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Image Collection is a container that manages and displays a set of images with titles in a grid-like arrangement. It can be configured to have different layouts, e.g. HorizontalFit, HorizontalFlow, or Vertical.

ImageCollection Properties

Property Type Required Default
DataSubscriptions DataSubscriptions Optional
EmptySection EmptySection Optional
Footer Footer Optional
Header Header Optional
ImageCell ImageCell Optional
ImageCells object[] Optional
Layout Layout Optional
Separators Separator Optional
Target LinkQueryFunctionTarget Optional
Visible boolean Optional true
_Name string Optional
_Type const Required


Array of data change events to subscribe to.


A section that will be displayed when the list is empty, this only applies if you are using Target binding. Allows you to show custom label when the list is empty.

Footer bar to be displayed below this control's content section.

Header bar to be displayed above this control's content section.


Image cell definition to be used as template definition for the Target binding. Can't co-exist with ImageCells.


An array of image cells for a static Image Collections. Can't co-exist with ImageCell.

  • type: object[]

All items must be of the type: object with following properties:

Property Type Required
ImageCell Optional



The layout of images.


To provide more flexibility with rendering of controls and sections, set the visibility of the separator lines.


Definition of the target binding to dynamically populate the collection. You can also set this to binding/rule to return an array of data items.

Note: If this is set to binding/rule, you must return an array of data items, you can't return Target definition.


Set the visibility of this control.

  • type: boolean
  • default: true


  • type: string


  • type: const

The value of this property must be equal to:



  "_Type": "Page",
  "_Name": "StaticImageCollectionPage",
  "Caption": "Static Image Collection (Facets)",
  "Controls": [
      "_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable",
      "_Name": "SectionedTable",
      "Sections": [
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ImageCollection",
          "ImageCells": [
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Workorders",
                "Subtitle": "Subtitle",
                "Attribute": "Attribute",
                "Image": "/MDKDevApp/Images/workorder.png",
                "ImageIsCircular": true,
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message1.action",
                "Visible": true
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Hidden Image",
                "Subtitle": "Subtitle",
                "Attribute": "Attribute",
                "Image": "/MDKDevApp/Images/workorder.png",
                "ImageIsCircular": true,
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message.action",
                "Visible": false
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Documents",
                "Subtitle": "Subtitle",
                "Attribute": "Attribute",
                "Image": "/MDKDevApp/Images/seam.png",
                "ImageIsCircular": true,
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message2.action"
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Jobs",
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message2.action"
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Assets",
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message2.action"
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Workorders",
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message2.action"
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Documents",
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message2.action"
              "ImageCell": {
                "Title": "Jobs",
                "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message2.action"
          "Layout": {
            "LayoutType": "HorizontalScroll"
          "Header": {
            "Caption": "Top Operation"
          "Footer": {
            "Caption": "See All",
            "AccessoryType": "disclosureIndicator",
            "FooterStyle": "attribute",
            "AttributeLabel": "8",
            "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message3.action"
          "ImageCell": {
            "Title": "Workorders",
            "Subtitle": "Subtitle",
            "Attribute": "Attribute",
            "Image": "sap-icon://favorite",
            "ImageIsCircular": true,
            "OnPress": "/MDKDevApp/Actions/Messages/Message1.action",
            "Styles": {
              "Image": "font-icon-class"
          "Layout": {
            "LayoutType": "HorizontalFit"
          "_Type": "Section.Type.ImageCollection"

Style Classes Definition

.font-icon-class {
  font-size: 8;
  color: red;