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Function documentationConfiguration and Change Database (CCDB) Locate this document in the navigation structure


The configuration and change database (CCDB) stores the configuration data of the systems connected to SAP Solution Manager, allowing you to trace configuration changes.

The following applications are based on CCDB data:

  • Change Reporting

    Allows you to analyze, compare, and track configuration changes in the software landscape.

  • Change Analysis

    Provides an overview of configuration changes, and allows you to navigate to the change reporting data viewer to see the details and history of a changed item.

  • Configuration Validation

    Allows you to validate the configuration of any managed systems.

  • Services

    CCDB configuration data is used by some service sessions, such as EarlyWatch Alert (EWA).

Within the CCDB, the individual configuration details of your managed systems are stored in defined container types called configuration stores. The extractor framework collects configuration data daily from the managed systems and uploads it to the CCDB. One extractor usually collects several configuration stores at the same time.

CCDB Administration

It is important to ensure that the CCDB configuration data is updated regularly. You use CCDB administration to check the status of configuration stores and CCDB infrastructure tasks.

You access CCDB administration from the SAP Solution Manager Administration work center. You can start the application in the following ways:

  • From the Infrastructure view (or under Related Links)

    Starting the application from here displays the status of the CCDB infrastructure and all technical systems that have at least one CCDB extractor set up.

  • From the Landscape view

    Starting the application from here displays the status of one or more selected technical systems that have at least one CCDB extractor set up.

You use CCDB administration in the following scenarios:

  • After configuring a managed system

    The day after you configure a managed system, you use CCDB administration to check the overall status of the technical system. A green status indicates that all configuration stores and CCDB extractors are initially functional.

    Note Note

    The data is only available in CCDB the next day because the extractors run daily, in the evening.

    End of the note.
  • During production

    Data collection can fail for various reasons; for example, when the managing system is generally unavailable, or when there is no authorization to access a certain file. The Alerting Framework automatically monitors the status of the configuration stores of a managed system. If a configuration store has a red status, an alert is raised. You use CCDB administration to analyze the cause of the error.

    Recommendation Recommendation

    A dedicated alert is available for the CCDB infrastructure. After the alert is configured, assigned recipients will be notified when a problem is detected in the CCDB infrastructure. It is recommended to use this alert in a production environment.

    You set up the alert in SAP Solution Manager Configuration (transaction solman_setup), under   Technical Monitoring   SolMan Self-Monitoring  .

    • Template: Self Monitoring Solution Manager ABAP

    • Metric: CCDB Infrastructure Status

    • Alert: SELFMON: Error in CCDB Infrastructure

    The metric and alert are assigned to the ABAP stack of SAP Solution Manager.

    End of the recommendation.


You are authorized for the SAP Solution Manager Administration work center.


  • The Status tab has the following sub tabs:

    • General

      Provides an overview of the CCDB infrastructure status.

      For more information about the CCDB infrastructure tasks, choose Help (Help) within the application.

    • Technical Systems

      Provides an overview of the status of the configuration stores for each technical system. For more information about this view, choose Help (Help) within the application.

    • Cross Selection

      Allows you to set various filters and search for configuration stores across systems.

  • The Exception tab provides a log of all CCDB tasks. You can filter by task type.

  • The Configuration tab allows you to specify how long configuration data is retained and limit the runtime of CCDB housekeeping tasks.

    For more information about these settings, choose Information (Information) within the application.