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Procedure documentationDisplaying an Interface and Connection Monitoring Scenario


To monitor the interface channels of selected scenarios, you can display the following information:

  • Overview tab page: An overview of the overall status of the monitored scenarios and a list of the most recent alerts for the selected scenarios

  • Topology tab page: A graphical overview of a selected scenario. The topology chart displays the interface channels between systems and indicates the status of the systems of the scenario.

  • Monitoring tab page: An overview table of the status details of the interfaces of a selected scenario.

  • Analytics tab page: Monitoring views display availability, performance, or exceptions metrics for the interface channels of a scenario.

  • Web Services tab page: An overview of all web services that are incoming into an ABAP system with information on usage and performance. This view displays web services for all systems that are used in the selected scenario and for which you have activated local web service monitoring.



Starting Interface and Connections Monitoring
  1. On the SAP Solution Manager launchpad, open the Integration Monitoring application.

  2. Select the interface monitoring scenarios that you want to monitor. You can filter the scenarios by name. You can monitor several scenarios at once.

    Note Note

    If you want to monitor another scenario, you can change the scenario selection by choosing Scope Selection in the upper right corner.

    End of the note.
  3. To define the time frame for which you want to monitor the interface channels, choose Time Frame Selection in the upper right corner. By default, you see the events of the last two hours.

    To monitor a specific time range in the past, you can also specify a start time and a end time.

    Note Note

    The time frame selection is not relevant for all views. It applies mainly to the views of the Analytics tap page and Web Services tab page.

    End of the note.
  4. You can set the time after which the application refreshes automatically. To do so, choose Auto-Refresh in the upper right corner and select an interval or pause the auto-refresh function.

Configuring Global Filter Settings

In the Configuration window, you can set filters to monitor only specific interface channels. You can specify Channel Attributes (if configured for interface and connection monitoring) and Channel Types.

Note Note

The filter settings that you specify in Configuration apply to all tab pages and views of the application. The filter settings are applied to the current session only. You can't save these settings for the next session.

End of the note.
Using the Overview Tab Page

On the Overview tab page, you see wether there are alerts for the interface channels of the monitored scenarios. You can do the following:

  • In the Channels Status Overview, you see the number of alerts with the status error (red) or warning (yellow) and the number interface channels with the status successful (green) or undefined (gray) for all of the selected scenarios.

  • In the Scenarios view, you see the status of each of the scenarios. You can choose a scenario to see the detailed status of the interface channels of the scenario in the Detailed Status Overview on the Monitoring tab page.

  • In the All Alerts view, you choose the number of alerts to view the most recent alerts in the Alert Inbox or you can choose one of the alerts to see the alert details in the Alert Inbox.

    Note Note

    For more information about the Alert Inbox, see System & Application Monitoring Alert Inbox.

    End of the note.
Using the Topology Tab Page

On the Topology tab page, you select a monitored scenario to display graphical presentation of the scenario. In the Topology view, you get an overview of the interface channels and the systems or technical entities of the scenario.

The interface channels between the systems are marked according to their status:

  • Red: Error

  • Yellow: Warning

  • Green: No error or warning

  • Gray: Undefined status

You can click on an interface channel to view the Channel Details, for example the channel type, last activities, channel attributes (if configured), or channel interfaces.

Systems for which alerts exists are marked in red. In the View Settings, you have the following options for displaying the systems:

  • To display systems or other entities that are not linked by an interface channel, switch on Unlinked Entities.

  • To display system monitoring statuses for the systems with alerts, choose Show SysMon Statuses.

The following system monitoring statuses are indicated by traffic light colors (red, yellow, green, gray):

  • Availability

  • Performance

  • Configuration

  • Exceptions

  • Monitoring

To view more information on the system monitoring statuses, click on the system to open the System Monitoring application in a separate browser window. The System Monitoring application displays a status overview of the selected system.

Using the Monitoring Tab Page

On the Monitoring tab page, you select a monitored scenario to display a detailed status overview of the interface channels of the scenario.

To view the Channel Details of the interface channel, click on a channel name. Channel details are, for example, the channel type, last activities, channel attributes (if configured), or channel interfaces.

To view the alerts for an interface channel in the Alert Inbox, click on the number of alerts for the channel.

Using the Analytics Tab Page

On the Analytics tab page, you select a monitored scenario to analyze metrics of the interface channels of the scenario.

