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Datatype - Represents an event in Google Calendar

Representation of an event in Google Calendar

Property Type Description
id string The identifier of the event.
iCalUID string Specifies event ID in the iCalendar format.
title string The Title of the event
description string The description of the event. Can contain HTML.
startDateTime string Start Date time of the event
startDate string Start time of the event
endDateTime string End Time of the event
endDate string End Time of the event
location string Location of the event.
guestsCanSeeOtherGuests boolean Whether attendees other than the organizer can see who the event's attendees are. Default is true
guestsCanModify boolean Whether attendees other than the organizer can modify the event. Default is false
guestsCanInviteOthers boolean Whether attendees other than the organizer can invite others to the event. Default is true
eventType string Type of the event. It can be default, outOfOffice, focusTime
eventVisibility string The visibility of the event to its attendees.
attendees Array.<irpa_googleworkspace.eventAttendee> Attendees of the event
attachments Array.<irpa_googleworkspace.eventAttachment> Attachments of the event. Only link based file attachment is possible
shownAs string Property to define whether to show the event as Free/Busy in the calendar
RecurringEventId string Id for the series of recurring events.
status string Status of the event. Possible values are: tentative, cancelled and confirmed