hana_ml.visualizers package
The Visualizers Package consists of the following sections:
This module represents an eda plotter. Matplotlib is used for all visualizations.
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.quarter_plot(data, col, key=None, ax=None, fig=None, enable_plotly=False, **kwargs)
Perform quarter plot to view the seasonality.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr
Name of the time series data column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- axAxes, optional
The axes for the plot.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns
- -------
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> quarter_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID")
>>> quarter_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", enable_plot=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.seasonal_plot(data, col, key=None, ax=None, fig=None, enable_plotly=False, **kwargs)
Plot time series data by year.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr
Name of the time series data column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- axAxes, optional
The axes for the plot.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> seasonal_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID")
>>> seasonal_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", enable_plot=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.timeseries_box_plot(data, col, key=None, ax=None, cycle='MONTH', fig=None, enable_plotly=False, **kwargs)
Plot year-wise/month-wise box plot.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr
Name of the time series data column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- axAxes, optional
The axes for the plot.
- cycle{"YEAR", "QUARTER", "MONTH", "WEEK"}, optional
It defines the x-axis for the box plot.
Defaults to "MONTH".
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
Example 1: YEAR
>>> timeseries_box_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", cycle="YEAR")
>>> timeseries_box_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", cycle="YEAR", enable_plotly=True)
Example 2: MONTH
>>> timeseries_box_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", cycle="MONTH")
>>> timeseries_box_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", cycle="MONTH", enable_plotly=True)
Example 3: QUARTER
>>> timeseries_box_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", cycle="QUARTER")
>>> timeseries_box_plot(data=df, col="Y", key="ID", cycle="QUARTER", enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_acf(data, col, key=None, thread_ratio=None, method=None, max_lag=None, calculate_confint=True, alpha=None, bartlett=None, ax=None, title=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Autocorrelation function plot (ACF).
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr
Name of the time series column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- thread_ratiofloat, optional
The ratio of available threads.
0: single thread
0~1: percentage
Others: heuristically determined
Valid only when
is set as 'brute_force'.Defaults to -1.
- method{'auto', 'brute_force', 'fft'}, optional
Indicates the method to be used to calculate the correlation function.
Defaults to 'auto'.
- max_lagint, optional
Maximum lag for the correlation function.
Defaults to sqrt(n), where n is the data number.
- calculate_confintbool, optional
Controls whether to calculate confidence intervals or not.
If it is True, two additional columns of confidence intervals are shown in the result.
Defaults to True.
- alphafloat, optional
Confidence bound for the given level are returned. For instance if alpha=0.05, 95 % confidence bound is returned.
Valid only when only
is True.Defaults to 0.05.
- bartlettbool, optional
False: using standard error to calculate the confidence bound.
True: using Bartlett's formula to calculate confidence bound.
Valid only when only
is True.Defaults to True.
- axAxes
The axes for the plot.
- titlestr, optional
The title of plot.
Defaults to "Autocorrelation".
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> plot_acf(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', method='fft', thread_ratio=0.4, calculate_confint=True, max_lag=40)
>>> plot_acf(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', method='fft', thread_ratio=0.4, calculate_confint=True, max_lag=40, enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_pacf(data, col, key=None, thread_ratio=None, method=None, max_lag=None, calculate_confint=True, alpha=None, bartlett=None, ax=None, title=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Plot partial autocorrelation function (PACF).
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr, optional
Name of the time series data column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- thread_ratiofloat, optional
The ratio of available threads.
0: single thread
0~1: percentage
Others: heuristically determined
Valid only when
is set as 'brute_force'.Defaults to -1.
- method{'auto', 'brute_force', 'fft'}, optional
Indicates the method to be used to calculate the correlation function.
Defaults to 'auto'.
- max_lagint, optional
Maximum lag for the correlation function.
Defaults to sqrt(n), where n is the data number.
- calculate_confintbool, optional
Controls whether to calculate confidence intervals or not.
If it is True, two additional columns of confidence intervals are shown in the result.
Defaults to True.
- alphafloat, optional
Confidence bound for the given level are returned. For instance if alpha=0.05, 95 % confidence bound is returned.
Valid only when only
is True.Defaults to 0.05.
- bartlettbool, optional
False: using standard error to calculate the confidence bound.
True: using Bartlett's formula to calculate confidence bound.
Valid only when only
is True.Defaults to True.
- axAxes
The axes for the plot.
- titlestr, optional
The title of plot.
Defaults to "Partial Autocorrelation".
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> plot_pacf(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', method='fft', thread_ratio=0.4, max_lag=20, calculate_confint=True)
>>> plot_pacf(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', method='fft', thread_ratio=0.4, max_lag=20, calculate_confint=True, enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_time_series_outlier(data, col, key=None, tso_object=None, window_size=None, outlier_method=None, threshold=None, detect_seasonality=None, alpha=None, extrapolation=None, periods=None, random_state=None, n_estimators=None, max_samples=None, bootstrap=None, contamination=None, minpts=None, eps=None, thread_ratio=None, title=None, ax=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Perform OutlierDetectionTS and plot the time series with the highlighted outliers.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data containing the target time-series.
should have at least two columns: one is ID column, the other is raw data.- colstr, optional
Name of the time series data column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- tso_objectOutlierDetectionTS object, optional
An object of OutlierDetectionTS for time series outlier. Please initialize a OutlierDetectionTS object first. You could either enter a OutlierDetectionTS object or set values of parameters to create a new OutlierDetectionTS object in this function.
Defaults to None.
- window_sizeint, optional
Odd number, the window size for median filter, not less than 3.
Defaults to 3.
- outlier_methodstr, optional
The method for calculate the outlier score from residual.
'z1' : Z1 score.
'z2' : Z2 score.
'iqr' : IQR score.
'mad' : MAD score.
'isolationforest' : isolation forest score.
'dbscan' : DBSCAN.
Defaults to 'z1'.
- thresholdfloat, optional
The threshold for outlier score. If the absolute value of outlier score is beyond the threshold, we consider the corresponding data point as an outlier.
Only valid when
= 'iqr', 'isolationforest', 'mad', 'z1', 'z2'. Foroutlier_method
= 'isolationforest', whencontamination
is provided,threshold
is not valid and outliers are decided bycontamination
.Defaults to 3 when
is 'mad', 'z1' and 'z2'. Defaults to 1.5 whenoutlier_method
is 'iqr'. Defaults to 0.7 whenoutlier_method
is 'isolationforest'.- detect_seasonalitybool, optional
When calculating the residual,
False: Does not consider the seasonal decomposition.
True: Considers the seasonal decomposition.
Defaults to False.
- alphafloat, optional
The criterion for the autocorrelation coefficient. The value range is (0, 1).
A larger value indicates a stricter requirement for seasonality.
Only valid when
is True.Defaults to 0.2.
- extrapolationbool, optional
Specifies whether to extrapolate the endpoints. Set to True when there is an end-point issue.
Only valid when
is True.Defaults to False.
- periodsint, optional
When this parameter is not specified, the algorithm will search the seasonal period. When this parameter is specified between 2 and half of the series length, autocorrelation value is calculated for this number of periods and the result is compared to
parameter. If correlation value is equal to or higher thanalpha
, decomposition is executed with the value ofperiods
. Otherwise, the residual is calculated without decomposition. For other value of parameterperiods
, the residual is also calculated without decomposition.Only valid when
is True. If the user knows the seasonal period, specifyingperiods
can speed up the calculation, especially when the time series is long.No Default value.
- random_stateint, optional
Specifies the seed for random number generator.
0: Uses the current time (in second) as seed.
Others: Uses the specified value as seed.
Only valid when
is 'isolationforest'.Default to 0.
- n_estimatorsint, optional
Specifies the number of trees to grow.
Only valid when
is 'isolationforest'.Default to 100.
- max_samplesint, optional
Specifies the number of samples to draw from input to train each tree. If
is larger than the number of samples provided, all samples will be used for all trees.Only valid when
is 'isolationforest'.Default to 256.
- bootstrapbool, optional
Specifies sampling method.
False: Sampling without replacement.
True: Sampling with replacement.
Only valid when
is 'isolationforest'.Default to False.
- contaminationdouble, optional
The proportion of outliers in the data set. Should be in the range (0, 0.5].
Only valid when
is 'isolationforest'. Whenoutlier_method
is 'isolationforest' andcontamination
is specified,threshold
is not valid.No Default value.
- minptsint, optional
Specifies the minimum number of points required to form a cluster. The point itself is not included in
.Only valid when
is 'dbscan'.Defaults to 1.
- epsfloat, optional
Specifies the scan radius.
Only valid when
is 'dbscan'.Defaults to 0.5.
- thread_ratiofloat, optional
The ratio of available threads.
0: single thread.
0~1: percentage.
Others: heuristically determined.
Only valid when
is True oroutlier_method
is 'isolationforest' or 'dbscan'.Defaults to -1.
- titlestr, optional
The title of plot.
Defaults to "Outliers".
- axAxes, optional
The axes for the plot.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> plot_time_series_outlier(data=df, key='ID', col='ts')
>>> plot_time_series_outlier(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_change_points(data, cp_object, col, key=None, display_trend=True, cp_style='axvline', title=None, ax=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Plot the time series with the highlighted change points and BCPD is used for change point detection.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data containing the target time-series.
should have at least two columns: one is ID column, the other is raw data.- colstr, optional
Name of the time series data column.
- cp_objectBCPD object
An object of BCPD for change points detection. Please initialize a BCPD object first.
An example is shown below:
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- cp_style{"axvline", "scatter"}, optional
The style of change points in the plot.
Defaults to "axvline".
- display_trendbool, optional
If True, draw the trend component based on decomposed component of trend of BCPD fit_predict().
Default to True.
- titlestr, optional
The title of plot.
Defaults to "Change Points".
- axAxes, optional
The axes for the plot.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> bcpd = BCPD(max_tcp=5, max_scp=0, random_seed=1, max_iter=1000) >>> plot_change_points(data=df, cp_object=bcpd)
>>> bcpd = BCPD(max_tcp=5, max_scp=0, random_seed=1, max_iter=1000) >>> plot_change_points(data=df, cp_object=bcpd, enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_moving_average(data, col, rolling_window, key=None, ax=None, compare=True, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Plot the rolling mean by the given rolling window size.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr, optional
Name of the time series data column.
- rolling_windowint, optional
Window size for rolling function. If negative, it will use the points before CURRENT ROW.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- axAxes, optional
The axes for the plot.
- comparebool, optional
If True, it will plot the data and its moving average. Otherwise, only moving average will be plotted.
Defaults to True.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> plot_moving_average(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', rolling_window=10)
>>> plot_moving_average(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', rolling_window=10, enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_rolling_stddev(data, col, rolling_window, key=None, ax=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Plot the rolling standard deviation by given rolling window size.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr, optional
Name of the time series data column.
