Create charts in a story to display your data.
Whether you want to see a visual representation of your data or want to show it to someone else, charts can help you. There are many ways to visualize your data, from bar charts and waterfall charts to tree maps or pie charts.
Once you've picked a chart type, selected your model and added measures and dimensions, you can move onto other tasks such as adding a variance or an axis break, or changing how the data is displayed.
Use the
Builder to select the measures and dimensions to include in your
Use the
Styling tools to enhance the presentation.
Use the Examine panel to create a table based on the data in your chart.
You can add multiple measures and multiple dimensions to your chart. When measures or dimensions are part of a hierarchy or when a dimension has attributes, you can expand them and select their children or expand a dimension and select its attributes. You can also apply filters to your measures and dimensions. The chart is updated as you make your choices in the Builder.
Feature | Description |
Add a chart to your story or analytic applications page or apply other properties to a chart. | |
Choosing the Best Chart Type for the Data | When adding a chart to your story or analytic applications page, choose the best chart type for your analysis. |
After you select a chart type, select the measures and dimensions to display in each area of your chart. |
There are several features available on the action menu for working with the data in the chart or for changing the chart's appearance. |
Change the look of a chart tile including placement on the page, border format, number formatting, label placement, and so on. |
Add a hyperlink to another story or page, or to an external URL. |
Feature | Description |
Waterfall charts show how an initial value is affected by a series of intermediate positive or negative values. |
Drilling through Waterfall Charts |
If hierarchical values are included in a waterfall chart, you can expand or collapse the chart to explore the data at different levels. |
Add a time-based variance to your chart to show the difference between time periods. |
Feature | Description |
Axis breaks can be used to visually shorten outliers in bar/column or waterfall charts. |
In Bubble or Scatterplot charts, axis line breaks let you remove or reduce visual gaps in the data. |
Add a cross calculation to a chart. |
Add dynamic text to the chart title or subtitle |
Add an error bar to your chart to indicate the error or uncertainty in a reported measurement. |
Add text footers to charts in stories. |
Define reference lines to show important values on your chart; for example, the average and maximum prices of your company's products. |
Add a variance to your chart to show the difference between versions of a measure or to show the difference between time periods. |
A story page is more visually appealing when the chart axes are all aligned vertically and horizontally. |
Annotate data points in Bar, Line, and Bubble charts. |
Exclude non-relevant data points or filter data points to focus a chart on a specific set of data. |
Feature | Description |
When you have multiple dimensions on the categories axis, use Break Grouping to ignore the grouping order and change how the dimensions and measures are sorted. |
Show the Compound Annual Growth Rate for Bar/Column or Stacked charts. |
In a chart, show the Description, ID, or ID and Description of a dimension. |
Displaying Dimension Labels on a Bubble or Scatterplot Chart |
Display dimension values on the data-points in a bubble or scatterplot chart. |
Select two data points in a chart to quickly see the difference between their values. For example, you can compare a year-over-year percentage increase or decrease, or see the delta between two versions. |
Show both booked and unbooked data in a chart. |
Temporarily magnify a region of a chart. |
Feature | Description |
Change the hierarchy level in a Time Series chart to see the data aggregation at different granularity settings. |
Reorder how measures are displayed in a chart, including displaying them as overlapping bars |
Reorder how versions are displayed in a chart. For example, you can display the bars as 1st Forecast, Actual, and 2nd Forecast. |
Create charts with data from multiple models. |
If hierarchical dimensions are included in a chart, you can drill up or down through dimensions to explore the data at different levels. |
Dynamically set the minimum or maximum axis values for all series on a chart axis. |
Export data from your chart or table as a CSV file. |
Input controls give you the ability to change which dimensions or measures to display for your charts or tables. |
Manually change the axis range of a chart. |
Normalize the data in your Time Series chart to compare the relative differences in percentage over time rather than seeing the absolute value of the measure. |
Run a predictive forecast in time series or line charts. |
If multiple charts in a story contain the same measure, the measure values may be scaled differently in different charts, which can make comparisons difficult. You can scale the charts so that measures have the same scale across multiple charts. |
Sort measures and dimensions in charts in ascending or descending order, or you can set your own custom order. |
Changing Color Palettes and Synchronizing Colors Across Charts |
When the color palette for one chart in a story is changed, all the other charts that have the same color dimension or member will also be updated. This applies to charts that have a single dimension or measure for Color. |