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Datatype - Gmail Reply Parameters

Define the parameters of the ‘reply all’ such as the recipient, the subject, or the body of the mail.

Property Type Description
threadId string The Id of the thread you want to reply to. This can be procured using the Search Emails (Gmail) Activity.
messageId string The Id of the specific message in the thread you want to reply to. This can be procured using the Search Emails (Gmail) Activity.
to string List of direct recipients of the email.
cc string List of Carbon Copy recipients of the email.
bcc string List of Blind Carbon Copy recipients of the email.
body string Body of the email.
isHtmlBody boolean Property to define if the mail body is considered as html (set to false by default).
includeOriginalAttachments boolean The attachments of the mail being replied to will be included in the reply..
attachments Array.<irpa_googleworkspace.gmailAttachment> List of attachment.