- rolling_windowint, optional
Window size for rolling function. If negative, it will use the points before CURRENT ROW.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- axAxes
The axes for the plot.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> plot_rolling_stddev(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', rolling_window=10)
>>> plot_rolling_stddev(data=df, key='ID', col='ts', rolling_window=10, enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_seasonal_decompose(data, col, key=None, alpha=None, thread_ratio=None, decompose_type=None, extrapolation=None, smooth_width=None, axes=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Plot the seasonal decomposition.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr, optional
Name of the time series data column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- alphafloat, optional
The criterion for the autocorrelation coefficient. The value range is (0, 1). A larger value indicates stricter requirement for seasonality.
Defaults to 0.2.
- thread_ratiofloat, optional
Controls the proportion of available threads to use. The ratio of available threads.
0: single thread.
0~1: percentage.
Others: heuristically determined.
Defaults to -1.
- decompose_type{'additive', 'multiplicative', 'auto'}, optional
Specifies decompose type.
'additive': Additive decomposition model.
'multiplicative': Multiplicative decomposition model.
'auto': Decomposition model automatically determined from input data.
Defaults to 'auto'.
- extrapolationbool, optional
Specifies whether to extrapolate the endpoints. Set to True when there is an end-point issue.
Defaults to False.
- smooth_widthint, optional
Specifies the width of the moving average applied to non-seasonal data. 0 indicates linear fitting to extract trends. Can not be larger than half of the data length.
Defaults to 0.
- axesAxes array, optional
The axes for the plot.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> plot_seasonal_decompose(data=df, col='ts', key= 'ID')
>>> plot_seasonal_decompose(data=df, col='ts', key= 'ID', enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.kdeplot(data, key, features=None, kde=<hana_ml.algorithms.pal.kernel_density.KDE object>, points=1000, enable_plotly=False, **kwargs)
Display a kernel density estimate plot for SAP HANA DataFrame.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Dataframe including the data of density distribution.
- keystr
Name of the ID column in the data.
- featuresstr/list of str, optional
Name of the feature columns in the data.
- kdehana_ml.algorithms.pal.kernel_density.KDE, optional
KDE Calculation.
Defaults to KDE().
- pointsint, optional
The number of points for plotting.
Defaults to 1000.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
Poly3DCollection, The surface plot object. Only valid for matplotlib 2D plotting.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(19, 10)) >>> ax = kdeplot(data=df, key="PASSENGER_ID", features=["AGE"]) >>> ax.grid() >>> plt.show()
>>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(19, 10)) >>> ax, surf = kdeplot(data=df, key="PASSENGER_ID", features=["AGE", "FARE"]) >>> ax.grid() >>> plt.show()
>>> fig = kdeplot(data=df.filter("SURVIVED = 1"), key="PASSENGER_ID", features=["AGE"], enable_plotly=True, width=600, height=600) >>> fig.show()
>>> fig = kdeplot(data=df, key="PASSENGER_ID", features=["AGE", "FARE"], enable_plotly=True, width=600, height=600) >>> fig.show()
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.hist(data, columns, bins=None, debrief=False, x_axis_fontsize=10, x_axis_rotation=0, title_fontproperties=None, default_bins=20, rounding_precision=3, replacena=0, enable_plotly=False, **kwargs)
Plot histograms for SAP HANA DataFrame.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plot.
- columnslist of str
Columns in the DataFrame being plotted.
- binsint or dict, optional
The number of bins to create based on the value of column.
Defaults to 20.
- debriefbool, optional
Whether to include the skewness debrief.
Defaults to False.
- x_axis_fontsizeint, optional
The size of x axis labels.
Defaults to 10.
- x_axis_rotationint, optional
The rotation of x axis labels.
Defaults to 0.
- title_fontpropertiesFontProperties, optional
Change the font properties for title. Only for Matplotlib plot.
Defaults to None.
- default_binsint, optional
The number of bins to create for the column that has not been specified in bins when bins is dict.
Defaults to 20.
- debriefbool, optional
Whether to include the skewness debrief.
Defaults to False.
- rounding_precisionint, optional
The rounding precision for bin size.
Defaults to 3.
- replacenafloat, optional
Replace na with the specified value.
Defaults to 0.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> hist(data=df, columns=['PCLASS', 'AGE', 'SIBSP', 'PARCH', 'FARE'], default_bins=10, bins={"AGE": 10})
>>> hist(data=df, columns=['PCLASS', 'AGE', 'SIBSP', 'PARCH', 'FARE'], default_bins=10, bins={"AGE": 10}, enable_plotly=True)
- hana_ml.visualizers.eda.plot_psd(data, col, key=None, sampling_rate=None, num_fft=None, freq_range=None, spectrum_type=None, window=None, alpha=None, beta=None, attenuation=None, mode=None, precision=None, r=None, title=None, xlabel_name=None, ylabel_name=None, semilogy=False, ax=None, periodogram_res=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, **kwargs)
Plot Power Spectral Density (PSD) with periodogram.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- colstr
Name of the time series data column.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.- sampling_ratefloat, optional
Sampling frequency of the sequence.
Defaults to 1.0.
- num_fftinteger, optional
Number of DFT points. If
is smaller than the length of the input, the input is cropped. If it is larger, the input is padded with zeros.Defaults to the length of sequence.
- freq_range{"one_sides", "two_sides"}, optional
Indicates result frequency range.
Defaults to "one_sides".
- spectrum_type{"density", "spectrum"}, optional
Indicates power spectrum scaling type.
"density": power spectrum density.
"spectrum": power spectrum.
Defaults to "density".
- windowstr, optional
Available input window type:
No default value.
- alphafloat, optional
Window parameter. Only valid for blackman and gaussian window. Default values:
"Blackman", defaults to 0.16.
"Gaussian", defaults to 2.5.
- betafloat, optional
Parameter for Kaiser Window. Only valid for kaiser window.
Defaults to 8.6.
- attenuationfloat, optional
Parameter for Chebwin. Only valid for chewin window.
Defaults to 50.0.
- mode{'symmetric', 'periodic'}, optional
Parameter for Flattop Window. Can be:
Only valid for flattop window. Defaults to 'symmetric'.
- precisionstr, optional
Parameter for Flattop Window. Can be:
Only valid for flattop window. Defaults to 'none'.
- rfloat, optional
Parameter for Tukey Window. Only valid for tukey window.
Defaults to 0.5.
- titlestr, optional
The plot title.
Defaults to "Periodogram".
- xlabel_namestr, optional
Name of x label.
Defaults to None.
- ylabel_namestr, optional
Name of y label.
Defaults to None.
- semilogybool, optional
Whether to make a plot with log scaling on the y axis.
Defaults to False.
- axAxes
The axes for the plot.
- periodogram_resDataFrame, optional
The returned result DataFrame from function periodogram().
Defaults to None.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figplotly.graph_objects.Figure, optional
If None, a new graph object will be created. Valid when
is True.Defaults to None.
- kwargsoptional
Keyword/value pair of properties to be updated when
is True.Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True, returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object.
>>> plot_psd(data=df, col="ts", key="ID", sampling_rate=100.0, window="hamming", freq_range="two_sides", title="Periodogram", semilogy=True)
>>> plot_psd(data=df, col="ts", key="ID", sampling_rate=100.0, window="hamming", freq_range="two_sides", title="Periodogram", enable_plotly=True, width=600, height=400, semilogy=True)
- class hana_ml.visualizers.eda.EDAVisualizer(ax=None, size=None, cmap=None, enable_plotly=False, fig=None, no_fig=False)
Class for all EDA visualizations, including:
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
The axes used to plot the figure. Only for matplotlib plot.
Default value is current axes.
- sizetuple of integers, optional
(width, height) of the plot in dpi. Only for matplotlib plot.
Default value is the current size of the plot.
- cmapmatplotlib.pyplot.colormap, optional
Color map used for the plot. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to None.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- figFigure, optional
Plotly's figure. Only valid when enable_plotly is True.
Defaults to None.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) >>> ax = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax)
- Attributes:
(data, column, aggregation[, title, ...])Displays a bar plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
(data, column[, outliers, title, ...])Displays a box plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
(data[, key, corr_cols, ...])Displays a correlation plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame columns specified.
(data, column, bins[, ...])Displays a distribution plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
(data, column[, explode, title, ...])Displays a pie plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
(data, x, y[, x_bins, y_bins, ...])Displays a scatter plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame columns specified.
(ax)Sets the Axes
(cmap)Sets the colormap
(size)Sets the size
- distribution_plot(data, column, bins, title=None, x_axis_fontsize=10, x_axis_rotation=0, debrief=False, rounding_precision=3, title_fontproperties=None, replacena=0, x_axis_label='', y_axis_label='', subplot_pos=(1, 1), return_bin_data_only=False, **kwargs)
Displays a distribution plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plot.
- columnstr
Column in the DataFrame being plotted.
- binsint
Number of bins to create based on the value of column.
- titlestr, optional
Title for the plot.
Defaults to None.
- x_axis_fontsizeint, optional
Size of x axis labels.
Defaults to 10.
- x_axis_rotationint, optional
Rotation of x axis labels.
Defaults to 0.
- debriefbool, optional
Whether to include the skewness debrief.
Defaults to False.
- rounding_precisionint, optional
The rounding precision for bin size.
Defaults to 3.
- title_fontpropertiesFontProperties, optional
Change the font properties for title.
Defaults to None.
- replacenafloat, optional
Replace na with the specified value.
Defaults to 0.
- x_axis_labelstr, optional
x axis label. Only for plotly plot.
Defaults to "".
- y_axis_labelstr, optional
y axis label. Only for plotly plot.
Defaults to "".
- subplot_postuple, optional
(row, col) for plotly subplot. Only for plotly plot.
Defaults to (1, 1).
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True:
plotly.graph_objects.Figure object of the distribution plot.
graph object trace. The trace of the plot, used in hist().
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(35, 10)) >>> ax = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax) >>> ax, dist_data = eda.distribution_plot(data=df, column="FARE", bins=10, title="Distribution of FARE") >>> plt.show()
>>> eda = EDAVisualizer(enable_plotly=True) >>> fig, trace, bin_data = eda.distribution_plot(data=df, column="FARE", bins=10, title="Distribution of FARE", width=600, height=400) >>> fig.show()
- pie_plot(data, column, explode=0.03, title=None, legend=True, title_fontproperties=None, legend_fontproperties=None, subplot_pos=(1, 1), **kwargs)
Displays a pie plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plot.
- columnstr
Column in the DataFrame being plotted.