For every interface channel type used in the scenario, you see various views that monitor different metrics. What kind of metrics are monitored in the views depends on the channel type. For example, the following views are displayed for RFC channels:

  • Availability of RFC destination

  • RFC latency

  • Average RFC response time

  • Number of RFC executions

Initially, a view shows an overview of all interface channels of the same channel type. To view the current metric values for one of the interface channels, double-click on the interface channel in the legend of the view. Similarly, you can select individual interfaces of the selected channel. To return to the overview, use the bread crumb navigation at the bottom of the view.

Note Note

For web services, the following metrics are monitored on the Analytics tab page:

  • Number of web service executions

  • Average web service response time

  • Number of web service exceptions

For a more detailed analysis of the performance of the monitored web services, use the Web Services tab page.

End of the note.

For each view, you can switch between a chart view and a table view. To do so, choose Edit and then choose the view mode.

In the View Settings, you have the following options for each view:

  • Time Frame: Select the time frame for the view. Inherited is the global time frame selected in Time Frame Selection for all monitored scenarios.

  • Channel Type: Change the channel type displayed in the view.

  • Metric: Change the kind of metric displayed in the view.

  • Show Legend: Show or hide the legend for the chart.

  • Show Markers: If you show markers, you can move the mouse pointer over the chart to display the metric values for specific point in time.

Monitoring the Performance of Web Services

You can monitor the performance of the web services of an scenario on the Web Services tab page.

Note Note

To see web service data for a system, you need to activate the local web service monitoring for this system. You do this in SAP Solution Manager Configuration in the Interfaces and Connections scenario in the Start of the navigation path Monitoring and Alerting Next navigation step Preparation End of the navigation path step.

End of the note.

Select an interface monitoring scenario to see the following monitoring views for each technical system of the scenario:

  • The Web Services Overview displays the distribution of web services operations by usage.

  • The Web Services Histogram displays the execution time of operations for each web service.

  • The Web Services Details displays work process parameters of operations.

For each monitoring view, you can choose Edit to switch between a chart view or a table view.

Using the Web Services Overview View

You use the Web Services Overview to identify the most frequently executed web services. To display the number and percentage of executions of a web service, position the mouse pointer on the section of the pie chart.

Using the Web Services Histogram View

In the Web Services Histogram view, you see the distribution of the execution times for all operations of an web service. You can switch between the histograms of the web services of the system.

Using the Web Services Details View

You can use the Web Services Details view to get indications on the root causes of poorly performing operations. The average values for the following metrics are displayed for each operation of a web service:

  • DB Time: Time to write data to the database

  • Response Time: Actual processing time of the operation

  • Wait Time: Time a process has to wait before the system provides a process. The wait time is an indication of the overall system performance.

  • Message Size: Amount of payload data (in bytes) transferred when the operation is executed

Personalizing Interface Monitoring Tab Pages and Monitoring Views

In the Personalization window, you can save personalized settings for tab pages and monitoring views. You can create personalized tab pages, add views to personalized tab pages, and save personalized settings for views. Here's what you do:

  1. Choose Personalization to open the personalization area.

  2. Go to UI Personalization.

  3. In Tab Management, choose Add New Tab, enter a tab name, and press the enter key.

    You can also create a copy of the currently displayed tab page.

  4. In View Management, you can add monitoring views to the new or copied tab page. To do so, choose a creatable view type and drag it to the tab page.

  5. To configure the display of the views on the tab page, you can move the views on the tab page. You can also increase or reduce the size of individual views by dragging the lower right corner of a view.

  6. To delete a view, choose the view on the tab page and choose Delete in View Management.

  7. To configure personal settings for the monitoring views, collapse the UI Personalization section and expand the View Personalization section.

  8. On the tab page, choose a view and configure the view settings in View Personalization.

    The settings that you can configure depend on the selected view type. Following settings can be configured for each view:

    • Scope: Select a specific scenario or select Inherited if the view should display the monitored scenarios selected for the standard tab pages at Scope Selection.

    • Time Frame: Select specific time frame for this view or select Inherited to use the global time frame selected for the standard tab pages at Time Frame Selection.

  9. To save your personalized tab page and monitoring views, choose Save.

    Note Note

    If you want to delete your settings, you have following options:

    • To restore the last personalized settings that you have saved, choose Reload.

    • To delete your personalized settings completely, choose Restore to Default.

    End of the note.

Note Note

You can only save personalized view settings for personalized tab pages. You can't save personalized settings for the standard tab pages. However, you can hide standard or personalized tab pages in Personalization. To do so, open the tap page and choose Hide in Tab Management.

End of the note.