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Object documentationOrder Recommendation Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


This window displays the order recommendation according to your defined selection criteria.

This window is very similar to the Recommendation tab in the MRP Results window. But you can access, update and change almost all the fields in this window. For more information, see Generating Orders from Saved Recommendations.

You can:

  • View the list of MRP recommendations, according to defined selection criteria

  • Make necessary changes to the recommendation, fore examples, order types, quantities, items, vendors, warehouses, and so on.

  • Create documents from saved order recommendations

  • Delete recommendations

    Caution Caution

    You can delete one or several lines in the Order Recommendation window; however, you cannot restore deleted lines until the next MRP run.

    End of the caution.

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

End of the note.
Order Recommendation Fields
Find Item No.

Enter an item number to locate the item in the window.


To create documents from recommendations, select the checkbox and choose the Update button.

To select all recommendations, double-click the column header.

Order Type

MRP recommendation type.

You can

  • Change a production order to a purchase order, if a production Bill of Materials exists for the item.

  • Change a purchase order to a production order, if you can specify a vendor for the order.

  • Change a purchase order to purchase quotation, and create the purchase order based on the vendor's quotes.

    Note Note

    If you create a purchase quotation from the order recommendation, the application creates quotations for all the preferred vendors listed in item master data. If you have not specified any preferred vendor, you receive a message that No records found; maintain preferred vendors list for item.

    End of the note.
  • Change purchase orders and production orders to inventory transfer requests, so as to satisfy the demands using the existing inventory in other warehouses.

    Note Note

    If you create an inventory transfer request from the order recommendation, make sure that you specify the From Warehouse and the To Warehouse fields.

    End of the note.

Quantity recommended by the MRP report. You can update the value.

UoM Code, UoM Name

Unit of measurement (UoM) for purchase order recommendations and production order recommendations:

  • For purchase orders and purchase quotations: use the purchasing UoM defined in the Item Master Data window, Purchasing Data tab.

    You can manually change this default UoM to any purchasing UoM before generating the recommendation.

  • For production orders and inventory transfer requests: use the inventory UoM defined in the Item Master Data window, Inventory Data tab.


Displays the minimum order quantity for the item defined in the item master data.

Release Date

Date on which each recommended document should be released to meet its due date, depending on the lead time of the item; cannot be earlier than today.

Due Date

Delivery date suggested for the purchase order or the due date for the production order.

Unit Price

Price from the price list linked to the preferred vendor. If special prices are defined for the linked preferred vendor, these are displayed instead (depending on the standard behavior of prices in SAP Business One). You can update the price manually.


Specify discount percentage to be granted when creating the purchase order.

From Whse

Displays the warehouse that issues the inventory in an inventory transfer. This field is valid and editable only for recommendations with the Order Type of Inventory Transfer Request.

To Whse

Displays the warehouse that receives the procured quantity. You can change the warehouse if necessary.

  • For production order recommendations, by default.the application displays the warehouse defined in Bill of Materials for this parent item.

  • For purchase order recommendations, by default the application displays the warehouse according to your warehouse definition in MRP Wizard, Step 5: Documents Data Source.

    • If you choose to Generate to Default Warehouse for Item, the application displays the item's default warehouse as defined in item master data.

    • If you choose to Generate to Warehouse with the Demand the application displays the warehouse that has the demand to procure this item.

  • For inventory transfer request recommendations, the application displays the receiving warehouse in the inventory transfer.


Past Due message for items whose recommendation was created with a due date in the past, or where the length of the lead time precludes meeting the due date.

In addition, to display fields such as Item Group, Manufacturer, Total, and Origin choose Form Settings (Form Settings) in the toolbar.

Country-Specific Field: Korea
Business Place

Select a business place.

Note Note

This field is disabled by default. To enable it, in the Order Types field, select Create Purchase Order. The selected business place becomes the default value in the created purchase order.

End of the note.
Country-Specific Field: Brazil

Displays the branch of the order.

Note Note

This field is available only if you have enabled multiple branches.

End of the note.