- explodefloat, optional
Relative spacing between pie segments. Only for matplotlib plot.
- titlestr, optional
Title for the plot.
Defaults to None.
- legendbool, optional
Whether to show the legend for the plot. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to True.
- title_fontpropertiesFontProperties, optional
Change the font properties for title. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to None.
- legend_fontpropertiesFontProperties, optional
Change the font properties for legend. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to None.
- subplot_postuple, optional
(row, col) for plotly subplot. Only for plotly plot.
Defaults to (1, 1).
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True:
plotly.graph_objects.Figure object of the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) >>> ax = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax) >>> ax, pie_data = eda.pie_plot(data=df, column="PCLASS", title="% of passengers in each class") >>> plt.show()
>>> eda = EDAVisualizer(enable_plotly=True) >>> fig, pie_data = eda.pie_plot(data=df, column="PCLASS", title="% of passengers in each class", width=600, height=600) >>> fig.show()
- correlation_plot(data, key=None, corr_cols=None, label=True, cmap=None, title="Pearson's correlation (r)", **kwargs)
Displays a correlation plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame columns specified.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plot.
- keystr, optional
Name of ID column.
Defaults to None.
- corr_colslist of str, optional
Columns in the DataFrame being plotted. If None then all numeric columns will be plotted.
Defaults to None.
- labelbool, optional
Plot a colorbar. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to True.
- cmapmatplotlib.pyplot.colormap or str, optional
Color map used for the plot.
Defaults to "RdYlBu" for matplotlib and "blues" for plotly.
- titlestr, optional
Title of the plot.
Defaults to "Pearson's correlation (r)".
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True:
plotly.graph_objects.Figure object of the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(35, 10)) >>> ax = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax) >>> ax, corr = eda.correlation_plot(data=df, corr_cols=['PCLASS', 'AGE', 'SIBSP', 'PARCH', 'FARE'], cmap="Blues") >>> plt.show()
>>> eda = EDAVisualizer(enable_plotly=True) >>> fig, _ = eda.correlation_plot(data=df, corr_cols=['PCLASS', 'AGE', 'SIBSP', 'PARCH', 'FARE'], cmap="Blues", width=600, height=600, title="correlation plot") >>> fig.show()
- scatter_plot(data, x, y, x_bins=None, y_bins=None, title=None, label=None, cmap=None, debrief=True, rounding_precision=3, label_fontsize=12, title_fontproperties=None, sample_frac=1.0, **kwargs)
Displays a scatter plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame columns specified.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plot.
- xstr
Column to be plotted on the x axis.
- ystr
Column to be plotted on the y axis.
- x_binsint, optional
Number of x axis bins to create based on the value of column.
Defaults to None.
- y_binsint
Number of y axis bins to create based on the value of column.
Defaults to None.
- titlestr, optional
Title for the plot.
Defaults to None.
- labelstr, optional
Label for the color bar.
Defaults to None.
- cmapmatplotlib.pyplot.colormap or str, optional
Color map used for the plot.
Defaults to "Blues" for matplotlib and "blues" for plotly.
- debriefbool, optional
Whether to include the correlation debrief.
Defaults to True
- rounding_precisionint, optional
The rounding precision for bin size. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to 3.
- label_fontsizeint, optional
Change the font size for label. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to 12.
- title_fontpropertiesFontProperties, optional
Change the font properties for title.
Defaults to None.
- sample_fracfloat, optional
Sampling method is applied to data. Valid if x_bins and y_bins are not set.
Defaults to 1.0.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True:
plotly.graph_objects.Figure object of the plot.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) >>> ax = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax) >>> ax, corr = eda.scatter_plot(data=df, x="AGE", y="SIBSP", x_bins=5, y_bins=5) >>> plt.show()
>>> eda = EDAVisualizer(enable_plotly=True) >>> fig = eda.scatter_plot(data=df, x="AGE", y="SIBSP", x_bins=5, y_bins=5, width=600, height=600) >>> fig.show()
>>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) >>> ax2 = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax2) >>> ax2 = eda.scatter_plot(data=df, x="AGE", y="SIBSP", sample_frac=0.8, s=10, marker='o') >>> plt.show()
>>> eda = EDAVisualizer(enable_plotly=True) >>> fig = eda.scatter_plot(data=df, x="AGE", y="SIBSP", sample_frac=0.8, width=600, height=600) >>> fig.show()
- bar_plot(data, column, aggregation, title=None, label_fontsize=12, title_fontproperties=None, orientation=None, **kwargs)
Displays a bar plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plot.
- columnstr
Column to be aggregated.
- aggregationdict
Aggregation conditions ('avg', 'count', 'max', 'min').
- titlestr, optional
Title for the plot.
Defaults to None.
- label_fontsizeint, optional
The size of label. Only for matplotlib plot.
Defaults to 12.
- title_fontpropertiesFontProperties, optional
Change the font properties for title.
Defaults to None.
- orientationstr, optional
One of 'h' for horizontal or 'v' for vertical.
Only valid when plotly plot is enabled.
Defaults to 'v'.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True:
plotly.graph_objects.Figure object of the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) >>> ax = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax) >>> ax, bar = eda.bar_plot(data=df, column="PCLASS", aggregation={'AGE':'avg'}) >>> plt.show()
>>> eda = EDAVisualizer(enable_plotly=True) >>> fig, bar = eda.bar_plot(data=df, column="PCLASS", aggregation={'AGE':'avg'}, width=600, height=600, title="bar plot") >>> fig.show()
- box_plot(data, column, outliers=False, title=None, groupby=None, lower_outlier_fence_factor=0, upper_outlier_fence_factor=0, title_fontproperties=None, vert=False, legend=True, multiplier=1.5, **kwargs)
Displays a box plot for the SAP HANA DataFrame column specified.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plot.
- columnstr
Column in the DataFrame being plotted.
- outliersbool
Whether to plot suspected outliers and outliers.
Defaults to False.
- titlestr, optional
Title for the plot.
Defaults to None.
- groupbystr, optional
Column to group by and compare.
Defaults to None.
- lower_outlier_fence_factorfloat, optional
The lower bound of outlier fence factor.
Defaults to 0.
- upper_outlier_fence_factor
The upper bound of outlier fence factor.
Defaults to 0.
- title_fontpropertiesFontProperties, optional
Change the font properties for title.
Defaults to None.
- vertbool, optional
Vertical box plot if True.
Defaults to False.
- legendbool, optional
Display legend if True. Only available for matplotlib.
Defaults to True.
- multiplierfloat, optional
The multiplier used in the IQR test.
Defaults to 1.5.
- Returns:
- matplotlib:
The axes for the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
- plotly:
If enable_plotly is True:
plotly.graph_objects.Figure object of the plot.
pandas.DataFrame. The data used in the plot.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) >>> ax = f.add_subplot(111) >>> eda = EDAVisualizer(ax) >>> ax, corr = eda.box_plot(data=data, column="AGE", vert=True, groupby="SEX") >>> plt.show()
>>> eda = EDAVisualizer(enable_plotly=True) >>> fig, corr = eda.box_plot(data=df, column="AGE", groupby="SEX", vert=True, width=600, height=600, title="box plot") >>> fig.show()
- property ax
Returns the matplotlib Axes where the Visualizer will draw.
- property cmap
Returns the color map being used for the plot.
- reset()
- set_ax(ax)
Sets the Axes
- set_cmap(cmap)
Sets the colormap
- set_size(size)
Sets the size
- property size
Returns the size of the plot in pixels.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.eda.Profiler(*args, **kwargs)
A class to build a SAP HANA Profiler, including:
Variable descriptions
Missing values %
High cardinality %
Numeric distributions
Categorical distributions
High correlation warnings
(data, key[, bins, ...])Returns a SAP HANA profiler, including:
(fig, figsize)Set the size of the data description plot, in inches.
- description(data, key, bins=20, missing_threshold=10, card_threshold=100, skew_threshold=0.5, figsize=None)
Returns a SAP HANA profiler, including:
Variable descriptions
Missing values %
High cardinality %
Numeric distributions
Categorical distributions
High correlation warnings
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame used for the plat.
- keystr, optional
Name of the key column in the DataFrame.
- binsint, optional
Number of bins for numeric distributions. Default value = 20.
- missing_thresholdfloat
Percentage threshold to display missing values.
- card_thresholdint
Threshold for column to be considered with high cardinality.
- skew_thresholdfloat
Absolute value threshold for column to be considered as highly skewed.
- tight_layoutbool, optional
Use matplotlib tight layout or not.
- figsizetuple, optional
Size of figure to be plotted. First element is width, second is height.
- Note: categorical columns with cardinality warnings are not plotted.
- Returns:
- The matplotlib axis of the profiler
- set_size(fig, figsize)
Set the size of the data description plot, in inches.
- Parameters:
- figax
The returned axes constructed by the description method.
- figsizetuple
Tuple of width and height for the plot.
This module represents a visualizer for metrics.
The following class is available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.metrics.MetricsVisualizer(ax=None, size=None, cmap=None, title=None, enable_plotly=False)
The MetricVisualizer is used to visualize metrics.
- Parameters:
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
The axes to use to plot the figure. Default value : Current axes
- sizetuple of integers, optional
(width, height) of the plot in dpi Default value: Current size of the plot.
- titlestr, optional
Title for the plot.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- Attributes:
(df[, normalize])This function plots the confusion matrix and returns the Axes where this is drawn.
(ax)Sets the Axes
(cmap)Sets the colormap
(size)Sets the size
- plot_confusion_matrix(df, normalize=False, **kwargs)
This function plots the confusion matrix and returns the Axes where this is drawn.
- Parameters:
- dfDataFrame
Data points to the resulting confusion matrix. This dataframe's columns should match columns ('CLASS', '')
- property ax
Returns the matplotlib Axes where the Visualizer will draw.
- property cmap
Returns the color map being used for the plot.
- reset()
- set_ax(ax)
Sets the Axes
- set_cmap(cmap)
Sets the colormap
- set_size(size)
Sets the size
- property size
Returns the size of the plot in pixels.
This module contains M4 algorithm for sampling query.
The following function is available:
- hana_ml.visualizers.m4_sampling.get_min_index(data)
Get Minimum Timestamp of Time Series Data Only for internal use, do not show it in the doc.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Time series data whose the 1st column is index and the 2nd one is value.
- Returns:
- datetime
Return the minimum timestamp.
- hana_ml.visualizers.m4_sampling.get_max_index(data)
Get Maximum Timestamp of Time Series Data Only for internal use, do not show it in the doc.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Time series data whose 1st column is index and 2nd one is value.
- Returns:
- datetime
Return the maximum timestamp.
