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Configuring General Properties for a Module TemplateLocate this document in the navigation structure


In the module template creation wizard, you have completed the first step: Source.

  1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path Workspace Administration Next navigation step Module Templates End of the navigation path.

  2. Create a new module template or open an existing module template for editing.

  3. In the General Properties tab, specify the following properties:

    • Name - A distinct and descriptive name for the template.


      When creating a new module template by duplicating an existing template, you will probably want to change the default name that begins with Copy of.

    • Description - A description of the template, which can be viewed in the Module Gallery and in the Link List Gallery.

    • Icon - You can attach a custom icon.

      For more information, see Attaching a Custom Icon to a Module Template.


      When creating multiple module templates from a role, module template names and descriptions are taken from the source objects and the default icon is used.

    • Publication Date - The date when the module template will be available to users.

    • Expiration Date - The date when the module template expires.

    • Specify the availability of the module template:

      • Available for Workspaces - Specify whether the template is available for personal workspaces, shared workspaces, or both.

      • Available In - Specify where to display the template: Module Gallery, Application List, Report List. The Application List and Report List are part of the Link List Gallery.


        By default, the module templates provided by SAP are not available for display in the Application List and Report List. We recommend that you do not change this setting for these module templates.

      • Module Gallery Categories - Select under which Module Gallery categories to display the template.

        For information about configuring Module Gallery categories, see Configuring Module Gallery Categories.


Changing the module availability properties only affects the template. Modules that have already been added to a workspace are not affected.