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Module - Google Calendar

Activities to interact with Google Calendar.


Create Event (Google Calendar)

Create an event in Google Calendar.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
createEvent asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
calendarEventParameters irpa_googleworkspace.calendarEvent mandatory Data type to define the parameters of the event you want to create in Google Calendar, such as its title, description, or location.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default value is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
createdEvent irpa_googleworkspace.googleEvent Data type to render the details of the created event.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without any authorization activity.
GoogleCalendarError irpa_googleworkspace Error thrown when the call to the Google Calendar API failed.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without the 'GoogleCalendarScope' or if the attendees of the mail haven't been set in a proper format.
Timeout irpa_core Error thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error.

Update Event (Google Calendar)

Update an event in Google Calendar.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
updateEvent asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
calendarUpdateEventParameters irpa_googleworkspace.calendarUpdateEvent mandatory Data type to define the parameters of the event you want to update in Google Calendar, such as its title, description, or location.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default value is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
updatedEvent irpa_googleworkspace.googleEvent Data type to render the details of the updated event.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without any authorization activity.
GoogleCalendarError irpa_googleworkspace Error thrown when the call to the Google Calendar API failed.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without the 'GoogleCalendarScope' or if the attendees of the mail haven't been set in a proper format.
Timeout irpa_core Error thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Delete Event (Google Calendar)

Delete an event in Google Calendar.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
deleteEvent asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
eventID string mandatory Use this parameter to delete a unique event, or a single event in a series of events. Use 'Recurring Event ID' to delete a whole series of events.
calendarID string optional The unique identifier of the calendar. For the primary calendar, the value of the identifier can be '€˜primary'€™ or the email address of the calendar user.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default value is 30000ms.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without any authorization activity.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without the 'GoogleCalendarScope' or if the attendees of the mail haven't been set in a proper format.
Timeout irpa_core Error thrown if the activity times out.
GoogleCalendarError irpa_googleworkspace Error thrown when the call to the Google Calendar API failed.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Fetch Busy Information (Google Calendar)

Fetch busy information for specified calendars in Google Calendar.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
fetchBusyInfo asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
calendarsbusyInfoParameters irpa_googleworkspace.calendarsbusyInfoParameters mandatory Data type to define the identifier of the calendar and the interval when a specific user is busy.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default value is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
calendarsbusyInfo Array.<irpa_googleworkspace.calendarbusyInfo> Data type to render the busy information details for the specified calendar, specifically the interval when a user has been busy.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without any authorization activity.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without the 'GoogleCalendarScope' or if the attendees of the mail haven't been set in a proper format.
Timeout irpa_core Error thrown if the activity times out.
GoogleCalendarError irpa_googleworkspace Error thrown when the call to the Google Calendar API failed.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

List Calendars (Google Calendar)

Get a list of all the available calendars in Google Calendar.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
listCalendars asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
showDeleted boolean optional Optional parameter to include the deleted calendars in the list (false by default).
showHidden boolean optional Optional parameter to include the hidden calendars in the list (false by default).
minAccessRole irpa_googleworkspace.enums.GoogleCalendarsMinAccessRole optional Enumeration to define the minimum access role for the user in the returned calendars. By default, there is no restriction.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default value is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
calendars Array.<irpa_googleworkspace.calendar> Data type to render the details of the retrieved calendars, such as their ID or title for example.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without any authorization activity.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without the 'GoogleCalendarScope' or if the attendees of the mail haven't been set in a proper format.
Timeout irpa_core Error thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

Get Event (Google Calendar)

Retrieve an event from Google Calendar.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
getEvent asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
eventId string mandatory Identifier of the event you want to retrieve.
calendarId string optional The unique identifier of the calendar. Call the '€˜List Calendars (Google Calendar)' activity to retrieve the calendar identifier. If you want to access the primary calendar of the currently logged-in user, use the 'primary' keyword.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default value is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
event irpa_googleworkspace.googleEvent Data type to render the details of the retrieved event.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without any authorization activity.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without the 'GoogleCalendarScope' or if the attendees of the mail haven't been set in a proper format.
Timeout irpa_core Error thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error

List Events (Google Calendar)

Get a list of all the available events in Google Calendar.

Technical Name Type Minimal Agent Version
listEvents asynchronous WIN-2.0.0

Input Parameters:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
listEventParameters irpa_googleworkspace.listEventParameters optional Data type to define the parameters of the activity, such as the calendar identifier, or filtering options for example.
timeout number optional Timeout for the activity. The default value is 30000ms.

Output Parameters:

Name Type Description
events Array.<irpa_googleworkspace.googleEvent> Data type to render the details of the listed events.


Error Class Package Description
SequenceError irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without any authorization activity.
InvalidArgument irpa_core Error thrown if you used this activity without the 'GoogleCalendarScope' or if the attendees of the mail haven't been set in a proper format.
Timeout irpa_core Error thrown if the activity times out.
Error irpa_core Generic Error