- hana_ml.visualizers.m4_sampling.m4_sampling(data, width)
M4 algorithm for big data visualization
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Data to be sampled. Time series data whose 1st column is index and 2nd one is value.
- widthint
Sampling Rate. It is an indicator of how many pixels being in the picture.
- Returns:
- DataFrame
Return the sampled dataframe.
This module represents a visualizer for tree model.
The following class is available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.model_debriefing.TreeModelDebriefing
Visualize tree model.
Currently, the TreeModelDebriefing class can be used to parse tree model built with the PAL algorithm, but it cannot be used to parse tree model built with the APL algorithm.
The TreeModelDebriefing class can be used to parse tree model generated by the following classes:
Classes in hana_ml.algorithms.pal.trees module
Class UnifiedClassification
Supported the following values of parameter
Using RDTClassifier class
Input dataframe for training:
>>> df1.collect() OUTLOOK TEMP HUMIDITY WINDY LABEL 0 Sunny 75.0 70.0 Yes Play 1 Sunny 80.0 90.0 Yes Do not Play 2 Sunny 85.0 85.0 No Do not Play 3 Sunny 72.0 95.0 No Do not Play 4 Sunny 69.0 70.0 No Play 5 Overcast 72.0 90.0 Yes Play 6 Overcast 83.0 78.0 No Play 7 Overcast 64.0 65.0 Yes Play 8 Overcast 81.0 75.0 No Play 9 Rain 71.0 80.0 Yes Do not Play 10 Rain 65.0 70.0 Yes Do not Play 11 Rain 75.0 80.0 No Play 12 Rain 68.0 80.0 No Play 13 Rain 70.0 96.0 No Play
Creating RDTClassifier instance:
>>> from hana_ml.algorithms.pal.trees import RDTClassifier >>> rdtc = RDTClassifier(n_estimators=3, ... max_features=3, ... random_state=2, ... split_threshold=0.00001, ... calculate_oob=True, ... min_samples_leaf=1, ... thread_ratio=1.0)
Performing fit() on given dataframe:
>>> rdtc.fit(data=df1, features=['OUTLOOK', 'TEMP', 'HUMIDITY', 'WINDY'], label='CLASS')
Visualize tree model in JSON format:
>>> TreeModelDebriefing.tree_debrief(rdtc.model_)
Visualize tree model in DOT format:
>>> TreeModelDebriefing.tree_debrief_with_dot(rdtc.model_, iframe_height=500)
Visualize tree model in XML format:
>>> rdtc = RDTClassifier(n_estimators=3, ... max_features=3, ... random_state=2, ... split_threshold=0.00001, ... calculate_oob=True, ... min_samples_leaf=1, ... thread_ratio=1.0, ... model_format='pmml')
>>> rdtc.fit(data=df1, features=['OUTLOOK', 'TEMP', 'HUMIDITY', 'WINDY'], label='CLASS')
>>> TreeModelDebriefing.tree_debrief(rdtc.model_)
Using UnifiedClassification class
>>> from hana_ml.algorithms.pal.unified_classification import UnifiedClassification
>>> rdt_params = dict(random_state=2, split_threshold=1e-7, min_samples_leaf=1, n_estimators=10, max_depth=55)
>>> uc_rdt = UnifiedClassification(func='RandomDecisionTree', **rdt_params)
>>> uc_rdt.fit(data=df1, partition_method='stratified', stratified_column='CLASS', partition_random_state=2, training_percent=0.7, ntiles=2)
>>> TreeModelDebriefing.tree_debrief(uc_rdt.model_[0])
>>> TreeModelDebriefing.tree_debrief_with_dot(uc_rdt.model_[0], iframe_height=500)
(reason_code_data, feature_data)Create Shapley explainer to explain the output of machine learning model.
(model[, display])Visualize tree model by data in JSON or XML format.
(model[, ...])Visualize tree model by data in DOT format.
(model, filename)Save the tree model as a html file.
(model, filename)Save the tree model as a html file.
(model)Transform tree model content using DOT language.
- static tree_debrief(model, display=True)
Visualize tree model by data in JSON or XML format.
- Parameters:
- modelDataFrame
Tree model.
- Returns:
- HTML Page
This HTML page can be rendered by browser.
- static tree_export(model, filename)
Save the tree model as a html file.
- Parameters:
- modelDataFrame
Tree model.
- filenamestr
Html file name.
- static tree_parse(model)
Transform tree model content using DOT language.
- Parameters:
- modelDataFrame
Tree model.
- static tree_debrief_with_dot(model, iframe_height: int = 800, digraph_config: DigraphConfig = None, display=True)
Visualize tree model by data in DOT format.
- Parameters:
- modelDataFrame
Tree model.
- iframe_heightint, optional
Frame height.
Defaults to 800.
- digraph_configDigraphConfig, optional
Configuration instance of digraph.
- Returns:
- HTML Page
This HTML page can be rendered by browser.
- static tree_export_with_dot(model, filename)
Save the tree model as a html file.
- Parameters:
- modelDataFrame
Tree model.
- filenamestr
Html file name.
- static shapley_explainer(reason_code_data: DataFrame, feature_data: DataFrame, reason_code_column_name=None, **kwargs)
Create Shapley explainer to explain the output of machine learning model.
It connects optimal credit allocation with local explanations using the classic Shapley values from game theory and their related extensions.
To get an overview of which features are most important for a model we can plot the Shapley values of every feature for every sample.
- Parameters:
- reason_code_dataDataFrame
The Dataframe containing only reason code values.
- feature_dataDataFrame
The Dataframe containing only feature values.
- Returns:
Shapley explainer.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.dataset_report.DatasetReportBuilder
The DatasetReportBuilder instance can analyze the dataset and generate a report in HTML format.
The instance will call the dropna method of DataFrame internally to handle the missing value of dataset.
The generated report can be embedded in a notebook, including:
- Overview
Dataset Info
Variable Types
High Cardinality %
Highly Skewed Variables
- Sample
Top ten rows of dataset
- Variables
Numeric distributions
Categorical distributions
Variable statistics
Data Correlations
Data Scatter Matrix
Create a DatasetReportBuilder instance:
>>> from hana_ml.visualizers.dataset_report import DatasetReportBuilder >>> datasetReportBuilder = DatasetReportBuilder()
Assume the dataset DataFrame is df and then analyze the dataset:
>>> datasetReportBuilder.build(df, key="ID")
Display the dataset report as a notebook iframe.
>>> datasetReportBuilder.generate_notebook_iframe_report()
(data, key[, scatter_matrix_sampling, ...])Build a report for dataset.
(filename)Save the dataset report as a html file.
Render the dataset report as a notebook iframe.
Return the iframe report.
Return the html report.
- build(data, key, scatter_matrix_sampling: Sampling = None, ignore_scatter_matrix: bool = False, ignore_correlation: bool = False, subset_bins=None)
Build a report for dataset.
Note that the name of data is used as the dataset name in this function. If the name of data (which is a dataframe.DataFrame object) is not set explicitly in the object instantiation, a name like 'DT_XX' will be assigned to the data.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
DataFrame to use to build the dataset report.
- keystr
Name of ID column.
- scatter_matrix_sampling
, optional Scatter matrix sampling.
- ignore_scatter_matrixbool, optional
Skip calculating scatter matrix.
Defaults to False.
- ignore_correlationbool, optional
Skip calculating correlation.
Defaults to False.
- generate_html_report(filename)
Save the dataset report as a html file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
Html file name.
- generate_notebook_iframe_report()
Render the dataset report as a notebook iframe.
- get_report_html()
Return the html report.
- get_iframe_report_html()
Return the iframe report.
This module provides some explainers for Shapley values.
The following classes are available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.shap.ShapleyExplainer(reason_code_data: DataFrame, feature_data: DataFrame, reason_code_column_name=None, **kwargs)
SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) is a game theoretic approach to explain the output of machine learning model.
It connects optimal credit allocation with local explanations using the classic Shapley values from game theory and their related extensions.
To get an overview of which features are most important for a model we can plot the Shapley values of every feature for every sample.
If the output table contains the reason code column, the output table can be parsed by this class in most cases, rather than only valid for the tree model.
- Parameters:
- reason_code_dataDataFrame
The Dataframe containing only reason code values.
- feature_dataDataFrame
The Dataframe containing only feature values.
In the following example, training data is called diabetes_train and test data is diabetes_test.
First, we create an UnifiedClassification instance:
>>> uc_hgbdt = UnifiedClassification('HybridGradientBoostingTree')
Then, create a GridSearchCV instance:
>>> gscv = GridSearchCV(estimator=uc_hgbdt, param_grid={'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1], 'n_estimators': [4, 6, 8, 10], 'split_threshold': [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1]}, train_control=dict(fold_num=5, resampling_method='cv', random_state=1, ref_metric=['auc']), scoring='error_rate')
Call the fit() function to train the model:
>>> gscv.fit(data=diabetes_train, key= 'ID', label='CLASS', partition_method='stratified', partition_random_state=1, stratified_column='CLASS', build_report=True) >>> features = diabetes_train.columns >>> features.remove('CLASS') >>> features.remove('ID')
Use diabetes_test for prediction:
>>> pred_res = gscv.predict(diabetes_test, key='ID', features=features)
Create a ShapleyExplainer class and then invoke summary_plot() :
>>> shapley_explainer = ShapleyExplainer(reason_code_data=pred_res.select('REASON_CODE'), feature_data=diabetes_test.select(features)) >>> shapley_explainer.summary_plot()
([iframe_height])Draw the force plot.
Get bar plot item.
Get beeswarm plot item.
Get dependence plot item.
Get enhanced dependence plot item.
Get feature value and effect.
Get the force plot item.
([iframe_height])Global Interpretation using Shapley values.
- get_feature_value_and_effect()
Get feature value and effect.
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- An object of class 'FeatureValueAndEffect'.
- get_force_plot_item()
Get the force plot item.
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- An object of class 'ForcePlotItem'.
- get_beeswarm_plot_item()
Get beeswarm plot item.
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- An object of class 'BeeswarmPlot'.
- get_bar_plot_item()
Get bar plot item.
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- An object of class 'BarPlot'.
- get_dependence_plot_items()
Get dependence plot item.
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- An object of class 'DependencePlot'.
- get_enhanced_dependence_plot_items()
Get enhanced dependence plot item.
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- An object of class 'EnhancedDependencePlot'.
- force_plot(iframe_height=800)
Draw the force plot.
- Parameters:
- iframe_heightint, optional
iframe height.
Defaults to 800.
- Returns:
- Renders the force plot as a notebook iframe.
- summary_plot(iframe_height=600)
Global Interpretation using Shapley values.
To get an overview of which features are most important for a model we can plot the Shapley values of every feature for every sample.
- Parameters:
- iframe_heightint, optional
iframe height.
