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Object documentationMRP Wizard, Step 6: MRP Results Locate this document in the navigation structure


The MRP Results window appears after you run the MRP wizard and displays the results of the MRP run. You can view the schedule for the MRP demands on the Report tab, and view the outcome – the recommendations that assemble the demands – on the Recommendations tab.

The outcome of the wizard is a list of the recommendations for production orders, purchase orders, and inventory transfer requests (if you have defined inventory transfer request as a source for recommendations). To issue actual orders, from the saved recommendations for a given scenario, you must use the order recommendation function (see Creating Order Recommendations).

General Area
Planning Horizon

Displays the Start Date and End Date of the current MRP scenario. For more information, see the Planning Horizon explanation in MRP Wizard, Step 2: Scenario Details.

Calculated At

Displays the date and time at which you ran the MRP report.

Find Item No.

Enter the code of the item you want to locate in the MRP report. The application then scrolls the report to the row where this item code appears.

The field is case-sensitive.


Exits the wizard.

If the recommendation is not saved, MRP displays a warning message.

Report Tab

Use the Report tab to view the plan the MRP wizard scheduled to satisfy your inventory demands during the defined period.

The table displays MRP data in columns representing data periods according to your View Data in Periods of settings in MRP Wizard, Step 2: Scenario Details.

The item row displays recommended quantities. You can view detailed information about initial inventory, supply, demand, and final inventory in the expanded view. To view detailed information of the recommendations, click a cell displaying an amount, and the Pegging Information Window appears.

If you defined more than one day/week/month in the View Data in Periods of field, the title of each column displays the first day/week/month of the period in the chosen format, and the data of each column represents the sum data of the specified period of time.

Preview MRP Run Results

Select the checkbox to display data after the MRP run, including the effect of implementing the newly recommended quantities. If you deselect the checkbox, the results show the pre-MRP run situation, without calculating the newly planned quantities.

Historic Data

Displays a consolidated value summing all the data before the Start Date of the planning horizon you defined in MRP Wizard, Step 2: Scenario Details.

This column is visible only when you have selected the Include Historic Data radio button in MRP Wizard, Step 5: Documents Data Source.

Past Due Data

Displays a consolidated value summing up all the data that falls into the past due period.

The past due period starts from the Start Date of the planning horizon and ends with the current system date (not including the current date). Therefore, when the Start Date is later than the current system date, there is no past due period and this column is invisible from this window.

Future Data

Displays a consolidated value summing up all the data that falls into the future period.

The future period is the lead time period that starts right after the End Date of the planning horizon. The future period of each item may vary because of different definitions for lead time.

Example Example

You define a 10-day lead time for item A; therefore, the future data column presents the data of this item for the 10 days after the planning horizon ends.

For more information about how the MRP handles the demands from future data, see Examples: BOMs and Future Data in MRP Planning.

End of the example.

Switches between the expanded view and the collapsed view.

  • By default, the report displays the collapsed view. You can observe the recommended quantities displayed in periods after the Item No. and Item Description columns.

  • When you switch to the expanded view, you are able to view the detailed information of the item, including Initial Inventory, Supply, Demand, and Final Inventory.

Save Recommendations

Saves the MRP recommendations in the Order Recommendation report. Recommendations are saved for each scenario.

Note Note

You can view the following fields only when you switch to the expanded view using the Expand/Collapse button.

End of the note.
Initial Inventory

Initial quantity of the item in inventory, for each period. This quantity is based on the existing inventory of the current date. For other periods, initial inventory derives from the final inventory of the previous period.


Displays the expected positive item inventory entries: purchase orders, production orders (parent item), A/P reserve invoices, blanket purchase agreements, and recurring purchase transactions

To see a detailed list of data sources in the Pegging Information Window, click a cell containing a value in the Supply row.

For more information, see Pegging Information Window.


Expected inventory releases of the following items for the defined period: sales orders, forecasts, production orders (child items), A/R reserve invoices, blanket sales agreements, recurring sales transactions, and MRP-dependent requirements.

To see a detailed list of data sources in the Pegging Information Window, click a cell containing a value in the Demand row.

For more information, see Pegging Information Window.

Final Inventory

When you select the Preview MRP Run Results checkbox, this row displays the quantity remaining in inventory after MRP recommendations were issued.

When you deselect the Preview MRP Run Results checkbox, this row displays final quantity calculated according to Initial Inventory, Supply, and Demand only.

Recommendations Tab

This tab displays a list of the recommended documents you should issue according to the MRP calculation. The values in the window are informative only.

To make changes to the recommended documents, or to issue actual orders and inventory transfer requests, in the Order Recommendations window, locate the saved recommendations list and perform the necessary operations. For more information, see Order Recommendation.

Order Type

Displays the type of this recommendation document. It can be Purchase Order, Production Order, or Inventory Transfer Request.

UoM Code, UoM Name

Unit of measurement (UoM) for purchase order recommendations and production order recommendations:

  • Purchase items: Purchasing UoM defined in the Item Master Data window, Purchasing Data tab

    You can manually change this default UoM to any purchasing UoM before generating the recommendation.

  • Production items: Inventory UoM defined in the Item Master Data window, Inventory Data tab

  • Transferred items: Inventory UoM defined in the Item Master Data window, Inventory Data tab

Release Date

Date on which each recommended document should be released to meet its due date, depending on the lead time of the item; cannot be earlier than today.

Due Date

Suggested delivery date for the recommended quantities. If the recommended order or inventory transfer request cannot be fulfilled to satisfy the demand, the due date appears in red.

Example Example

Today is July 15, 2008.

The child item's procurement method is Buy and it has a lead time of 3 days.

The purchase order’s due date is July 16, 2008. This date is in the future, but the due date is still red, since there is not enough time to receive the order. The child item's lead time is July 13, 2008, 3 days prior to the due date, that is, in the past.

End of the example.
Vendor Code

Displays the preferred vendor code of the item defined in the Preferred Vendor field in Item Master Data, Purchasing Data tab. It is recommended only for purchase orders.

Unit Price

Displays the price from the price list linked to the preferred vendor. If special prices are defined for the linked preferred vendor, these are displayed instead (according to the standard behavior of prices in SAP Business One).


Displays the discount defined for the item's price list.

Price After Discount

Displays the price from the price list for the MRP recommendation.

Note Note

This field is relevant only for purchase order recommendations.

End of the note.
From Whse

Displays the warehouse that issues the inventory in an inventory transfer.

Note Note

This field is relevant only for inventory transfer requests.

End of the note.
To Whse

Displays the warehouse that receives the procured quantity.

  • For production order recommendations, the application displays the warehouse defined in Bill of Materials for this parent item.

  • For purchase order recommendations, the application displays the warehouse according to your warehouse definition in MRP Wizard, Step 5: Documents Data Source.

    • If you select Generate to Default Warehouse for Item, the application displays the item's default warehouse as defined in the item master data.

    • If you select Generate to Warehouse with the Demand, the application displays the warehouse that has the demand to procure this item.

  • For inventory transfer request recommendations, the application displays the receiving warehouse in the inventory transfer.


Total amount for each item. The amount equals the item's Quantity * Price After Discount.


Displays the Past Due message for items with a due date in the past.

Save Recommendations

Saves the MRP recommendations in the Order Recommendation report. Recommendations are saved for each scenario.