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Name Description
Enumerations Google Workspace constants collection
Errors Google Workspace Errors
Google Drive Activities for interacting with Google Drive.
Gmail Activities for Interacting with Gmail.
Google Sheets Activities for interacting with Google Sheets.
Google Calendar Activities to interact with Google Calendar.
Google Docs Set of activities related to Google Docs.
Google Slides Activities for Interacting with Google Slides.


Name Description
Google Drive Content Metadata Google Drive Content Metadata
Gmail Attachments Define the attachment details.
Gmail Parameters Define the mail parameters such as the recipient, the subject or the body of the mail.
Gmail Message Identifier Gmail Message Identifier
Gmail Message Detail Gmail Message Detail
Gmail Reply Parameters Define the parameters of the ‘reply all’ such as the recipient, the subject, or the body of the mail.
Event Attendee's Details Define the Event Attendees's Details such as Display Name, Email Address and IsOptional
Event Attachment Details Define the Event Attachment's Details sucj as Tile of the Attachment, File URL etc
Calendar Event Parameters Define the parameters of the ‘Create Event’ such as the Title, attendees, start time and end time of the event.
Calendar Event Update Parameters Define the parameters of the 'Update Calendar Event' activity.
List Calendar Events Input Parameters Define the parameters of the 'List Events' activity.
Represents an event in Google Calendar Representation of an event in Google Calendar
Represents a Google Calendar Representation of a Google Calendar
Sheets defines range details Sheets Get details of range in a spreadSheet
Sheets defines protected range Sheets Get named range details in a spreadSheet
Sheets defines named range Sheets Get named range details in a spreadSheet
Sheets defines a sheet in a spreadSheet Sheets Get sheet details in a spreadSheet
SlidesDetails defines a slide in a presentation Slides Get slide details in a presentation
Sheets Get spreadSheet details and list of sheets in it Sheets Get spreadSheet details and list of sheets in it
Slides Get presentation details Slides Get presentation details and list of slides in it
Sheets Defines Range with data and dimension. Sheets Defines Range with data and dimension.
Sheets defines range within a sheet. Sheets defines range within a sheet. (At least one of sheetTitle/startRange/endRange needs to be filled).
Calendar Busy Info Query Parameters calendarsbusyInfoParameters contains a list of calendarID, which should be queried against.
Start and End time. Provides the timespan's Start and End.
Busy Info for the specified Calendar Busy Information of a calendar
Google Document Google Document Identifier
New Google Document New Google Document
Updated Google Document Updated Google Document
Header or Footer for document Updated Google Document