Complete Process of Trip Costs Accounting 

This process chain is meant to illustrate an example for the entire process involved in accounting the costs for a business trip: beginning with the entry of an application for an advance via the advance transaction (cash office transaction) and the subsequent transferring of the advance to financial accounting. As the next step, after the trip has been completed, the remaining trip data is recorded in the system. After that, the trip must once again be approved and accounted by a superior or by the expense department. Finally, the entire trip is transferred to financial accounting, where payment is also effected.

At the end of this process chain, an example is shown of how a receipt can be added later to the data of a trip which has already been posted and paid, and how the change can be documented via the history function. Finally, the difference amount is also posted to financial accounting.

Process Flow

You can find the data for this process under .

  1. Recording an Advance Application
  2. Transferring an Advance to Financial Accounting
  3. Recording Remaining Trip Data for This Advance
  4. Trip Approval with the Approval Tool
  5. Accounting a Trip
  6. Transfer of Accounting Results to Financial Accounting
  7. Adding a Receipt to a Posted Trip
  8. Renewed Approval with Correction Display
  9. Renewed Trip Accounting
  10. Posting the Difference Amount to Financial Accounting