Copying Calendar Events

Copy your calendar events to repeat existing settings.


Copying your content will save you some time you'd spend on recreating events. You can copy the following events:
  • composite tasks

  • general tasks

  • review tasks

  • data locking tasks

  • processes


  1. Select the event you'd like to copy and then select Copy.
  2. Provide a Name. You may choose a Suffix in order to distinguish between the original and the copied events.
  3. Set the Start date and time.
  4. Optional: If you copy a process and you want to include child events, choose Copy all descendants.

    Descendants of the type input task won't be copied.

  5. Optional: If you want the same people from the original event to be included in your copied event, please select Retain owners, reviewers, assignees, and shared users, if any.

    To activate the event at the start date automatically, you first need to select Retain owners, reviewers, assignees, and shared users, if any.

  6. Optional: Choose Activate the task at start date automatically.
    You can only select this toggle under the following conditions:
    • To copy composite tasks or general tasks, the original task needs at least one assignee.

    • To copy review tasks, the original task needs at least one reviewer as assignee of this task.

    • To copy data locking tasks, the original task needs at least one assignee and a context defined.

    • To copy processes, make sure that the original process has at least one assignee.

    • To copy processes with descendants, make sure that the original process or one of its descendants has at least one assignee.

  7. Optional: If you'd like to copy the attached work files (stories, analytic applications, or URLs), choose Copy all work files, if any.
  8. Select OK.

    The event is added to the calendar and opened in the Details panel.

Next Steps

You can now work in the Details panel and adjust your tasks and processes to your needs.