Defaults to 600.
- Returns:
- Renders the summary plot as a notebook iframe.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.shap.TimeSeriesExplainer
The TimeSeriesExplainer instance can visualize the training and prediction results of time series.
The generated html can be embedded in a notebook, including:
Exogenous variable
(amf[, iframe_height])The static method can visualize the training and prediction results of AdditiveModelForecast.
(arima[, iframe_height])The static method can visualize the training and prediction results of Arima.
- static explain_arima_model(arima, iframe_height=800)
The static method can visualize the training and prediction results of Arima.
The generated html can be embedded in a notebook, including:
Exogenous variable
- Parameters:
- arima
Arima related instances.
- iframe_heightint, optional
Specifies iframe height.
Defaults to 800.
- static explain_additive_model(amf, iframe_height=800)
The static method can visualize the training and prediction results of AdditiveModelForecast.
The generated html can be embedded in a notebook, including:
Exogenous variable
- Parameters:
- amfadditive_model_forecast.AdditiveModelForecast
AdditiveModelForecast instances.
- iframe_heightint, optional
Specifies iframe height.
Defaults to 800.
This module is to build report for PAL/APL models.
The following class is available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.unified_report.UnifiedReport(obj)
The report generator for PAL/APL models. Currently, it only supports UnifiedClassification and UnifiedRegression.
Data used is called diabetes_train.
Case 1: UnifiedReport for UnifiedClassification is shown as follows, please set build_report=True in the fit() function:
>>> from hana_ml.algorithms.pal.model_selection import GridSearchCV >>> from hana_ml.algorithms.pal.model_selection import RandomSearchCV >>> hgc = UnifiedClassification('HybridGradientBoostingTree') >>> gscv = GridSearchCV(estimator=hgc, param_grid={'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1], 'n_estimators': [4, 6, 8, 10], 'split_threshold': [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1]}, train_control=dict(fold_num=5, resampling_method='cv', random_state=1, ref_metric=['auc']), scoring='error_rate') >>> gscv.fit(data=diabetes_train, key= 'ID', label='CLASS', partition_method='stratified', partition_random_state=1, stratified_column='CLASS', build_report=True)
To look at the dataset report:
>>> UnifiedReport(diabetes_train).build().display()
To see the model report:
>>> UnifiedReport(gscv.estimator).display()
We could also see the Optimal Parameter page:
Case 2: UnifiedReport for UnifiedRegression is shown as follows, please set build_report=True in the fit() function:
>>> hgr = UnifiedRegression(func = 'HybridGradientBoostingTree') >>> gscv = GridSearchCV(estimator=hgr, param_grid={'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1], 'n_estimators': [4, 6, 8, 10], 'split_threshold': [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1]}, train_control=dict(fold_num=5, resampling_method='cv', random_state=1), scoring='rmse') >>> gscv.fit(data=diabetes_train, key= 'ID', label='CLASS', partition_method='random', partition_random_state=1, build_report=True)
To see the model report:
>>> UnifiedReport(gscv.estimator).display()
([key, scatter_matrix_sampling, ...])Build the report.
([save_html, metric_sampling])Display the report.
Return iframe report without display.
([roc_sampling, ...])Set metric samplings to report builder.
(version)Switch different style of model report
([save_html, digraph])Visualize tree model.
- set_model_report_style(version)
Switch different style of model report
- Parameters:
- version{'v2', 'v1'}, optional
new: using report builder framework. old: using pure html template.
Defaults to 'v2'.
- build(key=None, scatter_matrix_sampling: Sampling = None, ignore_scatter_matrix: bool = False, ignore_correlation: bool = False, subset_bins=None)
Build the report.
- Parameters:
- keystr, valid only for DataFrame
Name of ID column.
Defaults to the first column.
- scatter_matrix_sampling
, valid only for DataFrame Scatter matrix sampling.
- ignore_scatter_matrixbool, optional
Ignore the plotting of scatter matrix if True.
Defaults to False.
- ignore_correlationbool, optional
Ignore the correlation computation if True.
Defaults to False.
- subset_binsdict, optional
Define the bin number in distribution chart for each column, e.g. {"col_A": 20}.
Defaults to 20 for all.
- set_metric_samplings(roc_sampling: Sampling = None, other_samplings: dict = None)
Set metric samplings to report builder.
- Parameters:
- roc_sampling
, optional ROC sampling.
- other_samplingsdict, optional
Key is column name of metric table.
Value is sampling.
- roc_sampling
Creating the metric samplings:
>>> roc_sampling = Sampling(method='every_nth', interval=2)
>>> other_samplings = dict(CUMGAINS=Sampling(method='every_nth', interval=2), LIFT=Sampling(method='every_nth', interval=2), CUMLIFT=Sampling(method='every_nth', interval=2)) >>> unified_report.set_metric_samplings(roc_sampling, other_samplings)
- tree_debrief(save_html=None, digraph=True, **kwargs)
Visualize tree model.
- Parameters:
- save_htmlstr, optional
If it is not None, the function will generate a html report and stored in the given name.
Defaults to None.
- digraphbool, optional
If True, it will output the digraph tree structure.
Defaults to False.
- display(save_html=None, metric_sampling=False)
Display the report.
- Parameters:
- save_htmlstr, optional
If it is not None, the function will generate a html report and stored in the given name.
Defaults to None.
- metric_samplingbool, optional (deprecated)
Whether the metric table needs to be sampled. It is only valid for UnifiedClassification and used together with set_metric_samplings. Since version 2.14, the metric_sampling is no need to specify and replaced by ntiles in unified API parameter settings.
Defaults to False.
- get_iframe_report()
Return iframe report without display.
The following function is available:
- hana_ml.visualizers.visualizer_base.forecast_line_plot(pred_data, actual_data=None, confidence=None, ax=None, figsize=None, max_xticklabels=10, marker=None, enable_plotly=False, pred_option={'zorder': 3}, actual_option={'alpha': 0.1, 'zorder': 1}, confidence_option={'alpha': 0.2, 'zorder': 2})
Plot the prediction data for time series forecast or regression model.
- Parameters:
- pred_dataDataFrame
The forecast data to be plotted.
- actual_dataDataFrame, optional
The actual data to be plotted.
Default value is None.
- confidencetuple of str, optional
The column names of confidence bound.
Default value is None.
- axmatplotlib.Axes, optional
The axes to use to plot the figure. Default value : Current axes
- figsizetuple, optional
(weight, height) of the figure. For matplotlib, the unit is inches, and for plotly, the unit is pixels.
Defaults to (15, 12) when using matplotlib, auto when using plotly.
- max_xticklabelsint, optional
The maximum number of xtick labels. Defaults to 10.
- marker: character, optional
Type of maker on the plot.
Default to None indicates no marker.
- enable_plotlybool, optional
Use plotly instead of matplotlib.
Defaults to False.
- pred_optiondict, optional
Matplotlib options for pred_data line plot.
Defaults to {'zorder': 3}.
- actual_optiondict, optional
Matplotlib options for actual_data line plot.
Defaults to {'zorder': 1, 'alpha': 0.1}.
- confidence_optiondict, optional
Matplotlib options for confidence area plot.
Defaults to {'zorder': 2, 'alpha': 0.2}.
Create an 'AdditiveModelForecast' instance and invoke the fit and predict functions:
>>> amf = AdditiveModelForecast(growth='linear') >>> amf.fit(data=train_df) >>> pred_data = amf.predict(data=test_df)
Visualize the forecast values:
>>> ax = forecast_line_plot(pred_data=pred_data.set_index("INDEX"), actual_data=df.set_index("INDEX"), confidence=("YHAT_LOWER", "YHAT_UPPER"), max_xticklabels=10)
This module represents the whole digraph framework. The whole digraph framework consists of Python API and page assets(HTML, CSS, JS, Font, Icon, etc.). The application scenarios of the current digraph framework are AutoML Pipeline and Model Debriefing.
- The following classes are available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.digraph.Node(node_id: int, node_name: str, node_icon_id: int, node_content: str, node_in_ports: list, node_out_ports: list)
The Node class of digraph framework is an entity class.
- Parameters:
- node_idint [Automatic generation]
Unique identification of node.
- node_namestr
The node name.
- node_icon_idint [Automatic generation]
Unique identification of node icon.
- node_contentstr
The node content.
- node_in_portslist
List of input port names.
- node_out_portslist
List of output port names.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.digraph.InPort(node: Node, port_id: str, port_name: str, port_sequence: int)
The InPort class of digraph framework is an entity class.
A port is a fixed connection point on a node.
- Parameters:
- nodeNode
Which node is the input port fixed on.
- port_idstr [Automatic generation]
Unique identification of input port.
- port_namestr
The input port name.
- port_sequenceint [Automatic generation]
The position of input port among all input ports.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.digraph.OutPort(node: Node, port_id: str, port_name: str, port_sequence: int)
The OutPort class of digraph framework is an entity class.
A port is a fixed connection point on a node.
- Parameters:
- nodeNode
Which node is the output port fixed on.
- port_idstr [Automatic generation]
Unique identification of output port.
- port_namestr
The output port name.
- port_sequenceint [Automatic generation]
The position of output port among all output ports.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.digraph.Edge(source_port: OutPort, target_port: InPort)
The Edge class of digraph framework is an entity class.
The output port of a node is connected with the input port of another node to make an edge.
- Parameters:
- source_portOutPort
Start connection point of edge.
- target_portInPort
End connection point of edge.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.digraph.DigraphConfig
Configuration class of digraph.
([digraph_layout])Set the layout of a digraph.
([node_sep])Set distance between nodes.
([rank_sep])Set distance between layers.
([make_text_center])Set node"s text layout.
- set_text_layout(make_text_center: bool = False)
Set node"s text layout.
- Parameters:
- make_text_centerbool, optional
Should the node"s text be centered.
Defaults to False.
- set_digraph_layout(digraph_layout: str = 'horizontal')
Set the layout of a digraph.
- Parameters:
- digraph_layoutstr, optional
The layout of a digraph can only be horizontal or vertical.
Defaults to horizontal layout.
- set_node_sep(node_sep: int = 80)
Set distance between nodes.
Under horizontal layout, this parameter represents horizontal distance between nodes.
Under vertical layout, this parameter represents vertical distance between nodes.
- Parameters:
- node_sepint, optional
The distance between nodes.
The value range of parameter is 20 to 200.
Defaults to 80.
- set_rank_sep(rank_sep: int = 80)
Set distance between layers.
Under horizontal layout, this parameter represents vertical distance between nodes.
Under vertical layout, this parameter represents horizontal distance between nodes.
- Parameters:
- rank_sepint, optional
The distance between layers.
The value range of parameter is 20 to 200.
