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 Individual Heating Expenses Settlement


The data medium exchange process for individual heating expense settlement was adapted to the needs of Switzerland. In Switzerland the settlement is performed by the owner or his management company and not, as in Germany, by a settlement company. The legal basis for individual heating expense settlement in Switzerland is defined by the regulations as set by the cantons. There is no uniform, regulated and coordinated process flow for automated data medium exchange between the settlement companies and owners or their management organizations.

Therefore, there is a separate data medium for Switzerland that is based on measurement documents (see Structure of the Data Medium ).


You use standard functions of service charge settlement for the individual heating expenses settlement.


  • You set the necessary indicator for the measuring points you want to use in the individual heating expenses settlement. You assigned characteristic names from general Customizing.

    In Customizing for Start of the navigation path Flexible Real Estate Management(RE-FX),choose Country-Specific Settings Next navigation step Switzerland Next navigation step Service Charge Settlement End of the navigation path

    • Define Measuring Point ID

    • Assign Measuring Point ID to Characteristic

  • You made all necessary settings in general Customizing for service charge settlement.


Predistribution Apportionment

Based on the energy concept of the settlement company, you enter the structure of the master settlement unit and other settlement units in the SAP system.

The first step of the distribution is made using the master settlement unit. The master settlement unit makes it possible to distribute the costs, which were posted to the assigned cost object settlement units, to the settlement units that are subordinate to it. The percentages (see 24% hot water and 76% heating costs in the example below) can either be entered as fixed values in the master data, or they can be variable amounts arising from the data exchange. This means that the structure in the data medium for the settlement company is based on the assumption that the distribution uses fixed or variable percentages in the first step.

Distribution of Costs During Apportionment

Heating expenses are then distributed to the settlement units based on the distributed percentage values. On the Apportionment Rule tab page, you can distribute the costs of the settlement in different ways. Normally, you distribute part of the costs – the basic costs – using a fixed rule. After that, you can distribute the individual cost shares with the necessary degree of detail, using individual meters and the meter reading data that was automatically imported for them on the data medium from the settlement company. The distribution of cost shares to the different cost groups can also be handled in two ways: using fixed percentages in the master data of the settlement unit, or by using variable values provided by the tape.

In this way, you can settle costs using different rules (meters) for different service charge keys, such as in the following example:

  • Basic costs for heat (for example, 30% based on square meters)
  • Heat cost allocator (for example, 21% based on meters for heat cost allocator)
  • Ventilation consumption (for example, 28% based on meters for ventilation)
  • Unavoidable heat consumption (for example, 7% based on meters for unavoidable heat consumption)
  • Floor heating/heat meter (for example, 14% based on meters for floor heating)

These functions are generic and are part of the standard system functions for service charge settlement. Separate functions are provided for Switzerland, including the data medium for automatic creation of meters on data elements, and measurement documents.


For Switzerland, you use the master settlement unit (MSU) (in the sense of a heating system from Classic RE).

To use external settlement of heating expenses, set the Data Exchange indicator when you create the settlement unit. The Settlement Company tab page then appears, where you can enter the necessary data for the data exchange. The master settlement unit, on which you set this indicator, serves the same function the heating system previously served (in Classic RE).

Note Note

For more information, see:

End of the note.


Settlement Schema for Individual Heating Expenses Settlement: