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makeCurrent(com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.user.DeviceUser,java.lang.Boolean,kotlin.coroutines.SuspendFunction2) - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.user.DeviceUserManager
Makes the given user as the current active user.
ManagedConfigToJsonConverter - class in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.configurationprovider
Defines the contract for converting managed configuration data to Json.
ManagedConfigurationProvider - class in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.configurationprovider
One of the default ConfigurationProviders, it obtains configuration data from the Enterprise Mobility Management ( EMM ) settings.
managedQuery(android.net.Uri,kotlin.Array,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array,java.lang.String) - function in android.app.Activity
managedQuery(android.net.Uri,kotlin.Array,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array,java.lang.String) - function in android.app.Activity
mandatoryValidationHeaders() - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.model.AppConfig
Retrieves the custom validation headers from AppConfig.
mark(int) - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.common.EncryptionInputStream
markSupported() - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.common.EncryptionInputStream
maxCost(double) - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.cache.MemoryCache
Enables the Cost Factor mechanism by providing the maximum cost allowed.
mayStartNewProcess() - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.mobileservices.MobileService
Indicates whether this service might start a process.
mayStartNewProcess() - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.mobileservices.MobileService
Indicates whether this service might start a process.
mayStartNewProcess() - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.mobileservices.MobileService
Indicates whether this service might start a process.
MDK_URL - enum entry in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.model.AppConfig.ContentFormat
MDK_URL_SIGNED - enum entry in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.model.AppConfig.ContentFormat
measure(int,int) - function in android.view.View
measurement(java.lang.String) - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.usage.AppUsageInfo
Adds the data for MEASUREMENT.
MemoryCache - class in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.cache
MemoryCache is a fixed size in-memory cache that uses weak reference keys to store a set of values with the following features and options:
  • LRU (Least Recently Used) Cache Replacement Policy: Each time a value is accessed, it is moved to the end of a queue in descending LRU order. When an entry is added to a full cache, the entry at the head of that queue, that is, the Least Recently Used entry is evicted to make room for the new entry.
  • Clear on Memory Error Option: When this option is turned on, low memory situation detected by the application will cause the entire cache to be cleared.
  • Cost Factor Option: The cache can be configured with a maximum cost, and a cost provided by the user is associated with each cache entry during the put operation.

    In addition to the LRU Replacement Policy, when the aggregated cost exceeds the maximum cost, one or more cache entries based on system or user-defined eviction criteria will be removed to make space for the current entry, then adds the current entry to the cache:

    • System Eviction Criteria-- the current entry with the highest cost will be removed.
    • Customized Eviction Criteria-- a list of existing entries sorted in ascending cost order will be presented to the user via a callback interface CacheCostFactor, the user-defined callback method List<K> onExceedMaxCost(final List<K> existingKeys) can select and return a list of one or more entries from the input list to evict.
Before interacting with the MemoryCache, you need to instantiate and configure the MemoryCache.
MERGE - enum entry in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.logging.LogUploadType
MERGE - enum entry in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.logging.Logging.UploadType
merge(K,V,java.util.function.BiFunction) - function in java.util.HashMap
message() - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.networking.HttpException
HTTP status message.
MeteringPassportBuilder - class in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.networking
MobileService - class in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.mobileservices
Represents the base class for all mobile services, for example, UserService, etc.
moveDatabaseFrom(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
moveDatabaseFrom(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
moveSharedPreferencesFrom(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
moveSharedPreferencesFrom(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
moveTaskToBack(boolean) - function in android.app.Activity
moveTaskToBack(java.lang.Boolean) - function in android.app.Activity
multipleUser(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.sap.cloud.mobile.foundation.model.AppConfig.Builder
Sets the multiple user mode
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