Defaults to 80.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.digraph.Digraph(digraph_name: str, embedded_mode: bool = False)
Using the Digraph class of digraph framework can dynamically add nodes and edges, and finally generate an HTML page. The rendered HTML page can display the node information and the relationship between nodes, and provide a series of auxiliary tools to help you view the digraph. A series of auxiliary tools are provided as follows:
Provide basic functions such as pan and zoom.
Locate the specified node by keyword search.
Look at the layout outline of the whole digraph through the minimap.
Through the drop-down menu to switch different digraph.
The whole page can be displayed in full screen.
Adjust the distance between nodes and distance between layers dynamically.
Provide the function of node expansion and collapse.
- Parameters:
- digraph_namestr
The digraph name.
Importing classes of digraph framework
>>> from hana_ml.visualizers.digraph import Digraph, Node, Edge
Creating a Digraph instance:
>>> digraph: Digraph = Digraph("Test1")
Adding two nodes to digraph instance, where the node1 has only one output port and the node2 has only one input port:
>>> node1: Node = digraph.add_model_node("name1", "content1", in_ports=[], out_ports=["1"]) >>> node2: Node = digraph.add_python_node("name2", "content2", in_ports=["1"], out_ports=[])
Adding an edge to digraph instance, where the output port of node1 points to the input port of node2:
>>> edge1_2: Edge = digraph.add_edge(node1.out_ports[0], node2.in_ports[0])
Create a DigraphConfig instance:
>>> digraph_config = DigraphConfig() >>> digraph_config.set_digraph_layout("vertical")
Generating notebook iframe:
>>> digraph.build(digraph_config) >>> digraph.generate_notebook_iframe(iframe_height=500)
Generating a local HTML file:
>>> digraph.generate_html("Test1")
(source_port, target_port)Add edge to digraph instance.
(name, content, in_ports, ...)Add node with model icon to digraph instance.
(name, content, in_ports, ...)Add node with python icon to digraph instance.
([digraph_config])Build HTML string based on current data.
(filename)Save the digraph as a html file.
([iframe_height])Render the digraph as a notebook iframe.
()Return the nodes and edges data of digraph.
- to_json() list
Return the nodes and edges data of digraph.
- Returns:
- list
The nodes and edges data of digraph.
- build(digraph_config: DigraphConfig = None)
Build HTML string based on current data.
- Parameters:
- digraph_configDigraphConfig, optional
Configuration instance of digraph.
- generate_html(filename: str)
Save the digraph as a html file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
HTML file name.
- generate_notebook_iframe(iframe_height: int = 800)
Render the digraph as a notebook iframe.
- add_edge(source_port: OutPort, target_port: InPort) Edge
Add edge to digraph instance.
- Parameters:
- source_portOutPort
Start connection point of edge.
- target_portInPort
End connection point of edge.
- Returns:
- Edge
The added edge.
- add_model_node(name: str, content: str, in_ports: list, out_ports: list) Node
Add node with model icon to digraph instance.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The model node name.
- contentstr
The model node content.
- in_portslist
List of input port names.
- out_portslist
List of output port names.
- Returns:
- Node
The added node with model icon.
- add_python_node(name: str, content: str, in_ports: List, out_ports: List) Node
Add node with python icon to digraph instance.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The python node name.
- contentstr
The python node content.
- in_portslist
List of input port names.
- out_portslist
List of output port names.
- Returns:
- Node
The added node with python icon.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.digraph.MultiDigraph(multi_digraph_name: str, embedded_mode: bool = False)
Using the MultiDigraph class of digraph framework can dynamically add multiple child digraphs, and finally generate an HTML page. The rendered HTML page can display the node information and the relationship between nodes, and provide a series of auxiliary tools to help you view the digraph. A series of auxiliary tools are provided as follows:
Provide basic functions such as pan and zoom.
Locate the specified node by keyword search.
Look at the layout outline of the whole digraph through the minimap.
Through the drop-down menu to switch different digraph.
The whole page can be displayed in fullscreen.
Adjust the distance between nodes and distance between layers dynamically.
Provide the function of node expansion and collapse.
- Parameters:
- multi_digraph_namestr
The digraph name.
Importing classes of digraph framework
>>> from hana_ml.visualizers.digraph import MultiDigraph, Node, Edge
Creating a MultiDigraph instance:
>>> multi_digraph: MultiDigraph = MultiDigraph("Test2")
Creating first digraph:
>>> digraph1 = multi_digraph.add_child_digraph("digraph1")
Adding two nodes to digraph1, where the node1_1 has only one output port and the node2_1 has only one input port:
>>> node1_1: Node = digraph1.add_model_node("name1", "content1", in_ports=[], out_ports=["1"]) >>> node2_1: Node = digraph1.add_python_node("name2", "content2", in_ports=["1"], out_ports=[])
Adding an edge to digraph1, where the output port of node1_1 points to the input port of node2_1:
>>> digraph1.add_edge(node1_1.out_ports[0], node2_1.in_ports[0])
Creating second digraph:
>>> digraph2 = multi_digraph.add_child_digraph("digraph2")
Adding two nodes to digraph2, where the node1_2 has only one output port and the node2_2 has only one input port:
>>> node1_2: Node = digraph2.add_model_node("name1", "model text", in_ports=[], out_ports=["1"]) >>> node2_2: Node = digraph2.add_python_node("name2", "function info", in_ports=["1"], out_ports=[])
Adding an edge to digraph2, where the output port of node1_2 points to the input port of node2_2:
>>> digraph2.add_edge(node1_2.out_ports[0], node2_2.in_ports[0])
Generating notebook iframe:
>>> multi_digraph.build() >>> multi_digraph.generate_notebook_iframe(iframe_height=500)
Generating a local HTML file:
>>> multi_digraph.generate_html("Test2")
(child_digraph_id, ...[, ...])Multiple child digraphs are logically a whole.
(child_digraph_name)Add child digraph to multi_digraph instance.
([digraph_config])Build HTML string based on current data.
(filename)Save the digraph as a html file.
([iframe_height])Render the digraph as a notebook iframe.
()Return the nodes and edges data of whole digraph.
- class ChildDigraph(child_digraph_id: int, child_digraph_name: str, embedded_mode: bool = False)
Multiple child digraphs are logically a whole.
(source_port, target_port)Add edge to digraph instance.
(name, content, in_ports, ...)Add node with model icon to digraph instance.
(name, content, in_ports, ...)Add node with python icon to digraph instance.
()Return the nodes and edges data of child digraph.
- to_json() list
Return the nodes and edges data of child digraph.
- Returns:
- list
The nodes and edges data of whole digraph.
- add_edge(source_port: OutPort, target_port: InPort) Edge
Add edge to digraph instance.
- Parameters:
- source_portOutPort
Start connection point of edge.
- target_portInPort
End connection point of edge.
- Returns:
- Edge
The added edge.
- add_model_node(name: str, content: str, in_ports: list, out_ports: list) Node
Add node with model icon to digraph instance.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The model node name.
- contentstr
The model node content.
- in_portslist
List of input port names.
- out_portslist
List of output port names.
- Returns:
- Node
The added node with model icon.
- add_python_node(name: str, content: str, in_ports: List, out_ports: List) Node
Add node with python icon to digraph instance.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The python node name.
- contentstr
The python node content.
- in_portslist
List of input port names.
- out_portslist
List of output port names.
- Returns:
- Node
The added node with python icon.
- add_child_digraph(child_digraph_name: str) ChildDigraph
Add child digraph to multi_digraph instance.
- Parameters:
- child_digraph_namestr
The child digraph name.
- Returns:
- ChildDigraph
The added child digraph.
- to_json() list
Return the nodes and edges data of whole digraph.
- Returns:
- list
The nodes and edges data of whole digraph.
- build(digraph_config: DigraphConfig = None)
Build HTML string based on current data.
- Parameters:
- digraph_configDigraphConfig, optional
Configuration instance of digraph.
- generate_html(filename: str)
Save the digraph as a html file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
Html file name.
- generate_notebook_iframe(iframe_height: int = 800)
Render the digraph as a notebook iframe.
WordCloud Visualization.
The following classes and functions are available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.word_cloud.WordCloud(font_path=None, width=400, height=200, margin=2, ranks_only=None, prefer_horizontal=0.9, mask=None, scale=1, color_func=None, max_words=200, min_font_size=4, stopwords=None, random_state=None, background_color='black', max_font_size=None, font_step=1, mode='RGB', relative_scaling='auto', regexp=None, collocations=True, colormap=None, normalize_plurals=True, contour_width=0, contour_color='black', repeat=False, include_numbers=False, min_word_length=0, collocation_threshold=30)
Extended from wordcloud.WordCloud.
(data[, content_column, lang])Generate wordcloud.
(frequencies)Create a word_cloud from words and frequencies.
(text)Generate wordcloud from text.
(frequencies[, ...])Create a word_cloud from words and frequencies.
(text)Generate wordcloud from text.
(text)Splits a long text into words, eliminates the stopwords.
([random_state, color_func, colormap])Recolor existing layout.
()Convert to numpy array.
(filename)Export to image file.
([embed_font, optimize_embedded_font, ...])Export to SVG.
- build(data, content_column=None, lang=None)
Generate wordcloud.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
The input SAP HANA DataFrame.
- content_columnstr, optional
Specified the column to do wordcloud.
Defaults to the first column.
- langstr, optional
Specify the language type. HANA cloud instance currently supports 'EN', 'DE', 'ES', 'FR' and 'RU'. If None, auto detection will be applied.
Defaults to None.
>>> wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, max_font_size=100, random_state=42, width=1000, height=860, margin=2).build(data=data, content_column="CONTENT", lang='EN') >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear') >>> plt.axis("off")
- fit_words(frequencies)
Create a word_cloud from words and frequencies.
Alias to generate_from_frequencies.
- Parameters:
- frequenciesdict from string to float
A contains words and associated frequency.
- Returns:
- self
- generate(text)
Generate wordcloud from text.
The input "text" is expected to be a natural text. If you pass a sorted list of words, words will appear in your output twice. To remove this duplication, set
.Alias to generate_from_text.
Calls process_text and generate_from_frequencies.
- Returns:
- self
- generate_from_frequencies(frequencies, max_font_size=None)
Create a word_cloud from words and frequencies.
- Parameters:
- frequenciesdict from string to float
A contains words and associated frequency.
- max_font_sizeint
Use this font-size instead of self.max_font_size
- Returns:
- self
- generate_from_text(text)
Generate wordcloud from text.
The input "text" is expected to be a natural text. If you pass a sorted list of words, words will appear in your output twice. To remove this duplication, set
.Calls process_text and generate_from_frequencies.
