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It is used to give quick information of a contact in the header and access to the various methods of communicating with a contact.

ProfileHeader Properties

Property Type Required Default
DataSubscriptions DataSubscriptions Optional
ProfileHeader object Optional
Visible boolean Optional true
_Name string Optional
_Type const Required


Array of data change events to subscribe to.


  • type: object with following properties.
Property Type Required Default
Headline string Optional
Subheadline string Optional
Description string Optional
DetailImage Image Optional
DetailImageIsCircular boolean Optional
ActivityItems array Optional
Styles object Optional
Target Target Optional


Text for headline label.


Text for sub headline label.


Description text displayed on the cell.


Image to be displayed for the Profile. Supports rendering of both locally saved images and images from Web (https only).


If the value is True, the image is displayed in a circular shape.


Activity items to be displayed in the control.

For iOS devices, a defined iOS app is used on the client app for video calls when you set the VideoCall parameter.

For Android devices, there’s no standard app that is used for a video call on the client app when you set the VideoCall parameter.

All array items must be of the type:


A style to be applied to the Profile Header.

  • type: object with following properties.
Property Type Required Default
Description string Optional
Headline string Optional
Subheadline string Optional
BackgroundColor string Optional
DetailImage string Optional


The string value is a style class name for Description.


The string value is a style class name for Headline.


The string value is a style class name for Subheadline.


The string value is a style class name for BackgroundColor.


The string value is a style class name for DetailImage. It is only applicable to SAP icon or font icon types (supported CSS properties are font-size and color).


Only the first record of any entity set returned by the target will be used.


Set the visibility of this control.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


  • type: string


  • type: const

The value of this property must be equal to:



  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "ProfileHeaderPage",
  "Caption": "Profile header Page",
  "Controls": [{
    "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable",
    "_Name": "SectionedTable",
    "Sections": [{
      "_Type": "Section.Type.ProfileHeader",
      "Visible": true,
      "ProfileHeader": {
        "DetailImage": "sap-icon://home",
        "DetailImageIsCircular": true,
        "Headline": "John Doe",
        "Subheadline": "Software Developer",
        "Description": "3010 Highland Pkwy, Suite 900, Downers Grove, IL 60515",
        "Target": {
          "EntitySet": "MyWorkOrderHeaders",
          "Service": "/MDKApp/Services/Amw.service",
          "QueryOptions": "$top=1"
        "ActivityItems": [{
          "ActivityType": "VideoCall",
          "ActivityValue": "630-667-7983"
          "ActivityType": "Email",
          "ActivityValue": ""
          "ActivityType": "Detail",
          "ActivityValue": "This is an alert"
        "Styles": {
          "Headline": "ProfileHeaderHeadline",
          "Subheadline": "ProfileHeaderSubheadline",
          "Description": "ProfileHeaderDescription",
          "DetailImage": "font-icon-class"
      "_Type": "Section.Type.ProfileHeader",
      "ProfileHeader": {
        "Headline": "{FullName}",
        "DetailImage": "/MDKApp/Rules/Profile/GetSelfPhoto.js",
        "ActivityItems": [
            "ActivityType": "Message",
            "ActivityValue": "{PrimaryPhoneNumber}"
            "ActivityType": "Phone",
            "ActivityValue": "{PrimaryPhoneNumber}"
            "ActivityType": "VideoCall",
            "ActivityValue": "{PrimaryPhoneNumber}"
            "ActivityType": "Email",
            "ActivityValue": "{Email}"
        "Target": "{MemberProfile/PhoneNumbers}"
      "Visible": "/MDKApp/Rules/Profile/IsProfileHeaderVisible.js"

Style Classes Definition

/* ProfileHeader - Headline */
.ProfileHeaderHeadline {
  color: white;
  font-style: body;  /* iOS Only */
  font-typeface: bold;  /* Android Only */
  font-size: 16px;

/* ProfileHeader - Subheadline */
.ProfileHeaderSubheadline {
  color: white;
  font-style: body;  /* iOS Only */
  font-typeface: bold;  /* Android Only */
  font-size: 16px;

/* ProfileHeader - Description */
.ProfileHeaderDescription {
  color: white;
  font-style: body;  /* iOS Only */
  font-typeface: bold;  /* Android Only */
  font-size: 16px;

/* ProfileHeader - BackgroundColor */
.ProfileHeaderBackgroundColor {
  background-color: #0000FF;

.font-icon-class {
  font-size: 8;
  color: red;