Tutorial: Getting Started

Getting Started

This tutorial explains how to get started using sap.bc.ina.api.impl.inav2.Sina.

To be able to use the SAP HANA SINA JavaScript library, you must have set up the following:

  • An SAP HANA SPS06 system.
  • The SAP HANA info access HTTP service and the SINA API installed on the SAP HANA XS.
  • Your search data prepared in the SAP HANA database.

For more information, see the SAP HANA Developer Guide, chapter Building Search UIs with SAP HANA Info Access.

To start developing a browser-based UI that uses SINA, create an HTML page that loads the jQuery and the SINA libraries. You need to load the jQuery library before you load SINA.

The following example shows a simple HTML file that loads the required scripts:

    	<meta charset="utf-8">   
        <title>Simple Information Access</title>
        <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>  
        <script src="/sap/bc/ina/api/sina/release/sap.bc.ina.api.sina.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <!-- do something -->

Note: For debugging or development purposes, you can also use the non-minified version of sina, located at: /sap/bc/ina/api/sina/release/sap.bc.ina.api.sina.js