- ..versionchanged:: 1.2.2
Argument of generate_from_frequencies() is not return of process_text() any more.
- Returns:
- self
- process_text(text)
Splits a long text into words, eliminates the stopwords.
- Parameters:
- textstring
The text to be processed.
- Returns:
- wordsdict (string, int)
Word tokens with associated frequency.
- ..versionchanged:: 1.2.2
Changed return type from list of tuples to dict.
- recolor(random_state=None, color_func=None, colormap=None)
Recolor existing layout.
Applying a new coloring is much faster than generating the whole wordcloud.
- Parameters:
- random_stateRandomState, int, or None, default=None
If not None, a fixed random state is used. If an int is given, this is used as seed for a random.Random state.
- color_funcfunction or None, default=None
Function to generate new color from word count, font size, position and orientation. If None, self.color_func is used.
- colormapstring or matplotlib colormap, default=None
Use this colormap to generate new colors. Ignored if color_func is specified. If None, self.color_func (or self.color_map) is used.
- Returns:
- self
- to_array()
Convert to numpy array.
- Returns:
- imagend-array size (width, height, 3)
Word cloud image as numpy matrix.
- to_file(filename)
Export to image file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestring
Location to write to.
- Returns:
- self
- to_svg(embed_font=False, optimize_embedded_font=True, embed_image=False)
Export to SVG.
Font is assumed to be available to the SVG reader. Otherwise, text coordinates may produce artifacts when rendered with replacement font. It is also possible to include a subset of the original font in WOFF format using
(requires fontTools).Note that some renderers do not handle glyphs the same way, and may differ from
result. In particular, Complex Text Layout may not be supported. In this typesetting, the shape or positioning of a grapheme depends on its relation to other graphemes.Pillow, since version 4.2.0, supports CTL using
. However, due to dependencies, this feature is not always enabled. Hence, the same rendering differences may appear into_image
. As this rasterized output is used to compute the layout, this also affects the layout generation. UsePIL.features.check
to test availability ofraqm
.Consistant rendering is therefore expected if both Pillow and the SVG renderer have the same support of CTL.
Contour drawing is not supported.
- Parameters:
- embed_fontbool, default=False
Whether to include font inside resulting SVG file.
- optimize_embedded_fontbool, default=True
Whether to be aggressive when embedding a font, to reduce size. In particular, hinting tables are dropped, which may introduce slight changes to character shapes (w.r.t. to_image baseline).
- embed_imagebool, default=False
Whether to include rasterized image inside resulting SVG file. Useful for debugging.
- Returns:
- contentstring
Word cloud image as SVG string
This module contains related classes for monitoring the pipeline progress status.
The following class is available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.automl_progress.TaskManager(automatic_obj_proxy: AutomaticObjProxy, connection_context: ConnectionContext, update_ui_interval, fetch_table_interval, runtime_platform)
- Attributes:
()Return a string used for identification purposes only.
()Return whether this thread is a daemon.
()Return whether the thread is alive.
([timeout])Wait until the thread terminates.
()Method representing the thread's activity.
(daemonic)Set whether this thread is a daemon.
(name)Set the name string for this thread.
()Start the thread's activity.
- run()
Method representing the thread's activity.
You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object's constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.
- property daemon
A boolean value indicating whether this thread is a daemon thread.
This must be set before start() is called, otherwise RuntimeError is raised. Its initial value is inherited from the creating thread; the main thread is not a daemon thread and therefore all threads created in the main thread default to daemon = False.
The entire Python program exits when only daemon threads are left.
- getName()
Return a string used for identification purposes only.
This method is deprecated, use the name attribute instead.
- property ident
Thread identifier of this thread or None if it has not been started.
This is a nonzero integer. See the get_ident() function. Thread identifiers may be recycled when a thread exits and another thread is created. The identifier is available even after the thread has exited.
- isDaemon()
Return whether this thread is a daemon.
This method is deprecated, use the daemon attribute instead.
- is_alive()
Return whether the thread is alive.
This method returns True just before the run() method starts until just after the run() method terminates. See also the module function enumerate().
- join(timeout=None)
Wait until the thread terminates.
This blocks the calling thread until the thread whose join() method is called terminates -- either normally or through an unhandled exception or until the optional timeout occurs.
When the timeout argument is present and not None, it should be a floating point number specifying a timeout for the operation in seconds (or fractions thereof). As join() always returns None, you must call is_alive() after join() to decide whether a timeout happened -- if the thread is still alive, the join() call timed out.
When the timeout argument is not present or None, the operation will block until the thread terminates.
A thread can be join()ed many times.
join() raises a RuntimeError if an attempt is made to join the current thread as that would cause a deadlock. It is also an error to join() a thread before it has been started and attempts to do so raises the same exception.
- property name
A string used for identification purposes only.
It has no semantics. Multiple threads may be given the same name. The initial name is set by the constructor.
- property native_id
Native integral thread ID of this thread, or None if it has not been started.
This is a non-negative integer. See the get_native_id() function. This represents the Thread ID as reported by the kernel.
- setDaemon(daemonic)
Set whether this thread is a daemon.
This method is deprecated, use the .daemon property instead.
- setName(name)
Set the name string for this thread.
This method is deprecated, use the name attribute instead.
- start()
Start the thread's activity.
It must be called at most once per thread object. It arranges for the object's run() method to be invoked in a separate thread of control.
This method will raise a RuntimeError if called more than once on the same thread object.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.automl_progress.FetchProgressStatusFromSystemTableTask(manager: TaskManager, fetch_table_interval, connection_context: ConnectionContext)
- Attributes:
()Return a string used for identification purposes only.
()Return whether this thread is a daemon.
()Return whether the thread is alive.
([timeout])Wait until the thread terminates.
()Method representing the thread's activity.
(daemonic)Set whether this thread is a daemon.
(name)Set the name string for this thread.
()Start the thread's activity.
- run()
Method representing the thread's activity.
You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object's constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.
- property daemon
A boolean value indicating whether this thread is a daemon thread.
This must be set before start() is called, otherwise RuntimeError is raised. Its initial value is inherited from the creating thread; the main thread is not a daemon thread and therefore all threads created in the main thread default to daemon = False.
The entire Python program exits when only daemon threads are left.
- getName()
Return a string used for identification purposes only.
This method is deprecated, use the name attribute instead.
- property ident
Thread identifier of this thread or None if it has not been started.
This is a nonzero integer. See the get_ident() function. Thread identifiers may be recycled when a thread exits and another thread is created. The identifier is available even after the thread has exited.
- isDaemon()
Return whether this thread is a daemon.
This method is deprecated, use the daemon attribute instead.
- is_alive()
Return whether the thread is alive.
This method returns True just before the run() method starts until just after the run() method terminates. See also the module function enumerate().
- join(timeout=None)
Wait until the thread terminates.
This blocks the calling thread until the thread whose join() method is called terminates -- either normally or through an unhandled exception or until the optional timeout occurs.
When the timeout argument is present and not None, it should be a floating point number specifying a timeout for the operation in seconds (or fractions thereof). As join() always returns None, you must call is_alive() after join() to decide whether a timeout happened -- if the thread is still alive, the join() call timed out.
When the timeout argument is not present or None, the operation will block until the thread terminates.
A thread can be join()ed many times.
join() raises a RuntimeError if an attempt is made to join the current thread as that would cause a deadlock. It is also an error to join() a thread before it has been started and attempts to do so raises the same exception.
- property name
A string used for identification purposes only.
It has no semantics. Multiple threads may be given the same name. The initial name is set by the constructor.
- property native_id
Native integral thread ID of this thread, or None if it has not been started.
This is a non-negative integer. See the get_native_id() function. This represents the Thread ID as reported by the kernel.
- setDaemon(daemonic)
Set whether this thread is a daemon.
This method is deprecated, use the .daemon property instead.
- setName(name)
Set the name string for this thread.
This method is deprecated, use the name attribute instead.
- start()
Start the thread's activity.
It must be called at most once per thread object. It arranges for the object's run() method to be invoked in a separate thread of control.
This method will raise a RuntimeError if called more than once on the same thread object.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.automl_progress.PipelineProgressStatusMonitor(connection_context: ConnectionContext, automatic_obj, fetch_table_interval=1, runtime_platform='jupyter')
The instance of this class can monitor the progress of AutoML execution.
- Parameters:
- connection_context
The connection to the SAP HANA system.
For example:
- automatic_obj
An instance object of the AutomaticClassification type or AutomaticRegression type that contains the progress_indicator_id attribute.
- fetch_table_intervalfloat, optional
Specifies the time interval of fetching the table of pipeline progress.
Defaults to 1s.
- runtime_platform{'jupyter', 'sap_bas', 'vscode'}, optional
Specify the running environment of the monitor.
'jupyter': running on the JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook platform.
'sap_bas': running on the SAP Business Application Studio platform.
'vscode': running on the VSCode platform.
Defaults to 'jupyter'.
- connection_context
Create an AutomaticClassification instance:
>>> progress_id = "automl_{}".format(uuid.uuid1()) >>> auto_c = AutomaticClassification(generations=2, population_size=5, offspring_size=5, progress_indicator_id=progress_id) >>> auto_c.enable_workload_class("MY_WORKLOAD")
Invoke a PipelineProgressStatusMonitor:
>>> progress_status_monitor = PipelineProgressStatusMonitor(connection_context=dataframe.ConnectionContext(url, port, user, pwd), automatic_obj=auto_c) >>> progress_status_monitor.start() >>> auto_c.fit(data=df_train)
()Call the method before executing the fit method of Automatic Object.
- start()
Call the method before executing the fit method of Automatic Object.
This module contains related class for generating the best pipeline report.
The following class is available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.automl_report.BestPipelineReport(automatic_obj)
The instance of this class can generate the best pipeline report.
- Parameters:
- automatic_obj
An instance object of the AutomaticClassification type or AutomaticRegression type.
- automatic_obj
Create an AutomaticClassification instance:
>>> progress_id = "automl_{}".format(uuid.uuid1()) >>> auto_c = AutomaticClassification(generations=2, population_size=5, offspring_size=5, progress_indicator_id=progress_id)
>>> auto_c.fit(data=df_train)
Plot the best pipeline:
>>> BestPipelineReport(auto_c).generate_notebook_iframe()
(filename)Saves the best pipeline report as a html file.
([iframe_height])Renders the best pipeline report as a notebook iframe.
- generate_notebook_iframe(iframe_height: int = 1000)
Renders the best pipeline report as a notebook iframe.
- Parameters:
- iframe_heightint, optional
Frame height.
Defaults to 1000.
- generate_html(filename: str)
Saves the best pipeline report as a html file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
Html file name.
This module represents the whole time series report. A report can contain many pages, and each page can contain many items. You can use the class 'DatasetAnalysis' to generate all the items and combine them into different pages at will.
