Styling Options for Charts

Change the look of a chart tile including placement on the page, border format, number formatting, label placement, and so on.

  1. Select a tile on the page.

  2. Open the Designer panel and select (Styling).

    The Styling panel displays options available for the selected tile type. Some options may not be available to all users.

    For charts and tables, you see only the styling options for the specific area that you have highlighted. The heading in the Styling panel identifies the area. For example, it may show Title, Data Cell, Axis Labels, and so on. Selecting a different part of the table or chart changes the heading and the styling options.

  3. Select desired tile options.

Chart Styling Options


Styling Options


Background Color

Select a background color for this tile.


Select to add a border around the tile. You can also pick a style, the line width, and corner radius for the border.


Change the placement of the chart on the canvas.

Available options:
  • (Send Backward)
  • (Send to Back)
  • (Bring Forward)
  • (Bring to Front)

Data Points

Styling Options


Data Point Selection

Select all data points or specific data points, lines, or other options.

Fill Color

Change the color of the data point or line.


You can change the following options.

Styling Options


Text Selection

Select whether the change applies to all the text labels or one or more of the following labels.

Standard labels for most chart types:
  • Axis Label
  • Data/Dimension Label
  • Legend
  • Chart Title
  • Subtitle
  • Trellis Label
  • Error Message
Labels that apply to specific chart types:
  • Axis Title: applies to Line, Bubble, Scatterplot, and Histogram charts.

Numeric Point chart labels

Additional labels for the chart:
  • Primary Value
  • Primary Value Label
  • Primary Variance Value
  • Primary Variance Title
  • Secondary Value
  • Secondary Value Label
  • Footer Text



The axis labels automatically adjust to minimize the amount of overlapping or truncated values.

If you override the axis label font size, the labels will no longer automatically adjust.



Number Format

Styling Options



Select how to display the numbers on an axis: whether to show all digits for each data point or to display the values as thousands, millions, or billions.

  • Unformatted

  • Thousand

  • Million

  • Billion

  • Auto-formatted: picks the best scale for the values.

    The following numbers are used to determine which scale is automatically chosen:
    • Unformatted: values < 10,000

    • Thousand: values < 10,000,000

    • Million: values < 10,000,000,000

    • Billion: values >= 10,000,000,000

    For example, if the values are below zero when the number format is set to Million, then Auto-formatted changes the format to Thousand.

Scale Format

  • Default
  • k, m, bn
  • Thousand, Million, Billion

Measure Selection

Choose an included measure to apply the formatting to.

Decimal Places

Select the number of decimal places to display.

Default: the default number of decimal places is set in the model.

Automatic: truncates values to at least three digits. Values that are less than one will have three decimal places. Larger values will have the decimal places truncated.
Original Formatted to Thousands Thousands with Automatic Decimal Places
155.5555555 0.1555555555 0.156
11689.76 11.68976 11.7
0.00009999999 0.0000001 +0.00
543234567998.99994 543234567.999 543234568

Show Sign As

  • Default
  • + / -
  • ( ): brackets will appear around negative values instead of a minus sign.


Styling Options


  • Above Chart
  • Below Chart
  • Beside Chart (Right)


Select how to align the legend in relation to the chart.


Styling Options


Axis Label Direction

  • Automatic

  • Horizontal

  • Diagonal

    If you have multiple measures or multiple dimensions, the labels won't display on the diagonal, only on the horizontal.
  • Inline (Applies to only horizontal Bar or Stacked Bar charts.)

Axis Label Truncation

  • Right

  • Left

  • Middle

  • Truncate by Dimension/Measure:
    • Truncate by Dimension/Measure: select the dimension or measure

    • Truncation Direction: select Right, Left, or Middle

Data Label Background Color

Use a background color for data labels to improve the readability of the data labels.

To use a custom color or to change the opacity of the background color, from the data label color picker, select More and then make your choices.

Data Label

  • Avoid Data Label Overlap – select whether to display all chart labels, or to detect when labels overlap and display only some labels.
    • Prioritize Largest Absolute Value

    • Show Only the Front Bar Label

  • Round Data Label Values – if there is not enough room on the chart, rounding the data label values allows all labels to be displayed. However, rounded values may not include the specified number of decimal places.

  • Hide Repeated Data Labels – select whether to avoid displaying repeated data labels, displaying only one occurrence of a repeated label.

  • First/Last/High/Low Labels – for each line in a chart, show only four data points and their labels: first, last, highest, and lowest.

  • Variance Label Alignment– select whether variance labels are above the variance chart or below it.

Bubble or Scatterplot

Other options available when a Bubble or Scatterplot chart is selected:
  • Change the bubble scale.
  • Change the bubble opacity.
  • X-Axis High/Low Labels – show labels for only the highest and lowest data-points.
  • Y-Axis High/Low Labels – show labels for only the highest and lowest data-points.
  • Size High/Low Labels – (bubble charts) show labels for only the highest and lowest data-points.

Donut or Pie

Absolute Value – show labels as absolute value instead of percentage.


Styling Options


Axis Line Color

Change the color of the axis line.


Styling Options



Link to another story, page, or external URL from this tile.

You can customize the error message displayed when a chart contains no data. This setting is only available in the Administration settings.