procedure_paramsdict, optional

Specifies the parameter name and value in the scheduled procedure. E.g., procedure_params={"THREAD_RATIO": 1}

forcebool, optional

If force is True, it will disable the existing job and delete it.

Defaults to False.

disable_timezone_checkbool, optional

If disable_timezone_check is True, it will disable the timezone check.

Defaults to True.


Delete the given schedule job.


Specifies the name of the scheduled job.


Delete the given schedule jobs.

job_nameslist of str

Specifies the names of the scheduled jobs.


Drop the given procedure.


Specifies the name of the procedure.


Clean up all the schedule jobs.

create_training_schedule(job_name, obj, cron=None, job_start_time=None, job_end_time=None, status='active', output_table_names=None, procedure_name=None, force=True)

Creates the training procedure and the scheduled job.


Specifies the name of the scheduled job.

objhana-ml object

The hana-ml object that has generated the execution statement. If the execution statement contains temporary table, it will perform the materialization. The materialized table name is according to "in_<job_name><idx>". <idx> is the index of the input table of the schedule procedure.


Specifies the frequency of the job. <cron> ::= <year> <month> <date> <weekday> <hour> <minute> <seconds>

  • <year> A four-digit number.

  • <month> A number from 1 to 12.

  • <date> A number from 1 to 31.

  • <weekday> A three-character day of the week: mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun.

  • <hour> A number from 0 to 23 (expressed in 24-hour format).

  • <minute> A number from 0 to 59.

  • <seconds> A number from 0 to 59.

Each cron field also supports wildcard characters as follows.

  • * - Any value.

  • */n - Any n-th value. For example, */1 for the day of the month means run every day of the month, */3 means run every third day of the month.

  • a:b - Any value between a and b.

  • a:b/n - Any n-th value between a and b. For example, 1:10/3 for the day of the month means every 3rd day between 1 and 10 or the 3rd, 6th, and 9th day of the month.

  • n.a (For <weekday> only) A day of the week where n is a number from -5 to 5 for the n-th occurrence of the day in week a. For example, for the year 2019, 2.3 means Tuesday, January 15th. -3.22 means Friday, May 31st.

job_start_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the earliest time after which the scheduled job can start to run.

job_end_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the latest time before which the scheduled job can start to run.

status{'active', 'inactive'}

Enable or disable the schedule job.

output_table_nameslist of str, optional

Specifies the output table names for the training result. If not specified, it will generate according to "out_<job_name><idx>". <idx> counts from 0.

procedure_namestr, optional

Specifies the name of the procedure in the scheduled job. If not specified, it will use "PROC_<job_name>".

forcebool, optional

If force is True, it will disable the existing job and delete it.

Defaults to False.

create_applying_schedule(job_name, obj, cron=None, job_start_time=None, job_end_time=None, status='active', model_table_names=None, output_table_names=None, procedure_name=None, force=True)

Creates the applying procedure and the scheduled job.


Specifies the name of the scheduled job.

objhana-ml object

The hana-ml object that has generated the execution statement. If the execution statement contains temporary table, it will perform the materialization. The materialized table name is according to "in_<job_name><idx>". <idx> is the index of the input table of the schedule procedure.


Specifies the frequency of the job. <cron> ::= <year> <month> <date> <weekday> <hour> <minute> <seconds>

  • <year> A four-digit number.

  • <month> A number from 1 to 12.

  • <date> A number from 1 to 31.

  • <weekday> A three-character day of the week: mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun.

  • <hour> A number from 0 to 23 (expressed in 24-hour format).

  • <minute> A number from 0 to 59.

  • <seconds> A number from 0 to 59.

Each cron field also supports wildcard characters as follows.

  • * - Any value.

  • */n - Any n-th value. For example, */1 for the day of the month means run every day of the month, */3 means run every third day of the month.

  • a:b - Any value between a and b.

  • a:b/n - Any n-th value between a and b. For example, 1:10/3 for the day of the month means every 3rd day between 1 and 10 or the 3rd, 6th, and 9th day of the month.

  • n.a - (For <weekday> only) A day of the week where n is a number from -5 to 5 for the n-th occurrence of the day in week a. For example, for the year 2019, 2.3 means Tuesday, January 15th. -3.22 means Friday, May 31st.

job_start_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the earliest time after which the scheduled job can start to run.

job_end_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the latest time before which the scheduled job can start to run.

status{'active', 'inactive'}

Enable or disable the schedule job.

model_table_namesstr or list of str, optional

Specifies the model table names for the predict result. If not, it will use temporary table name for materialization.

output_table_nameslist of str, optional

Specifies the output table names for the predict result. If not specified, it will generate according to "out_<job_name><idx>". <idx> counts from 0.

procedure_namestr, optional

Specifies the name of the procedure in the scheduled job. If not specified, it will use "PROC_<job_name>".

forcebool, optional

If force is True, it will disable the existing job and delete it.

Defaults to False.

create_scoring_schedule(job_name, obj, cron=None, job_start_time=None, job_end_time=None, status='active', model_table_names=None, output_table_names=None, procedure_name=None, force=True)

Creates the scoring procedure and the scheduled job.


Specifies the name of the scheduled job.

objhana-ml object

The hana-ml object that has generated the execution statement. If the execution statement contains temporary table, it will perform the materialization. The materialized table name is according to "in_<job_name><idx>". <idx> is the index of the input table of the schedule procedure.


Specifies the frequency of the job. <cron> ::= <year> <month> <date> <weekday> <hour> <minute> <seconds>

  • <year> A four-digit number.

  • <month> A number from 1 to 12.

  • <date> A number from 1 to 31.

  • <weekday> A three-character day of the week: mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun.

  • <hour> A number from 0 to 23 (expressed in 24-hour format).

  • <minute> A number from 0 to 59.

  • <seconds> A number from 0 to 59.

Each cron field also supports wildcard characters as follows.

  • * - Any value.

  • */n - Any n-th value. For example, */1 for the day of the month means run every day of the month, */3 means run every third day of the month.

  • a:b - Any value between a and b.

  • a:b/n - Any n-th value between a and b. For example, 1:10/3 for the day of the month means every 3rd day between 1 and 10 or the 3rd, 6th, and 9th day of the month.

  • n.a - (For <weekday> only) A day of the week where n is a number from -5 to 5 for the n-th occurrence of the day in week a. For example, for the year 2019, 2.3 means Tuesday, January 15th. -3.22 means Friday, May 31st.

job_start_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the earliest time after which the scheduled job can start to run.

job_end_timestr, optional when server_side_scheduler is True

Specifies the latest time before which the scheduled job can start to run.

status{'active', 'inactive'}

Enable or disable the schedule job.

model_table_namesstr or list of str, optional

Specifies the model table names for the score result. If not, it will use temporary table name for materialization.

output_table_nameslist of str, optional

Specifies the output table names for the score result. If not specified, it will generate according to "out_<job_name><idx>". <idx> counts from 0.

procedure_namestr, optional

Specifies the name of the procedure in the scheduled job. If not specified, it will use "PROC_<job_name>".

forcebool, optional

If force is True, it will disable the existing job and delete it.

Defaults to False.