Customizing Results for Top Contributor Smart Insights

Customize your top contributor Smart Insights results, to make sure they're as relevant as possible to your business context.


If certain dimensions or dimension members aren't interesting to you, you can exclude them from being factored into your top contributor results in the Smart Insights panel. To customize the results, you must be a story creator working in edit mode in a story.

The exclusion of these dimensions or dimension members persists for the lifetime of all charts connected to the same model in your story, until you select to include them again.


  1. Select Edit mode within your story. If the toolbar is collapsed, choose Start of the navigation pathFile Next navigation step  (Edit Story) Next navigation step Smart Insights SettingsEnd of the navigation path. If the toolbar is expanded, select Start of the navigation pathFile Next navigation step  (Edit Story) Next navigation step Smart Insights SettingsEnd of the navigation path.

    The Smart Insights Settings dialog opens.

  2. Identify the relevant model from the list, and select + Select Dimension Members to open the list of dimensions you could potentially exclude from your top contributor Smart Insights results.
  3. Select the relevant dimension from the list.

    The Select Members to Exclude from Smart Insights for <selected dimension> dialog appears.

  4. Select All Members to exclude the entire dimension.

    Your selection All Members then appears in the dialog box with a strikethrough, to indicate that the entire dimension is excluded from your top contributor Smart Insights results.

  5. To exclude specific dimension members, select instead the relevant checkbox beside the dimension member name. You can also use Search to find specific dimension members.

    The list of selected dimension members then appears in the dialog box with a strikethrough, to indicate that those specific dimension members from that dimension are excluded from your top contributor Smart Insights results.

  6. Select OK.

    Now, when you run Smart Insights, the dimensions or dimension members you selected to exclude, won't be factored into your top contributor results. The top five contributors found for other dimensions are shown in the Smart Insights panel instead.

  7. To include dimensions or dimension members again, so that they're factored into in the top contributor Smart Insights results, choose Start of the navigation pathFile Next navigation step  (Edit Story) Next navigation step Smart Insights SettingsEnd of the navigation path, and deselect the dimensions or dimension members.
  8. Select OK.

    When you run Smart Insights again, these dimensions or dimension members are again factored into your top five contributor results.