Working with Calendar Events

See an overview of an event workflow as well as information on other ways to change events.

When you create or assign events you generally use the following workflow:
  1. The event owner creates an event.

  2. In the Details panel, the owner assigns the event to one or more people:
    • Owner

      You can assign an additional owner, who has the same rights as you. For example, you can assign a colleague or assistant as additional owner.

    • Assignee

      You can assign processes to one assignee only. You can also use a process as a parent event without any assignee: Before activating the process, you need to add at least one child event to it that can be activated.

      Tasks can have one or more assignees.

    • Reviewer

      To add reviewers, use a composite task. You can assign one or more reviewers, or create successive review rounds.

    • Shared with

      You can share the event with people who need to view the event but won't contribute to it themselves.

    After you select an additional owner or people to view the event (Shared with), you can choose to Delete that person from the task.

    After you select an assignee or a reviewer, you can choose to Delete that person from the task, or Change to a different person.

    For more information about the different roles, see: Calendar Roles

  3. Once you've activated the event, or it has been activated automatically at the start date, the assignee receives a notification and can start working on the event, or decline it.

    If there's a story or analytic application attached as a work file to a task, the assignee can see a task toolbar while working with this story or analytic application. Assignees can submit or reject the task without switching back to the calendar view. For more information, see Working with Stories and Analytic Applications Linked to Calendar Tasks.

    For a data locking task, assignees just need to select Submit to apply changes to the lock state. See Creating Data Locking Tasks for more details.

  4. When the assignee finishes working on the task, he or she selects Submit. If multiple assignees are assigned, only one of them needs to submit their work to accomplish their task. Once one assignee submits the task, other assignees can no longer work on it.

    The task status is updated and more notifications are sent, either to the users who are assigned as reviewers or to the owner.

    If the task does not have a reviewer, the link to the work file is immediately visible to the owner.

  5. With composite tasks: If the task has a reviewer, he or she is notified once the assignees submitted their work, and the link to the work file is visible to the reviewer for approval.

    If a composite task has multiple reviewers, the review is accomplished once one of the reviewers has approved the work of the assignees.

    With review rounds: When one reviewer in a round signs off on a task, the next round of reviewers are notified.

    After the reviewer (or the reviewer of the last review round) approves the task, the link to the work file is visible to the owner.

Those involved with the event can view its progress at all times. Assignees and reviewers can set their progress as a percentage that shows up in the header area of the Details panel, as well as the Gantt and the List view. In addition, composite tasks display the status of the individual steps as a progress overview in the header area of the Details panel. For example, a reviewer would see the status and the progress as follows:

Moving Events Around

You can drag events around in the Calendar and the Gantt view to change their dates, or to extend or shorten their duration. When you move an event, the change is applied automatically.

Dragging a Task in the Calendar View

Dragging a Process in the Gantt View

When changing the duration of a parent process, you can decide if you want to change the duration of its child events as well, or just the process itself.

When changing the duration of a composite task, the time settings for the assignment and the reviews change according to their current ratio.

In the Gantt view, under Year, you can only change the date in weekly increments.

Discontinuing, Removing, or Suspending Events

You can choose to stop working on an event or to remove it from your calendar.

  • In the Details panel, click on the arrow next to the status and choose Discontinue. This will cancel the event for everyone who is working on it. If a process has child events, all child events will be canceled, too. The events will remain in the calendar as canceled events.

  • Click (Remove) in the calendar menu bar to remove the event from your calendar. All of your roles (except the owner role) in the event will be removed or canceled, depending on the rights for the roles. If you are the owner of the event, that role will remain.

  • In the Details panel, click on the arrow next to the status and choose Suspend to put the event on hold. Later, you can resume or discontinue the event.

Changing the Event Type

After creating an event, you realize that you want to change the event type. You can change the event type by converting it into the event you want to work on. To do so, select Start of the navigation pathConvertEnd of the navigation path in the calendar menu bar.

For more information on which event types can be converted, see Converting Calendar Events.

Copying Events

Instead of spending time recreating an event, you can simply copy it. Decide if you'd like to copy the people involved in the event, the attached work files, and the child events when copying a parent process. For more information, see Copying Calendar Events.

Filtering Calendar Events

If you have many processes and tasks, you may want to limit the number that are displayed by filtering your calendar events for certain attributes like the event type, your role or the event status. Filters are applied in the view you’re currently working in. For more information, see Filtering Calendar Events.

Exporting Calendar Tasks

If you'd like to add your calendar tasks to another calendar, you can export them in the calendar exchange format (iCalendar). For more information, see Exporting Calendar Tasks as iCalendar Files.

Discussing Your Events

You can discuss progress on your event directly in the calendar. In the Details panel, choose (Open Discussion) in the heading section. The Discussions panel opens. Here, you will find everyone assigned to your event listed, and you can start a new discussion.

You can even create a new task from the Discussions panel: Click Start of the navigation path Next navigation step New... Next navigation step New Composite TaskEnd of the navigation path.

Working on Calendar Events as Assignee or Reviewer

As an assignee or reviewer you receive email notifications from SAP Analytics Cloud. You can access the work files that are attached to the event from the link in the email and submit your work directly in this work file, usually a story or an analytic application. For more information about how to access your work files and work on the task, see Working with Stories and Analytic Applications Linked to Calendar Tasks.