- The following classes are available:
- class hana_ml.visualizers.time_series_report.TimeSeriesReport(title: str)
This class is the builder of time series report.
- Parameters:
- titlestr
The name of time series report.
Importing classes
>>> from hana_ml.visualizers.time_series_report import TimeSeriesReport, DatasetAnalysis >>> from hana_ml.visualizers.report_builder import Page
Creating a report instance:
>>> report = TimeSeriesReport('Time Series Data Report')
Create a data analysis instance and a page array:
>>> dataset_analysis = DatasetAnalysis(data=df_acf, endog="Y", key="ID") >>> pages = []
Construct the contents of each page of the report:
>>> page0 = Page('Stationarity') >>> page0.addItem(dataset_analysis.stationarity_item()) >>> pages.append(page0)
>>> page1 = Page('Partial Autocorrelation') >>> page1.addItem(dataset_analysis.pacf_item()) >>> pages.append(page1)
>>> page2 = Page('Rolling Mean and Standard Deviation') >>> page2.addItems([dataset_analysis.moving_average_item(-3), dataset_analysis.rolling_stddev_item(10)]) >>> pages.append(page2)
>>> page3 = Page('Real and Seasonal') >>> page3.addItem(dataset_analysis.real_item()) >>> page3.addItem(dataset_analysis.seasonal_item()) >>> page3.addItems(dataset_analysis.seasonal_decompose_items()) >>> pages.append(page3)
>>> page4 = Page('Box') >>> page4.addItem(dataset_analysis.timeseries_box_item('YEAR')) >>> page4.addItem(dataset_analysis.timeseries_box_item('MONTH')) >>> page4.addItem(dataset_analysis.timeseries_box_item('QUARTER')) >>> pages.append(page4)
>>> page5 = Page('Quarter') >>> page5.addItem(dataset_analysis.quarter_item()) >>> pages.append(page5)
>>> page6 = Page('Outlier') >>> page6.addItem(dataset_analysis.outlier_item()) >>> pages.append(page6)
>>> page7 = Page('Change Points') >>> bcpd = BCPD(max_tcp=2, max_scp=1, max_harmonic_order =10, random_seed=1, max_iter=10000) >>> page7.addItem(dataset_analysis.change_points_item(bcpd)) >>> pages.append(page7)
Add all pages to report instance:
>>> report.addPages(pages)
Generating notebook iframe:
>>> report.build() >>> report.generate_notebook_iframe()
Generating a local HTML file:
>>> report.generate_html("TimeSeriesReport")
An example of time series data report is below:
(page)Add a page instance to report instance.
(pages)Add many page instances to report instance.
([debug])Build HTML string based on current config.
(filename)Save the report as a html file.
([iframe_height])Render the report as a notebook iframe.
()Return the all config data of report.
- addPage(page: Page)
Add a page instance to report instance.
- Parameters:
- pagePage
Every report consists of many pages.
- addPages(pages: List[Page])
Add many page instances to report instance.
- Parameters:
- pagesList[Page]
Every report consists of many pages.
- build(debug=False)
Build HTML string based on current config.
- Parameters:
- debugbool
Whether the log should be printed to the console.
Defaults to False.
- generate_html(filename)
Save the report as a html file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
HTML file name.
- generate_notebook_iframe(iframe_height=600)
Render the report as a notebook iframe.
- Parameters:
- iframe_heightint
iframe height.
Defaults to 600.
- to_json()
Return the all config data of report. This method is automatically called by the internal framework.
- class hana_ml.visualizers.time_series_report.DatasetAnalysis(data, endog, key=None)
This class will generate all items of dataset analysis result.
- Parameters:
- dataDataFrame
Input data.
- endogstr
Name of the dependent variable.
- keystr, optional
Name of the ID column.
Defaults to the index column of
(i.e. data.index) if it is set.
(cp_object[, ...])Plot time series with the highlighted change points and BCPD is used for change point detection.
(rolling_window)It will plot rolling mean by given rolling window size.
([window_size, ...])Perform PAL time series outlier detection and plot time series with the highlighted outliers.
([thread_ratio, method, max_lag, ...])It will plot PACF for two time series data.
It performs quarter plot to view the seasonality.
It will plot a chart based on the original data.
(rolling_window)It will plot rolling standard deviation by given rolling window size.
([alpha, ...])It will to decompose a time series into three components: trend, seasonality and random noise, then to plot.
It will plot time series data by year.
([method, mode, lag, ...])Stationarity means that a time series has a constant mean and constant variance over time.
([cycle])It will plot year-wise/month-wise box plot.
- pacf_item(thread_ratio=None, method=None, max_lag=None, calculate_confint=True, alpha=None, bartlett=None)
It will plot PACF for two time series data.
- Parameters:
- colstr
Name of the time series data column.
- thread_ratiofloat, optional
The ratio of available threads.
0: single thread
0~1: percentage
Others: heuristically determined
Valid only when
is set as 'brute_force'.Defaults to -1.
- method{'auto', 'brute_force', 'fft'}, optional
Indicates the method to be used to calculate the correlation function.
Defaults to 'auto'.
- max_lagint, optional
Maximum lag for the correlation function.
- calculate_confintbool, optional
Controls whether to calculate confidence intervals or not.
If it is True, two additional columns of confidence intervals are shown in the result.
Defaults to True.
- alphafloat, optional
Confidence bound for the given level are returned. For instance if alpha=0.05, 95 % confidence bound is returned.
Valid only when only
is True.Defaults to 0.05.
- bartlettbool, optional
False: using standard error to calculate the confidence bound.
True: using Bartlett's formula to calculate confidence bound.
Valid only when only
is True.Defaults to True.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- moving_average_item(rolling_window)
It will plot rolling mean by given rolling window size.
- Parameters:
- rolling_windowint, optional
Window size for rolling function. If negative, it will use the points before CURRENT ROW.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- rolling_stddev_item(rolling_window)
It will plot rolling standard deviation by given rolling window size.
- Parameters:
- rolling_windowint, optional
Window size for rolling function. If negative, it will use the points before CURRENT ROW.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- seasonal_item()
It will plot time series data by year.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- timeseries_box_item(cycle=None)
It will plot year-wise/month-wise box plot.
- Parameters:
- cycle{"YEAR", "QUARTER", "MONTH", "WEEK"}, optional
It defines the x-axis for the box plot.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- seasonal_decompose_items(alpha=None, thread_ratio=None, decompose_type=None, extrapolation=None, smooth_width=None)
It will to decompose a time series into three components: trend, seasonality and random noise, then to plot.
- Parameters:
- alphafloat, optional
The criterion for the autocorrelation coefficient. The value range is (0, 1). A larger value indicates stricter requirement for seasonality.
Defaults to 0.2.
- thread_ratiofloat, optional
Controls the proportion of available threads to use. The ratio of available threads.
0: single thread.
0~1: percentage.
Others: heuristically determined.
Defaults to -1.
- decompose_type{'additive', 'multiplicative', 'auto'}, optional
Specifies decompose type.
'additive': additive decomposition model
'multiplicative': multiplicative decomposition model
'auto': decomposition model automatically determined from input data
Defaults to 'auto'.
- extrapolationbool, optional
Specifies whether to extrapolate the endpoints. Set to True when there is an end-point issue.
Defaults to False.
- smooth_widthint, optional
Specifies the width of the moving average applied to non-seasonal data. 0 indicates linear fitting to extract trends. Can not be larger than half of the data length.
Defaults to 0.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- quarter_item()
It performs quarter plot to view the seasonality.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- outlier_item(window_size=None, detect_seasonality=None, alpha=None, periods=None, outlier_method=None, threshold=None, **kwargs)
Perform PAL time series outlier detection and plot time series with the highlighted outliers.
- Parameters:
- window_sizeint, optional
Odd number, the window size for median filter, not less than 3.
Defaults to 3.
- outlier_methodstr, optional
The method for calculate the outlier score from residual.
'z1' : Z1 score.
'z2' : Z2 score.
'iqr' : IQR score.
'mad' : MAD score.
Defaults to 'z1'.
- thresholdfloat, optional
The threshold for outlier score. If the absolute value of outlier score is beyond the threshold, we consider the corresponding data point as an outlier.
Defaults to 3.
- detect_seasonalitybool, optional
When calculating the residual,
False: Does not consider the seasonal decomposition.
True: Considers the seasonal decomposition.
Defaults to False.
- alphafloat, optional
The criterion for the autocorrelation coefficient. The value range is (0, 1). A larger value indicates a stricter requirement for seasonality.
Only valid when
is True.Defaults to 0.2.
- periodsint, optional
When this parameter is not specified, the algorithm will search the seasonal period. When this parameter is specified between 2 and half of the series length, autocorrelation value is calculated for this number of periods and the result is compared to
parameter. If correlation value is equal to or higher thanalpha
, decomposition is executed with the value ofperiods
. Otherwise, the residual is calculated without decomposition. For other value of parameterperiods
, the residual is also calculated without decomposition.No Default value.
- thread_ratiofloat, optional
The ratio of available threads.
0: single thread.
0~1: percentage.
Others: heuristically determined.
Only valid when
is True.Defaults to -1.
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- stationarity_item(method=None, mode=None, lag=None, probability=None)
Stationarity means that a time series has a constant mean and constant variance over time. For many time series models, the input data has to be stationary for reasonable analysis.
- Parameters:
- methodstr, optional
Statistic test that used to determine stationarity. The options are "kpss" and "adf".
Defaults "kpss".
- modestr, optional
Type of stationarity to determine. The options are "level", "trend" and "no". Note that option "no" is not applicable to "kpss".
Defaults to "level".
- lagint, optional
The lag order to calculate the test statistic.
Default value is "kpss": int(12*(data_length / 100)^0.25" ) and "adf": int(4*(data_length / 100)^(2/9)).
- probabilityfloat, optional
The confidence level for confirming stationarity.
Defaults to 0.9.
- Returns:
- itemTableItem
The item for the statistical data.
- real_item()
It will plot a chart based on the original data.
- Parameters:
- None
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.
- change_points_item(cp_object, display_trend=True, cp_style='axvline', title=None)
Plot time series with the highlighted change points and BCPD is used for change point detection.
- Parameters:
- cp_objectBCPD object
An object of BCPD for change points detection. Please initialize a BCPD object first. An example is shown below:
- cp_style{"axvline", "scatter"}, optional
The style of change points in the plot.
Defaults to "axvline".
- display_trendbool, optional
If True, draw the trend component based on decomposed component of trend of BCPD fit_predict().
Default to True.
- titlestr, optional
The title of plot.
Defaults to "Change Points".
- Returns:
- itemChartItem
The item for the plot.