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Function documentationHolding of Talent Review Meetings


During the talent review meeting, the participants can see the talent data for all talents and use this to discuss and compare the talents, and to calibrate them in a grid. The minute taker can save changes and agreements immediately.


See Talent Review Meeting.


  • You can go through the agenda topic by topic and present the attached documents or the assigned talents.

  • You can add further talents to an agenda topic.

  • You can delete the assignment of a talent to an agenda topic.

    Note Note

    If you remove a talent from the agenda topic, the system also deletes the notes that you entered for this talent.

    End of the note.
  • You can display the talents for a particular agenda topic (for example, all talents from a particular enterprise area) by selecting the agenda topic.

  • You can display the talents from multiple agenda topics together in the calibration grid by choosing Multiple Selection in the agenda.

  • You can display talents in the following views:

    • Grid view

      Displays the talents in a grid that arranges the talents in boxes based on their performance value and potential value. The following functions are available for the grid view:

      • If background colors were defined for the grid boxes in Customizing, related grid boxes can be displayed with the same background color. Depending on the Customizing settings, you can then see which grid boxes contain talents with similar performance assessments and potential assessments, or to which grid boxes the same talent group is assigned, for example.

      • You can display each grid box individually in a detailed list view.

      • You can approve or compare all talents of a grid box at the same time.

      • You can display the talent profile for each talent.

      • You can display the business card for each talent. From the business card you can also navigate further to the talent profile.

      • You can display a print preview of the calibration grid in the context menu and then print it.

    • Business-card view

      Displays a short extract of the talent data for each employee, for example, the name, manager, current position, or the nomination status of the talent, as well as his or her current position in the calibration grid (see Performance Values and Potential Values in the Calibration Grid Symbol).

      From the business card, you can navigate further into the talent profile.

    • List view

      Displays a flat list of the talents and their talent data. The following functions are available for the list view:

      • You can approve or compare all displayed talents at the same time.

      • You can display the talent profile for each talent.

      • You can display the business card for each talent. From the business card you can also navigate further to the talent profile.

    For these views, you can specify which data is to be displayed. In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development, make the settings under Start of the navigation path Basic Settings Next navigation step Adjusting the User Interfaces Next navigation step Configurations for Data Retrieval Next navigation step Create Configuration End of the navigation path, and Assign User Interface Configuration.

  • You can use various criteria to filter the display of the talents.

    For the filter dialog box, you can specify which data is to be displayed. In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development, make the settings under Start of the navigation path Basic Settings Next navigation step Adjusting the User Interfaces Next navigation step Configurations for Data Retrieval Next navigation step Create Configuration for Filter Dialog Box End of the navigation path, and Assign User Interface Configuration.

  • You can compare talents.

    For more information, see Side-By-Side Comparison.

  • You can change the classification of the talents based on their performance and potential by moving them to a different box in the grid view.

  • If the participants of the talent review meeting agree on the classification of the talents based on their performance and potential, you can approve this classification. You can also withdraw the approval.

    If, on the Planning tab, you have selected a type of talent review meeting that comprises a calibration grid with assigned talent groups, the approval means that the talents are nominated for the relevant talent groups. For more information, see Talent Group Nomination Through Talent Review Meetings.

  • You can discuss the same talent in more than one talent review meeting at various hierarchy levels.

    If there are performance values and potential values for a talent for the same period from more than one talent review meeting, the values that were specified at the highest hierarchy level are valid.

    In Customizing, you can also specify the frequency with which you assess the performance and potential of your employees in your enterprise. You can thus specify which performance value and which potential value is valid for an employee at a given time.

    For more information, see Determination of the Valid Performance Value and Potential Value.

  • You can set different statuses for the talent review meeting. For more information, see Status Changes for Talent Review Meetings.