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Function documentationTalent Review Meeting


Talent management specialists can use this function to prepare, hold, and follow up on meetings for discussing talents.


  • In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development, you have made the settings under Calibration Grid.

    Note Note

    The following Customizing settings influence which calibration grid is used in a talent review meeting:

    • Start of the navigation path Calibration Grid Next navigation step Specify Grid to Be Used End of the navigation path

    • Start of the navigation path Talent Review Meeting Next navigation step Define Types of Talent Review Meetings End of the navigation path

    For more information about the dependencies between these settings, see the documentation for these Customizing activities.

    End of the note.
  • In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development, you have made the settings under Talent Review Meeting.

    In particular, under Start of the navigation path Talent Review Meeting Next navigation step Make Additional Settings for Talent Review Meetings End of the navigation path, you need to specifically activate the following functions to be able to use them:



    More Information


    Defines whether agenda topics are displayed with or without numbers


    Specifies that the status Approved is available for talent review meetings

    Approval of Talent Review Meetings


    Determines that follow-up activities are processed in the background

    Follow-Up of Talent Review Meetings


    Determines whether you use different types of talent review meetings in your enterprise

    Follow-Up of Talent Review Meetings


    Enables talents to be put on hold when following up on talent review meetings

    Follow-Up of Talent Review Meetings


    Determines whether talents can be discussed in talent review meetings if there is no valid performance assessment and/or potential assessment for the talent

    Discussion of Talents with Invalid Performance Assessment/Potential Assessment in Talent Review Meetings

  • In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development under Start of the navigation path Basic Settings Next navigation step PDF-Based Documents in Talent Management End of the navigation path, you have copied the standard application form HRTMC_CALIBRATION_GRID to the productive client and assigned it to the parameter CALIBRATION_GRID. Alternatively, you can create a customer application form and assign it to the parameter CALIBRATION_GRID.

    Note Note

    You need the application form so that the talent management specialists can insert the calibration grid into the handout, or when holding talent review meetings, display a print preview of the calibration grid and then print it.

    If no application form is assigned to the parameter CALIBRATION_GRID, the system hides the following selection options in the dialog box for creating handouts:

    • Insert calibration grid

    • Insert talent list

    • Insert talent profile

    The handout then automatically contains the talent list and the talent profiles of all talents that are assigned to the selected agenda topics. The talent management specialist can choose between the short profile and the detailed talent profile.

    End of the note.
  • To be able to display the calibration grid, the newest version of the Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your PC.

  • To be able to display a preview of the handout and a print preview of the calibration grid or follow-up list, Adobe Reader must be installed on your PC.

  • For talents to be displayed in the calibration grid, performance values and potential values must exist for these talents. Depending on the combination of performance values and potential values, the talents are classified in the corresponding box of the calibration grid.

    For more information, see Performance Values and Potential Values in Talent Management.

    Note Note

    You can use the parameter SUPPORT_UNAPPRAISED_TALENTS (see above) to specify that talents without a valid performance assessment and/or potential assessment can also be discussed in talent review meetings.

    End of the note.


The editing of talent review meetings is divided into the following phases: