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Function documentationPerformance Values and Potential Values in the Talent Review Meeting


The participants of a talent review meeting can confirm the manager's performance assessment and potential assessment of the talents discussed, or specify a different evaluation. If the participants agree on the performance assessment and potential assessment, the talent management specialist can approve this assessment and save the approval.


  • The system stores the following information in the infotype records that it generates based on a talent review meeting:

    • Current system date on which you conduct the talent review meeting

    • Status of the performance assessment and potential assessment that you have made in the talent review meeting

    • ID of the talent review meeting

    • Level of the talent review meeting

  • The system always creates the infotype records in pairs and changes existing infotype records in pairs.

    If you move a talent in the calibration grid to a different box, this can change the performance value, the potential value, or both values. In all cases, the system creates a record for the Performance infotype (7409) and a record for the Potential infotype (7408).

  • For the same talent review meeting, only one infotype record for each of the infotypes Performance and Potential ever exists for a talent.

    Even if you move and approve a talent more than once in the grid, saving each time, the system always edits the same infotype records.

  • From multiple infotype records of the infotypes Performance and Potential that exist in the corresponding period, a talent review meeting always uses the infotype record in which the ID of this talent review meeting is stored.

    If no suitable infotype record with the ID of the talent review meeting exists for an employee, the system determines the performance value and potential value from the existing infotype records. For more information, see Determination of the Valid Performance and Potential Value.

  • If multiple talent review meetings take place at different hierarchy levels, they can specify different performance evaluations and potential evaluations for the same talent.

    Therefore, depending on the talent review meeting in which you are participating, the system may display different performance values and potential values for this talent. For more information, see Determination of the Valid Performance and Potential Value.

  • The system creates infotype records or changes existing infotype records only if you move or approve a talent in the calibration grid and choose Save, or if you approve the entire talent review meeting.

    It proceeds as follows:

    • If you do not move a talent in the grid, the system does not create new infotype records and does not change any existing infotype records. This also applies if you save the talent review meeting.

    • If you do not move a talent in the grid, but choose Approve and save the talent review meeting, the system creates new infotype records with the status Nominated.

    • If you move a talent in the grid and save the talent review meeting, the system creates new infotype records with the status Nominated.

    • If you move a talent in the grid, choose Approve, and save the talent review meeting, the system proceeds as follows:

      • If you have previously moved the talent in the grid and then saved, infotype records with the ID of this talent review meeting already exist. In this case, the system changes the status to Approved in these infotype records.

      • If you had not made any changes previously and had not yet saved, no infotype records with the ID of this talent review meeting exist. In this case, the system creates new infotype records with the status Approved.

    • If you get a higher management level to approve the talent review meeting (outside of the system, for example, on paper) and then, when processing the talent review meeting, set the status to Approved for the entire talent review meeting, the system changes the status to Closed Approved in all infotype records that it created as a result of this talent review meeting. The system sets this status irrespective of which status was stored in the infotype records previously:

      • If the talent management specialist had approved the performance values and potential values for the relevant talents, the status Approved was stored previously.

      • If the talent management specialist had not approved the performance values and potential values for the relevant talents, the status Nominated was stored previously.

        In these infotype records, the system also sets the indicator On Hold to show that these talents are still to be discussed in another talent review meeting and therefore the status is not yet final.

      For more information, see Approval of Talent Review Meetings.

    Note Note

    Even if the system does not create or change any infotype records in the database, it keeps the changes that you make in the buffer and displays them on the user interface accordingly.

    End of the note.

    Example Example

    You start a new talent review meeting. The potential and performance of a talent was evaluated by his or her manager in advance. Therefore, infotype records with the status Nominated exist for the infotypes Performance and Potential. The talent is displayed with the status Nominated in the corresponding box of the calibration grid.

    Depending on how you proceed, the system edits the infotype records as follows:

    • You move the talent to a different box and then save the talent review meeting.

      The system creates a new record for each of the infotypes Performance and Potential and stores the following information in these records:

      • Current system date

      • Status Nominated

      • ID of the talent review meeting

      • Level of the talent review meeting

    • You choose Approve.

      The system does not update the infotype records. However, it adds the approval to the buffer and displays the Approved symbol for the talent instead of the Nominated symbol.

    • You choose Approve and then save.

      The system updates the aforementioned infotype records and changes the status from Nominated to Approved.

    End of the example.