Working With Config Tool

Target Audience

  • Administrator (system or application)
  • Technology consultant


SAP CC Config Tool is a user interface of SAP Convergent Charging. It is a command line program that allows you to quickly configure or transport a large subset of system parameters in the SAP CC Core Server system. A complete or partial SAP CC system restart is necessary to take the changes into account.

This user interface allows you to:

  • Configure a consistent set of SAP CC system parameters in an SAP CC system or in the system instances of the same type
  • Transport the complex parameter configuration from a source SAP CC system (in a development landscape) to a target SAP CC system in another system landscape (test landscape, quality assurance landscape)

Config Tool connects to the SAP CC Core Database system that relates to the SAP CC Core Server system. The system parameters of the SAP CC system are stored in its back-end database system. Config Tool does never connect directly to an SAP CC system.

You can:

  • Export the persistent values of all the configuration parameters of the SAP CC Core Server system
  • Import, and thus update, some configuration parameters into the corresponding SAP CC Core Database system before restarting the relevant instances of the SAP CC system


During the project implementation phase or the production operation phase:

  • If you want to change only one parameter in an SAP CC system or if you want to apply changes temporarily, you can use the set and get commands of the Admin+ user interface.
  • You cannot configure all the SAP CC system settings with Config Tool. Use the Setup Tool user interface to configure some particular functions or data (business or technical) in an SAP CC system.
  • If you want to transport some business data or master data, use the Core Tool user interface.

Important Note

Check that your license is always valid; otherwise, you cannot access to all the commands.

Refer to your tasks and the corresponding procedures to work efficiently during the project implementation phase or during the production operation phase.

Getting Started

Executing the Program

The Config Tool user interface is available from the dispatcher instances of your SAP CC Core Server system and communicates directly with the SAP CC Core Database system. The launch scripts are available in the installation folder.

To launch Config Tool:

1. On the SAP Global Host of the SAP CC Core Server system, open one of the following directories depending on the operating system of the host machine:

  • <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\<SID>\CCD<SAP_INST_NB>\script\ (MS Windows operating systems)
  • /usr/sap/<SID>/CCD<SAP_INST_NB>/script/ (UNIX, Linux, and other operating systems)
  • Where <SID> is the unique SAP system ID and where <SAP_INST_NB> is the SAP instance number, a two-digit number automatically assigned to the dispatcher instances by SAPinst at installation time.

2. Open a system console in this directory.

3. Execute the appropriate launch script with the correct command and arguments. In a system console, type:

  • config.bat <COMMAND_AND_ARGS> (MS Windows)
  • ./ <COMMAND_AND_ARGS> (UNIX and Linux)

4. A prompt asks you to enter your administrator credentials. Type your SAP CC user login.

5. Safely, type your user password. It is not displayed to the console.

6. Config Tool verifies the user authentication and performs your operation.


In a development or test system landscape, you can directly precise your credentials by adding the -login and -password arguments to the command line:

  • config.bat <COMMAND_AND_ARGS> [-login=<USR_LOGON>] [-password=<VISIBLE_USR_PASSWD>] (MS Windows)
  • ./ <COMMAND_AND_ARGS> [-login=<USR_LOGON>] [-password=<VISIBLE_USR_PASSWD>] (UNIX and Linux)
  • Where <USR_LOGON> and <VISIBLE_USR_PASSWD> are your SAP CC system credentials (logon, password) as a system or application administrator.

Make sure that you do not use these arguments in a production system landscape. The password is visible in the console.


In a secure environment, SAP SE recommends that you never use the additional -login and -password arguments.

Connecting and Logging on

An SAP CC user name and password must authenticate each command (except for the help command). The user name must correspond to an individual user.


Consult the SAP CC Security Guide to get information on communication security and user rights to perform the commands described in this documentation.


With Config Tool, you can change some parameters to:
  • Configure a business function of an SAP CC system
  • Configure a technical function of an SAP CC system
  • Configure a function of some instances of an SAP CC system
  • Quickly set up or change a subset of parameters of an SAP CC system
  • Transport a complete or partial system configuration from a development system to a quality system


To change a subset of SAP CC system parameters:

Apply the following procedure to change the parameters of an SAP CC system:

  • Execute Config Tool to first export the relevant configuration settings from the back-end database to a new file
  • Make a backup copy of the exported file if you need to restore the configuration. You do not need to backup the database.
  • Edit the text file and change the necessary parameter values depending on your business or technical requirements
  • Import the parameter values of your changed file into the back-end database system
  • Restart the relevant instances of the SAP CC Core Server system or restart the complete SAP CC system


  • Execute Config Tool to export the relevant configuration settings to a file: ./ configuration export parameters.xml all -login=admin -password=pass
  • Make a file copy
  • Edit the text file and change the required parameters depending on your maintenance needs
  • Import your changed file: ./ configuration import newparameters.xml -login=admin -password=pass
  • Restart the complete SAP CC system with SAP MC
To transport a subset of SAP CC system parameters:

Apply the following procedure to transport the parameters from a source SAP CC Core Server system to a target SAP CC system:

In the source system:

  • Execute Config Tool to export the relevant configuration settings from the back-end database to a new file. This database system relates to the source SAP CC system (Core Server).
  • Edit the text file and remove the unnecessary items
  • Save this customized file
  • Transfer the changed file to the target system

In the target system:

  • Execute Config Tool to export the current configuration settings from the back-end database to a new file. This database system relates to the target SAP CC system (Core Server).
  • Archive this file as a backup file
  • Get the customized file previously prepared and import the parameter values of your changed file into the back-end database system that relates to the target SAP CC system
  • Restart the relevant instances of the target SAP CC Core Server system or restart the complete SAP CC system

Getting Help

You can use the help command of the user interface to list the commands and get help with a particular command. In a system console, type config.bat configuration help or ./ configuration help to display information about the commands.


Command Definition
about To view the About information and version of SAP CC Config Tool
configuration export To export SAP CC system parameters from the database to a file
configuration import To import a large set of SAP CC system parameters into the database
configuration check To check the SAP CC system parameters in the database
configuration help To display the help information about a particular command
help To get the list of the commands available in SAP CC Config Tool

Related Documentation

For more information, see the related product documentation of SAP Convergent Charging in SAP Help Portal:


Refer to the SAP CC Application Help (aka SAP CC Library) for more information about the processes and functions of SAP Convergent Charging.

Additional Information

For more information about data transport (master data or business data), consult the SAP CC Core Tool Primary Help (SAP site).