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Background documentation Data Extraction in CAF and SAP BI Integration  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

Extraction Types

CAF and SAP BI integration supports full update extraction mode.

Extraction Process Selection Parameters

The CAF and SAP BI integration supports the use of selection parameters, defined at the onset of the extraction process. You can set needed selections in the InfoPackage to filter the extracted data by the values of one or more of its fields.

For all DataSources but these for Application Service BI extractor methods, all work is done by CAF Connector. For DataSources for AS Java BI extractor methods the extraction itself should be done by the developer.


When you enter selection parameters for DataSource for business object node attributes have in mind that CAF makes case sensitive search. If BI does not preserve the case these selections do not work correctly.


DataSource for business object node associations does not support using of selections. DataSource for business object node language-dependent attributes supports case-insensitive selections. The support for selections in DataSources for BI Extractor operations is up to the application developer.


As it is described in the DataSource definitions, when CAF discovers in a structure an attribute of type with built-in type DATETIME it creates three columns in the datasource – one for date, one for time and one for the time in milliseconds. Selections over the time column and equals selection over the date column do not work. However, you can make a selection over the milliseconds column.


Extraction Implementation

The extraction of CAF applications data is provided by CAF runtime automatically. If you want to make custom datasource and extraction logic you should use application service BI extractor methods. CAF Runtime automatically provides a datasource for each such method and calls it when extraction is initiated.

More Information

Example of Data Extraction

Extractor Methods in CAF and SAP BI Integration

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