Calendar Events: Different Types for Different Purposes

The calendar lets you use several types of events to organize your workflows. Find out which type to use for which purpose.

You can create and manage the following events in the calendar:
Event Type Purpose Example More Information
Composite task

General-purpose task including assignees and optional reviewers.

You can use this task to collect data in your planning process, or use it for any other workflow you'd like to manage in the calendar.

General purpose:

Task to create a story for a presentation. Once the story has been created by the assignee, the reviewer is notified and can review the story.

Purpose for planning process:

Task to enter data for region ‘Spain’ and calendar year ‘2020’ in story ‘Budget 2020’. After the assignee enters the data and submits the task, the reviewer can approve or reject it. Data entry and review both happen in the story or analytic application that the task owner attached to the task as a work file.

Creating Composite Tasks
Data locking task

In your planning process you want to create a task where you can specify a data slice of your model as the data locking context and the target lock state. The task for the assignees is to lock the data slice they're responsible for.

This task type lets you decide what data is involved, whether to lock or unlock it, when to make the change, and who's responsible for changing the lock state.

Task to lock the data for version ‘Plan’, calendar year ‘2020’ and region ‘Spain’. Creating Data Locking Tasks
Automatic data action task

To automate your planning process, you want to schedule a data action to run automatically at a specific time.

Besides setting the start time of the data action, this task type lets you decide how to set parameter values, whether others can view this task, and whether to publish the target version automatically when the data action finishes running.

Task to automatically run a data action that will copy your current actual data for calendar year ‘2020’ to version ‘Plan’. Creating Automatic Data Action Tasks

To structure your planning process, or any other workflow, you can create a process to group together several steps.

This event type lets you manage your tasks in one parent event. The child events can be tasks or even other processes with their child events.

Process ‘Prepare Forecast’ that contains all tasks involved in preparing a planning forecast. Creating Processes
You can view, edit and manage the following events as child events of a process in the calendar:
Event Type Purpose Example Created When Can Be Converted More Information
General task

General tasks have one or more assignees tasked with data entry in your planning process, or with any other work you want to organize in the calendar.

In your planning process, general tasks let assignees enter data directly in the story or analytic application that the task owner attached as a work file. Alternatively, the owner can also add any URL to the task to gather information.

Task to enter budget values for region ‘Spain’ and calendar year ‘2020’ in story ‘Budget 2020’.

General tasks and review tasks are automatically created when the owner of a composite task converts the task to a process.

The conversion results in a process with a general task as a child event. If reviewers have been added to the composite task, one review task for each review round will be added as additional child events.

A converted composite task with a general task and a review task:

In addition, review tasks are automatically created as part of the migration of your calendar events: Your new processes get a review task for each review round from your old process.


The reason for this migration is that processes don't have any review step anymore. See What's New in the Calendar.

If you need to add reviewers to a general task, you can convert it to a composite task. The process that derives from the conversion of the original composite task will then contain a composite task and a review task.

To add more steps to your workflow, you can convert your general task to a process. The process that derives from the conversion of the original composite task will then contain a child process (that you can enhance with further child events) and a review task.

Converting Calendar Events
Review task

Review tasks have one or more assigned reviewers to approve or reject a result.

The reviewers check the results of a general task. If they're reviewing a task that was carried out in a story or analytic application, they can approve or reject it there too.

Task to review the entered data for version ‘Plan’, calendar year ‘2020’ and region ‘Spain’. Review tasks can't be converted.
You can view and manage the following events in the calendar:
Event Type Purpose Example Created In More Information

You want to schedule the automatic publication of a story or an analytic application as a document and display it in the calendar.

Besides setting the start time, publication schedules let you specify the email recipients, different formats, and customized views of the story or analytic application to be published.

Schedule the PDF export of story ‘Profit & Loss’ and send it to the specified recipients in an email. Can be created in stories and analytic applications, or from the file repository. Schedule a Publication
Input task

In a story based on a planning model you want to gather data from a group of assignees responsible for specific data slices.

Each assignee enters values for a data slice in a private version of the story. Once the owner of the input task approves their input, the data is transferred to the original story and the owner can publish the version to let others view the collected data.

Gather sales data for product ‘beverages’ for version ‘Plan’, calendar year ‘2020’ and region ‘Europe’ in story ‘Beverages Sales 2020 - Europe’. Can only be created in stories. About Input Tasks