Class AbstractExcelValueTranslator<T>

    • Field Detail

      • order

        protected int order
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractExcelValueTranslator

        public AbstractExcelValueTranslator()
    • Method Detail

      • importData

        public Impex importData​(AttributeDescriptorModel attributeDescriptor,
                                ImportParameters importParameters)
        Imports data based on provided importParameters for given attributeDescriptor. The method returns Impex thanks to that it is possible to creating additional entries ( or example creating part-of entries: product - price row, ect.)
        attributeDescriptor - describes attribute which should be imported
        importParameters - contains information about language for localized field, type code, parsed parameters inserted into excel's cell.
        Impex object which is representation of impex script.
      • importValue

        public abstract ImpexValue importValue​(AttributeDescriptorModel attributeDescriptor,
                                               ImportParameters importParameters)
        Imports single value instead of whole Impex object. Impex value consists of header and value.
        attributeDescriptor - AttributeDescriptorModel describes attribute which should be imported
        importParameters - - contains information about language for localized field, type code, parsed parameters inserted into excel's cell.
        ImpexValue value which should be imported
      • isLocalizedOfType

        protected boolean isLocalizedOfType​(AttributeDescriptorModel attributeDescriptorModel,
                                            java.lang.String typeCode)
      • getOrder

        public int getOrder()
      • setOrder

        public void setOrder​(int order)
      • setTypeService

        public void setTypeService​(TypeService typeService)